Sunday, July 01, 2007

Jardin Fair

The first Sunday of every month is a free day at certain museums in Paris, so I went out into the world today. I'll show you the museum tomorrow, when I'm more energetic and have time. For now, here are pictures of the fair which has sprung up in the Jardin des Tuileries.

The Jumbo Circus fun house:

Train Fantome, the horror ride:

Grr argh:
I loved this view, looking down through the rides and games and seeing the Louvre behind the Ferris Wheel:


atet said...

Oh what fun. And I agree, I love the juxtaposition of the modern carnival with the Louvre in the background. It's what makes you know a city with so much history is still truly alive and vital!

Candy Schultz said...

I saw Wild by Design on your list and thought I would order it but, alas, it is another which is not available. Sigh.

meggie said...

Love those pictures of grotesqueries! Is there such a word?I hope so.

Finn said...

Oh my, I wanna be there and see ALL that!! I don't even like carnivals, but the color! the shapes...oh my! And the monsters....ooooooooh
What fun...hope your sweetie was there also, doesn't seem like it would be much fun alone. I know. Hope some of that wild energy wanders into your sketches. Hugs, Finn

sewprimitive karen said...

What great carnival images. Now what would they have wanted with Euro Disney when they had this :-)?? Honestly, Tonya, I've never seen photos of Paris like you are showing us. It's just very wonderful.

Unknown said...

Oh, that's so COOL!


Kieny The Dutchlady said...

Thanks Tonya for the comments and Irma's sampler tip. I hope I can find the time to go to Haarlem. Paris sure looks good in your pictures!

Lily Mulholland said...

What gorgeous colours! Leave it to the French to make even their carnival stalls gorgeous :)

Grrr arrh indeed!

Clare said...

A M A Z I N G! Have they started preparing the banks of the Seine for the Paris Plage yet? The schools break up this Wednesday and you stand a good chance of having Paris to yourself for the next 2 months (apart from the tourists). Will get in touch when I get back next week.

Anonymous said...

It's all very beautiful for a temporary fair. But then everything looks more picturesque and romantic in Paris...

Anonymous said...

What glorious colors! Very quilt inspiring.

Judy said...

Okay, my husband has watched Micheal Moore's SIcko 5 times and he's ready to move to France! The healthcare is supposedly the best one of all the countries!

Cool fair!

Diane said...

I'm speechless! Thanks for sharing your adventures with such beautiful photographs!