Figures by Nek Chand were on display. His site in India is the second most visited attraction after the Taj Mahal. I didn't take many photos of his work because I was so distracted by the other artist (who'll get his own blog entry). This figure is covered in broken plastic bracelets.
River rocks and broken dishes:
Later in the day, Will and I walked by the seafood market. I'm sure there is a specific French name for this kind of shop, but I didn't catch it. Anyway, what did catch my eye was the snails.
And in another shop, look at the delicious fruit. The size of the blackberries:
I can't write any more now. My sweetie and I are off to Montmartre to have lunch at the Italian restaurant. mmmm.
In the UK those seafood 'snails' are called whelks and are sold at the seaside in traditional holiday towns from stalls where people buy them, drown them in malt vinegar and eat them cold - YEUCHHH!!!! As kids we would go to Scarborough on the Yorkshire coast for the day and my father would always buy a little dish full. The nearest the rest of us would get to having anything like that would be to eat the prawns and shrimps
The museum looks fantastic. I have never heard of it but then Paris is full of unexpected little treats like that. I'd love a few minutes in that fruit stall rgiht now! Enjoy your Italian meal.
The snails are gross but I"m drooling over the rest of the seafood and oh my gosh the fruit! I want to just reach in! And the first thing I noticed was the exceptional blue sky! That is beautiful!
I love the fruit pics.
The fresh fruit looks wonderful! What great statues...anything with mosaics is interesting to me...
Wonderful Post as usual Tonya!
Loved the figures from the museum, Tonya. Really wonderful, aren't they?
And the market pics made me drool...with winter here, we don't have those wonderful fruits available. And I do like snails, as long as they're drowning in butter and garlic...yum!
It's raining here again today. You took my breath away with that clear blue sky over the Sacre Coeur Basilica! And then to read that you went to the Musee d'Art Naif!! I'm SO jealous!!!
Wow, great pictures! Especially the one of Sacre Coeur! That looks like a postcard!
Oh, what a wonderful day you must have had. I really wish there were more places to get fresh produce like that in the states. Snails -- not so much, but the rest of the seafood -- yummm!!!!
Hi, Tonya, how I treasure looking at your blog. Can't get over the gorgeous produce and love the "coated" figures, very very cool. Let us know about the Italian lunch.
Morning Tonya. Are you squeamish about food? Bulots are delish cold. They are not proper snails, as in escargot cooked in garlic butter and parsley, but are, as Anne says, Whelks. I love escargots too, but give me shell fish any time. I think the only thing I do object to over here is Tripe and Andouillettes (don't even ask). I think the word you are looking for is Poissonnerie (fish shop - and I did have to look that up!!!!).
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