I had thought to quilt words into the different hearts just like on the candy hearts. "be mine" etc, but the hearts are just too small to make it worthwhile - the words wouldn't be legible. Instead I freehanded wavy lines, which turned out to be harder than I expected. My lines kept getting flatter and straighter so I'd have to get chalk back out and draw wavy lines. I like the look of it, but freehand fans are definitely more fun.
And here's a picture of my Lily. The fabric shelves are one of her favorite places to sleep or hide - usually there is a sheet hanging down in front.
Lily spent 3 1/2 hrs yesterday locked in my closet while I went to quilting. She loves to dart in there and usually I notice and manage to foil her or else I'll leave the door open so she's not trapped. Not this time. You'd think she'd have learned her lesson, but no, she was trying to get back in there again this morning. She just loves to explore and hide.
Yes, that's a completely out-of-character project Lily is almost sitting on. I was doing some experimenting for a local quilt shop owner on whether or not a particular flannelly fabric actually sewed like regular cotton. The answer: a most emphatic NO. Way too stretchy and annoying. Turned out it was great for doing primitive applique tho. I'll show you that project in the spring - the appropriate season for bright green.
My sweetie and I finished watching Stargate: Atlantis (ooooh no, a cliffhanger) and have now begun "House MD." House is enjoyable enough, but I hate listening to Hugh Laurie without his British accent - it's just not right. Love the character tho. Don't care much for his underlings - all rather bland.
This word quilt really sparkles! I LOVE House - it's back on TV here in February - can't wait, drool drool :-)
Morning Ton, what a neat quilt! I love how you take a lyric and make it your own..*VBG* And what a Lily, she is!! Quite unique among your kitties? Years ago, our gray tabby, Mercy, would hop into the 'frig if the kids held it open too long...luckily for her we usually noticed...LOL. Not sure what it is about kitties and closed in spaces. Boxes, cupboards, almost anything that opened and closed again.
P.S. I like the PA/B block alot, but it's DD#1 that chose it for me to do in this graduation quilt. She's suffering from the illusion I'll make the second one that same pattern since she likes it so much..LOL
ooooo! So THESE are wonky hearts! I love them! TOO COOL! This is definately another pic we need to add to your gallery, or do you want to save it until you have 'heart how to's' to load up as another lesson?
Yes, we definately want a lesson! This quilt is wonderful and so is Lily. It seems like I am always throwing fabric into the dryer on air to get the cat hair off of it before I use it. My Annabelle loves fabric also!
I love to see your cat in all those bright fabrics.. It makes me smile. and yes also your hearts. They are deffinately a gift
Oh yeah, we watch House too!
And that heart quilt is you! I'm not a big heart fan, but it sure looks like tonya and I love the more choppy - square - liberated look!
Tonya- great minds again- that polka dot fabric on the shelf under Lily's perch? Well, I have some...
Gotta get cracking on some letters SOON - you keep showing me all these really cool quilts, and as I look at them, I have to keep a list of all the words that I could do on a quilt/s of my own! Love the pic of Lily too!
I gave up chasing my cats off the fabric piles... they even figured out how to open the cupboard door in the bathroom and crawl onto the towles to sleep (with the cupboard door closing behind them)! I'd settle for my fabric piles anyday rather than the clean clothes basket, the linen closet, the towel cupboard... ah well, gotta love them
Our cat Maire (moira) likes to slink into the quilting room- why do they only want to go to the one place that is off-limits? She thinks whatever quilt on the frame exists as her own personal hammock. I love this quilt- as I do all. I'm wondering if you have made any executive decisions concerning the border to the X and O quilt. Can't wait to see what you've come up with!
Tonya, I love your work! It always seems so happy!
Judy L.
I love this quilt! I just picked up a stack of new pinks at Jeff's yesterday - part of some breast cancer challenge or something. All I know is I loved some of them and maybe they need to be in a heart quilt....hummmm Changing subject - the underlings in House get better later in the season. In the begining they whine way too much but maybe the writers were too busy with House's character to spend much time on them...hang in there!
Precious Lily!
Love your tutorials, Tonya. Where's that book??? ;-) No pressure.
Now I've got two songs going 'round in my head, via you and...John Cougar Mellencamp...and the Beetles!
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