This is an older pic of Lily's paw - she was in my way while I was trying to baste Rumspringa.
I watched the new BBC/PBS adaptation of Jane Austen's Persuasion and enjoyed it, definitely better than the 1995 version. I wish it had been longer with more carefully drawn details, but maybe that's the fault of the book... I admit I haven't read any of Miss Austen's work even though I avidly watch the tv shows and movies. Persuasion IS good but it's not Pride and Prejudice or Sense and Sensibility.
Have any of you seen the latest Mansfield Park? I've heard very mixed reviews and the picture on the cover of a slutty young thing completely turns me off. That is NOT a Jane Austen heroine. I love the 1999 Mansfield Park but I've heard it's not very true to the novel. Not that I care, I suspect they've really improved on it.
I also watched The Painted Veil with Edward Norton and Naomi Watts, based on a Somerset Maugham novel about a doctor and his wife in China during a cholera outbreak in the 1920s. Bleah. For the most part dull dull dull and I just didn't care about the characters. No wit, vitality and charm like Austen's.
It's been gray here and I've been struggling. Don't ever ever let me move to the Pacific Northwest no matter how much I love it there. The weather will do me in. I spent a glorious summer in Seattle once and enjoyed it thoroughly, but then again they were having a drought, so I'm not sure I got the right impression.
Yes, I love Jane Austen and I actually read her books, but that was ages ago. I recently saw a movie "The Jane Austen Book Club," which was sort of cute, but not epic. My fungly quilt is finished, quilted and bound. Did many people actually complete theirs? Thanks a lot for your encouragement. You don't know how much my quilting blog friends mean to me, as I'm going through a "rough patch" in my life.
Jane Austin is one of my favorite authors. I studied Pride and Prejudice in high school and have read it many times since. All her books are wonderful, but once you read the books, the movies pale in comparison.
While I don't think the new adaptation of Mansfield Park is great, don't let the "slutty" picture be what puts you off. Fanny here is anything but. She just has those pouty lips. (I haven't seen the older version, so I don't know how it compares to the novel, but I don't really think MP is Austin's best.)
oooooo...I love your pile of strings....And you better MIND me MISSY!!! Take some vitamin D!!
Love the sleeping cat feet sticking out from under the table in the first picture.
Your cats and my dogs seem to have the same adoration for quilts. They are always in the way! Not saying my dogs have ever been on top of my cutting table, but I have found them on the kitchen table... :-)
Happy quilting!
I adore Jane Austen movies. I just can't get enough of them. I have seen (I think) them all and definately have my favorites too! Although the Colin Firth/Jennifer Ehle P&P is my all time favorite!!
As far as I'm concerned Colin Firth, Hugh Grant and Alan Rickman (knees turn to jelly) are "it". Any remakes do not hit the mark!
There is a new series on ITV1 called Lost in Austen ( I missed last weeks as DD was watching Friends (bleuch) but I'm making sure I watch it this week. Mum says it's brilliant.
Oh sweet little innocent paws poking out from under the cutting table. "I"m not here. It's a figment of your imagination."
Love that kitty paw! If you ever do get a hankering for the PNW, you'll have to come to the east side of the mountains where we have abundant sunshine. Tomorrow I head to the coast and I'm having a terrible time packing because I really don't know what weather to expect.
Love your stash of strips. The colours are lovely. Your kitty knows a good thing when he sees it - a wonderful and soft place to lay. She is a beautiful cat. We love animals too but until we stop RVing, we don't want to get tied down.
Persuasion is my favorite of all the novels. Sigh. I am a fan club of one, it seems.
Okay sweetie, the Pacific Northwest is not all about Seattle. I live in eastern washington and I suspect you would love it here. We have plenty of sun and warm. :) Sara Connor Chronicles start again tonight. I loved the first season, did you watch it?
I haven't seen that one, i love the really old pride and prejudice and the 90's BBC one, with Colin Firth but couldn't stand the keira Knightley one. You should try the book, not Sci-Fi but not too shabby either!
Guess what my 10 year old's new favourite show is, the Starbuck Battlestar galactice-she cried when she found out there was no second series (properly). I am bringing that kid up right!! lol Tracey
I have seen some Jane Austen movies that are great and some that are truly terrible. I haven't seen either Mansfield Park, but I'll try the older one.
Your cat is quite the helper, isn't she? :) I don't know the first thing about quilting (just started teaching myself to sew on a 30 year old sewing machine earlier this year), but I'm hoping to get inspired.
You're working on some beautiful pieces!
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