We've leapt over more of the beaurocratic hurdles in our way with only one glitch. I discovered that the German lab doing the rabies testing on our cats got Pokey's microchip number off by one digit. I'm sure it was just a typo (or an inability to read my sweetie's handwriting) and they'll send us a new certificate. Fingers crossed. This doesn't affect our rentry into the states, just France...
The days are blurring together for me and I'm not quite sure what has happened when. I used to know what day of the week it was at least when we had the tv (if it's Friday, then Medium is on etc). My friends are doing a great job of keeping me entertained so I'm not just rattling around at home.
Turns out our lazy, overweight, sluggish boys aren't as pathetic as we thought. Both Howler and Habibi have managed to leap up to the top of the china cabinet from the buffet, now that the easy access cat tree is gone. Who'da thunk it. My sweetie would never have believed me if he hadn't seen it with his own eyes.
I didn't go back to the bazaar, so I didn't make any more purchases of tiles or evil eye charms. I suspect I'll have more opportunities for badness before we depart....
I'm sorry, but during the last couple of weeks I've done a terrible job of providing links to folks doing the Take the Leap Challenge. I apologise. Here is one tho that really caught my eye. I LOVE Force Majeure Farm Kim's De-funked Xs and Os. It is large, glorious and free, much like the Gee's Bend Quilts. It's a style that I admire so much, but never seem to loosen up enough to do myself.
And a new blog for you to check out. Dianne of California Girl in Oz is going through a huge move, only even more miles are involved and even more cats than my own move entails. Dog lovers in particular will love the blocks she recently showcased.
Yup I couldn't post in your comments either when I clicked on the link, so I tried right-clicking and opening it in a new tab/window and it worked. Go figure!
Will check out California Girl. So she's coming here then? The more the merrier!
Good luck with your badness :)
Hmmm ... I had to do the same as Lily ... the right click dance ... but here I am! I'm thinking I could use one some of those light up palm trees, keep the kids amused in a fairy land forest!
I'm glad things are mostly going well for you - keep us posted when you have the chance.
Like Lily I had to roght click on the button and tell it to open the link, but then it would.... Its amazing how cats that want to, even when they appear very lazy and are huge and overwieght, can still get themselves lots and lots of places -- kind of fun watching their antics as they jump around too. Hope the rabies certificate can be easily solved...
Ah, glad to be able to comment, Tonya. Who would have thought to right-click!
Thanks for the mention of my blog...I'm hoping to hear from even more clever quilters, now.
BTW, when our cats were being microchipped, Frank, our scariest ex-feral, fought like the wild cat he used to be. When we came back three weeks later to have the blood drawn, the vet brought him out to me and said "This cat doesn't have a microchip." Turns out he struggled so hard, the needle went straight through his skin and the chip shot out onto the floor. When they tested it to register the number, it came up fine, because it was laying right there on the floor in the room! We had to have him re-chipped...
I was able to post using your right click tip!! Glad to hear you are busy. Although I don't watch lots of tv, i think I would go mad without its company or just to know what day it was!!
hope all works out with your kitties. did check out CA girl in OZ and love her quilt and the cute doggie blocks..
Thanks for letting us know about the right click! I have been keeping up with blogs but not with comments. Glad to see that you are all packed and ready for the move. I am keeping my fingers crossed for a smooth passage for the kitties!
On another note I have half my X's and O's done. Dawn laughed at retreat on how I worked on them. Just cutting fabric with scissors while I sat at the machine and then sewed. And you claim that lazy title. I think I have you beat!
Hey Ton, so sorry to hear you are lost and wandering in the desert, don't stray too far from the laptop please!!
The right click thingy did the trick. So weird to get no response when you click on comments...LOL..just weird.
Sorry to hear about the missing or screwed up digit..hopefully enough time for the dust to settle.
Stay strong, the end is in sight! Hugs, Finn
Thanks for the kind words! I am normally a very tightly controlled quilter, but I'm doing my best to loosen up. This one certainly broke the creative logjam -- I'm nearing completion on another (more constrained) X' and O's wallhanging, and I've got a third one in mind, with the fabrics already sitting on my cutting table.
I love the de-funked X&O quilt, too. Do you have all the pictures posted somewhere? It would be fun to see them all in a slideshow. Mine is ready to be quilted. I could get it done if only all these blogs weren't so darn interesting.
Did you know my Jenna has the palm tree in her bedroom - tropical theme bedroom! I thought she needed a palm tree to finish it off so got one for her! Too funny!
Oh and wait till you see Laura's X's and O's she worked on at camp! It is awesome!
The wall hanging and palm tree look so great!
I've just about given up on blogger, thanks for the tip!
Glad you are all packed but sorry that you have to sit with nothing to do, although I bet it's nice to have the time left with friends.
Thanks for the tip on comments. I haven't had that problem today on any other blog.
Those tiles are so incredibly beautiful. I think I would want one of each one.
Yeah, I never know what day of the week it is either. I was going to tell you that blogger does tell you what day it is when you post, but I have my time set wrong, so I guess I'm not much help. You can mouseover the time at the bottom right hand corner of your screen if you use windows, and it should tell you the day.
Or you can setup your calendar to pull up as soon as you turn on the computer.
Those are things I did when I used to care.
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