Sunday, July 22, 2007

Fabric Stores in Monmartre

Looking for fabric in Paris? There are plenty in Montmartre. Get off the metro at the Anvers stop, walk towards the Sacre Couer Basilica and then west towards the Halle St-Pierre (where the naive art museum is - highly recommended) and you will come across many of them. I didn't take very many pics, sorry.

This is the silk that I bought at Tissus Moline at 1, Place Saint Pierre and at a shop a couple doors down. I really needed some lighter shades of blue and the bluish green (second from right) is absolutely gorgeous.
The silks, which were on sale, were less than the astronomically priced cottons (mixed up, crazy world but fortunate for me since I'm in a silk mood). Sales in France only occur in January and July and are called the Soldes.

The next two pics reminded me of Cairo: belly dancer scarves and costumes:

I'm still headachy from allergies and doing my best to not constantly whine about it. As a result I'm staying away from cutting fabric (which releases something up in the air that makes me nuts). I picked up a crusty that I'd abandoned a couple of years ago when I couldn't decide whether or not to expand the color selection to include orange? Habibi should actually be orange but I'd wimped out using it. I told you I used to be very strict about what colors I'd use in my artwork. I was battling myself with this piece.

Habibi's eyes are orange as well so yesterday I embroidered his eyes and cut out a new moon.

I'm thinking what's really not working is the bottom bit with the kitties. I went too dull with the colors. Maybe I should just work on the pyramid section to my satisfaction and then see. When I drew my cats' faces, the girls were probably about 6 months old. Lily had a very sharp, triangular foxy face and Pokey's was a diamond shape with puffy cheeks.

Long time readers may think this looks familiar. It's similar in design to my crusty Queen of the Nile and to my Purple Cat on the Nile embroidery. Since that embroidery was a gift, I had started remaking the purple cat for myself way back when and I may just dig that back out. Meanwhile I've started back to work on my Color Thready II.

I'm very slowly rereading Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. I don't remember much from this one or the next. Our copy of the latest book just went in the mail, so it will be interesting to see how long it takes to get here.


JennyDillyAnna said...

I have bad allergies too. Hence the canary. Rather simple solution when my fabric cutting sparks up allergens. I wear a dust mask and turn off all fans. Wash up and leave the area to settle. Vacuum or sweep with dust mask, then let settle again. (Or send someone else in.) That's if your desperate to cut fabric. :)

Lily Mulholland said...

That embroidery did look a little familiar Tonya :)

Sorry your allergies are playing up again. What a pain.

What are you planning on using the gorgeous silks for?

Anonymous said...

Have you been to a shop called Dreyfus on Rue St. Pierre? It's right in that area you're describing. (If it's even still there--I still have my bag from when I was there in '96.) Three stories of fabric, as I recall. FABULOUS. I get weak in the knees over nice wool...

Joyce said...

Paris would be more fun if you were a millionaire. You didn't show us any dancing girl costume. Are we to believe you didn't buy one of them?

jovaliquilts said...

Have you ever tried ordering from You can order books in English there, too. I ordered a French book from them and had it shipped to my home in the States and I got it in 4 days -- no extra postage paid.

YankeeQuilter said...

Love the silks! I've been good about not buying fabric here (except some wool of course!) I just got work my book shipped...we'll see!

Candy Schultz said...

I finished Harry Potter this morning and I won't say anything but that I think this is her best book yet. I think you will enjoy it immensely.

Candy Schultz said...

I just ordered that Painting with Stitches book. You should ask Amazon to give you a commission.

Anonymous said...

What wonderful, inspirational colors. And I love your palm tree!

Unknown said...

The last HP is well worth the wait Tonya - I sat glued to it from 6pm Saturday to 1.15 am Sunday morning - an excellent end to the series and I reckon the best book yet - Enjoy when you get it

Judy said...

Got the book and still haven't cracked it. It will sit for a few weeks until I am mentally ready to end the series.

Fabrics are looking fun and the thready's are too. I like the orange addition!

Laura said...

These are fantastic, the orange works great. I am loving all the pictures you have been showing. You are living in such an inspirational place!

Inga said...

Thank you for the description of where to find silks in Paris. I'll let you know how much I'm bringing home.

I suspect I have to buy a separate suitcase to bring home my purchases. And I know I'm bringing almost 20 kilos less than the luggage limit on the airplane, so overweight isn't an issue ;-)


KatieDid said...

Hi Tonya, my name is Kate and I just happened upon your blog whilst searching for patchwork shops in Paris. My husband and I will be going to Paris from Ballarat, Australia next week, and was looking for a good place to but lovely French fabrics for my friends back home. Can you recommend the best shop to visit?

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