Friday, September 15, 2006

Quilters in DeNile Houses

My quilting buddies in The Quilters in DeNile suprised me on Wednesday with not only a luncheon but a quilt. The latter in particular was completely unexpected. They had scurried around and made it in about two weeks, and that included folks who weren't even back in country yet.

They printed out the house tutorials and went to work. Didn't they do a great job getting wonky?

The upper left block which is from a paper-piecing Halloween project; I know how hard it is for D.H. to do anything besides precision and straight lines so I do very much appreciate how much effort it took for her to make this block.

There are suprises in the Halloween house:

As I'm writing this I realized what an idiot I am for not taking a picture of everybody with this quilt. I was a bit overwhelmed and I hate being the center of attention, so the thought didn't even cross my mind. At least they all signed it. I thank them all for their wondrous generosity and thoughtfulness. I'm going to miss them. I refuse to get mushy. I refuse.

It took some running around on short notice, but Pokey's incorrect rabies blood titer certificate is on it's way to Germany and fingers crossed we may even get a correct copy back today. Just glad the lab realized it was their mistake and are fixing it. We sooo did not want to have to put Pokey through the vampire ordeal again.

We've gotten a necessary bit of paperwork which officially states that our next post is Paris (woohoo). Still waiting for the official orders which are necessary for all sorts of things, such as getting our household good out of storage here in Ma'adi and on their way. It's a beaurocracy - there must be lots of papers.

We're down to less than a week now...


Brigitte said...

I'm not wondering, you had been overwhelmed, THAT's indeed a fantastic gift and a sign for friendship. This quilt will keep the memories to the ladies who worked for you. Hugs from Brigitte

sewprimitive karen said...

Wowwww, "next post, Paris", how cool is that?? Can't wait to start seeing interesting photos of Paris from your perspective, Tonya. The wonky houses quilt is wonderful, you really have a treasure there, what great friends.

Anonymous said...

What a lovely memento of your time in Cairo and the friends you've made there.

Nancy said...

What a wonderful quilt your friends have made you!

Anonymous said...

The house quilt is great--what a lovely memeory of your friends in Cairo. I want to do a wonky house quilt too!

Safe travels to you.

Sassenach said...

What a wonderful memento! It's good to have such dear friends.

quiltpixie said...

The quilt is a wonderful memento, I really like how they set the variety of houses togetehr into one larger house... And the "peek-a-boo" window with a ghost is a great idea!

Clare said...

Blogger is driving me nuts - I've tried to post this comment twice now!

Love the quilt - what a wonderful way to say a bientot (which it will be).

Bureaucracy! You wait until you get to France - they have a Gold Medal in it.

I've just found this meaning of bureaucracy on

"French bureaucratie : bureau, office; see bureau + -cratie, rule (from Old French. See -cracy).]"

Clare xx

Judy said...

Fabulous quilt from your fabulously wonderful friends!

Dianne said...

What a great memento of your time in Egypt...the quilt is just wonderful, Tonya!

So glad Pokey doesn't have to go through the vet routine again. Are the cats going with you to the U.S. first, then to France? Do they have to be quarantined in France?

Safe travels, and happy landings!

Passionate Quilter said...

time's closing in--sure glad your friends rose up to the challenge and presented you with those wonky houses. What great friends you have and I'll bet you'll miss them too. What a whirlwind coming your way, hang on to your hat! ..and those kitties! Sure am glad to hear all the paperwork is done.

Shelina said...

Oh what a sweet gift. It's a lovely quilt. I especially like the surprises.

Finn said...

Yup, the days grow short when you reach September..*VBS* And pretty soon all 4 feet, and the 16 paws will be on the soil of the USA in all it's autumn glory!! Hurray for the season!
So glad to hear the part of the paperwork is where it's suppose to for the rest, I'll keep my fingers crossed..*VBS* Hugs, Finn

Holly said...

Whoooweee, Tonya! What a wonderful present. I especially love the wonky house in the bottom left. Clever, that.

Carol E. said...

What a fantastic gift. I love all those fun houses!

Sweet P said...

A stunning quilt indeed and so personalized by everyone. I'm sure you will enjoy it often.

Your friends "Corn and Beans" quilt is great too.

Blogger is not playing well today. I hope the problem gets fixed soon.

Quilts And Pieces said...

Oh man! I love the houses in the house! That was such a great idea! And I love the hidden ghost! Paris here you come!

Granny said...

What a cute quilt from your friends.

Goodness, just reading about the things you go through moving make me a nervous wreck! Good luck my friend.

Judy L.

ForestJane said...

Wonderful wonky houses... what a great gift from your friends to remember them with! I especially like the little flaps and hidden things in the Halloween one. :D

Lily Mulholland said...

Wow what a wonderful gift - you must be so pleased - you've really left your mark on the gals.

I love the name of the quilting group too.

Love the hidden surprises too :)

OMG less than a week to go!!!!

Tazzie said...

Gosh Tonya, what a wonderful suprise quilt you received! I admire your fortitude in not getting mushy and teary, I know I would have ... The details in the quilt are just darling, and it inspires me to make a slice of suburbia for myself!

Hanne said...

What a lovely quilt to receive from friends. It will bring you many happy memories. Have a safe trip to Paris.

Hedgehog said...

What an incredible gift! I love the variety of the houses.