Sunday, February 17, 2008

Home Sweet Home

Home Sweet Home, which I completed in November 2002.

This isn't the greatest picture, but it's the best I could do. It doesn't help that this quilt is fairly dark to begin with - that whole lacking contrast thing I was talking about. I had leftover piano keys from doing this border and that was what gave me the idea to make Big Love.

I'm really pleased with the quilting (a combination of perle cotton size 8 and 3-strand embroidery floss) I just wish it showed up better. I used a chalk marker to denote all the lines.

I've been trying to build a barricade to keep little kitties off my hutch, but Pokey manages to get up there all the same.

These letters came from Giraffe Dreams Carol for me to put into my student letter quilt one of these days (not anytime soon, I assure you). They are marvelous. Thank you, Carol.

I've seen houses for Bonnie popping up all over the blogosphere. Thanks for making her the blocks - I know she'll put them to a great use. Can't wait to see them all together.

My husband and I went to our favorite Italian restaurant for lunch yesterday and then watched Moonstruck. A perfect belated Valentine's celebration. Now he's kicking me off the computer so I'll talk to you later.


Anonymous said...

Love the quilting. I'm always fretting with quilttemplates and "how to quilt" questions. Got to get more "liberated"!

Cathi said...

The quilting looks fabulous -- I've got to try that!

Barricading anything from kitties seems to make it even more interesting!

*karendianne. said...

oh my gosh what an adorable quilt and I LOVE the quilt, too! Very very neat with the way the colors blend and contrast. Wow!

Pokey is a kitty after my own heart. How funny!

Kitty Love, *karendianne.

YankeeQuilter said...

The only thing that I have found that really keeps the cats away is some masking tape...I put a strip face/sticky side up on the edge of the table. When their paw hits the tape they act like they have hit a landmine - it really doesn't hurt them though. They just hate tape!


Anonymous said...

Oh mt goodness that quilt is just adorable. I love the quilting on it and love all the pink colors.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I don't have a problem with the low-contrast. Call it a monochromatic color scheme and it's all arsty and highfalutin'.

Katie said...

An obstacle course for a kitty is so much fun. I so love when it all slides to the floor, and the kitty just picks herself up and walks off as if she planned it that way.

Again, I'm so amazed at your quilting stitches.

Rosalyn Manesse said...

I love the houses quilt. I'm not so good at figuring out how to join up different sized squares. The quilting is so great.

Kim West said...

Very pretty - love this quilt!!!

Shelina said...

What a beautiful quilt Tonya! The colors are awesome and the quilting is even more so.

Kristin Shields said...

Spectacular as usual, Tonya! I love the quilting.

One of the things we talked about in the class I just took was value. I thought I understood value, but I finally saw what a difference those red view-through things make. I bought one after all these years, so we'll see if it makes a difference in my quilts. I do still sometimes like the look of little contrast too, but when you are trying to show something like houses, value is good to pay attention to.

Magpie Sue said...

Your hearts are pretty. Mine always come out looking stilted or dopey.

Maybe you should just give up and put a cat bed on the hutch?!

Lea said...

Gee, I always wanted to make your house block and this quilt push me the edge.*S* Love it!
I use a fine linen thread for quilting but never tried a perle cotton before and I might try it one day.
and of cause, your hand quilting is always wonderful. I adore your free mind. Hugs, :-)

sewprimitive karen said...

These darling houses and magnificent quilting, etc., would be so good in a book, Tonya. It's hard to imagine how Pokey got up in all of that, but they manage it. That tape idea sounds pretty clever.

Andi said...

I tried my first house in honor of Bonnie! Thanks for continuing to inspire us all.

Carol E. said...

I love the quilting on this striking quilt. Cute, cute, cute.

atet said...

The quilting on this one is just wonderful! I actually like the lowish contrast on it -- it makes you have to look a bit more closely. Love those photos from the Louvre as well -- what fun finds!

jen duncan said...

Hi Tonya- Thanks for visiting my blog! I am so very impressed with the quilting you've done on this fabulous quilt! wow! And to live in Paris! Oh la la...I just can't even imagine. Lucky lucky you!

Tazzie said...

Just gorgeous Tonya, I'm just loving the quilting. Your work is just amazing.

julieQ said...

Pretty houses! but the quilting is what I think is just gorgeous. Kitties prevail!! hehehe!

Lily Mulholland said...

Love the curly hearts. Your handquilting is simply amazing Ton. Italian food in Paris! We ate Chinese in Rome :)

Quilts And Pieces said...

Pokey, pokey, pokey.... you silly little kitty!

Anonymous said...

I have to admit to saving pictures of your quilting, I love them and like to take them out and seee them again when I'm planning a awesome!