I threw out some of the blocks I'd already made (don't cry for them - they went into the orphan box and will find there way into something someday). The blocks were too contrasty, believe it or not. I didn't want my reds quite that red and my purples that dark. I want BRIGHT. Some of these blocks have low contrast, and that's okay since they're the colors I want.

If you haven't heard about it, Picasa is one of the greatest tools ever for playing with digital photos. You can make dramatic improvements in your photos by cropping and adjusting the light. And you can check for things like contrast like I just did. Lots of fun and, very importantly, it's FREE.
One of my dearest, bestest friends in the world now has a blog. Siobhan is a bit of nut with two conflicting quilting personalities. There's repro Siobhan who loves the mourning prints and shirting fabrics and the incredible bright pow Siobhan. Always very entertaining. I'm even using a few scraps she gave me in Fruit Punch. She's the one who gave me the great Santa face jug and I made Home for Christmas for her and her scottish terror, uh, terrier, and two cats.
I have to go and clean up a bit. Julie, who I "met" through this blog, is coming over today to see my quilts and look at my quilt books. I do so love talking about quilts, quilts and quilts. Have to do a bit of clean up first, but not too much. She's coming to see the quilts and maybe me, not the state of the housekeeping.
It is so sunny !!
wow! THAT's a border fabric! This is great :-)
It's looking really fine Tonya..*S*S* Love the focus fabric..perfect for any time of year.
I have Picasa but didn't know it does all that..I'll have to check it out. Maybe there is a tutorial??
So glad your friend is among us..I understand the quilting split very well. Part wants those old, old looking fabrics and a log cabin, and part wants all the bright, funky stuff..*G* Luckily there is room for both.
I must be like your friend, because while I love my repro fabrics, I think the colors on this Fruit Punch quilt are great, especially the border fabric, yummy!
I agree with you on Picasa...was looking all over the place for a decent program that could import my photos easily, organize them logically...that it will export my DJ blocks in perfect sizes for my virtual quilt website, and let me add pictures to blogspot with a single click were cool extras I found out later... Now you're showing more ways to use this free program...even better!
LOVE the quilt- sonce it's called fruit punch I'm going to decribe it as "juicy"!
Thanks for the picasa link- I hand't realized that it does ALL that!
Thanks for posting the tutorial...I'll play with it a bit and see if I can't get better photos of the stitiching. I am getting comfortable with my "split" personality even if it means some strange looks at the fabric checkout counter!
Oh it is looking wonderful and I love, love, love that border fabric! Even me - earth color girl!
And what fun that picasa contrast picture is - now that is cool.
But I'm TOTALLY jealous of Julie who gets to come visit and play quilting with you today! I want to come!
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