And the new Gwen Marston book Ideas and Inspirations arrived. Woohoo!!! Here's an obligatory pic of Lily with the book (she has to check them all out) plus a distant peek at the current sewing project on the design wall.
I've opened up the book to my favorite quilt, Summer Fruit Salad, which Gwen pieced in 2001. It's an amazing mix of string and crumb blocks and a few "real" blocks mixed in. The blocks finish at just 3". She has liberated houses, shoo-flies and stars... Amazing. Everything I love in a quilt all together. A very modern take on a utility quilt.
Did I mention it's hand quilted? Almost all the quilts in the book are, and they're amazing. I've only ever seen two of these before and that's out of 28 quilts. How does she get that much work done? She's incredible.
So I've seen the book in person and I can now tell you for sure: it's fabulous. Highly recommended. Just as a warning, it's smaller than I expected - just 8.5" square. But that's my fault - I didn't read the description - I didn't care what size it was!
Lois just returned from her 24th Beaver Island Quilt Retreat with Gwen, although she admits she may have missed a couple. Holy cats, that's still tons of retreats. Lois gave me permission to share this wonderful quilt top with you. It just glows:

Thanks, Lois.
What else is going on in my world... Sunshine!!!!
can't wait to get the book!
I didn't realize the size either but who cares!!!!! I pulled out all my solids yesterday in anticipation!
I love the quilt Lois made, does she have a blog?
Is that the Lois who used to have a blog? Wondered what had happened to her. I think I've fallen in love - Summer Fruit Salad is gorgeous!
I just ordered the book and now I can't wait for it to arrive. Maybe I should get out my dyes while waiting. I'm woefully short of solids. She must hand quilt in her sleep!
great post tonya!
I just put my order form in the mail. Can't wait. ~ksp
You're quite welcome, Tonya! It was a pleasure to make for you. I've got my book on order and I can't wait to see it!
I think Lois and I were at the same session together! I have the same photo from my class photos, too! LOL! Loved the class! I've got a few more pix on my blog, too.
thanks for sharing the picture of gwen's quilt from the book. 3 inch blocks...that's amazing. it's beautiful. loved seeing all your fabric too.
The quilting add so much to the quilts. In person they are truly stunning. Nice to see Lois' quilt here.
Happy "seems like a Birthday" to you! I LOVE Lois' border!
Glad you're getting your sunshine! (Ours went away - it's gray and cold today. Wah!) That quilt in Gwen's book looks amazing! 3 inch blocks - Wow! And I love the colors. I also love the border on Lois' quilt - that's cool! Your fungly from Kristen is just wonderful. What a friend!
That quilt has so many pieces and beautiful colours. How could you not like it. It is just gorgeous!
Your cat seems to be enjoying what he is checking out. What lovely eyes.
We too have had sunshine! It's so lovely to see the sun after so many grey days.
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