I haven't sewn many more of my diamonds but I have enough for a blog post, if not a quilt.
I used one fabric with just one other on the tip to see how it would work, taking my inspiration from a string star utility quilt shown in Gwen Marston's Liberated String Quilts. Anyway, don't really love it, but leaving it in at least for now:

I'm including a few hints of the shirt fabrics that Bonnie sent me (ooh, way back when I lived in Paris ages ago) so I have something other than just stripes, plaids and solidish.
I know I need to buy more of the dark shirts, but it's hard to force myself when there are such amazing, gorgeous wonderful light colors. It wasn't an arm twist to get the fabulous dark purple plaid but I don't find enough wondrousness like that. I figure the pink paisley will work as a dark too - that one fits in the ugly category for me, but I know quilts need ugly fabrics to be fun.
One of these days I won't be living in Florida, so I gotta buy Florida shirts while I can. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. I couldn't resist the fabulous iridescent purple even at a higher price (I'll just consider that a donation to Hospice) and look hot pink stripes!
It's so hard to find light blue shirts (just like the quilting fabric in that color is so scarce) and I don't understand why. I don't care that they're not "in." Look how great this shirt looks with Pokey's eyes.
Walking around the mall it was pretty obvious what colors are "in" for fall clothing. Lots of grays and purple/magenta. Can I just have a rant now about standardization?
I asked my branch library about donating new quilting books. Gorgeous books they don't already have - I want them on the shelf, not just sold for a dollar. Nope, not possible. They only put books, CDs, DVDs etc into circulation that have been purchased by someone at HQ, in bulk. All purchasing decisions are made at main. There's no head librarian at each branch making selections.
And you can't have something at this branch that the others don't have? what??? Yes it's a branch library system but that should mean a bigger variety of books, not fewer. I'm not going to be jealous that another branch has it - I'm going to request it and read it!
It costs too much money to catalog an individual book??? A FREE high quality book? grr argh. Get a volunteer to do it - can't be that difficult.
I worked at a city library and later a branch library for years in my hometown. The donations were carefully sifted and high quality books were put on the shelves either as new or as replacements for worn copies. The head librarian at the branch got to order new books herself (I know - I did the typing!). Man, I hope it still works that way there and this horribleness hasn't happened at all libraries.
Sigh. At least my hold request for Justin Cronin's The Passage finally came through...