I know Bonnie already shared several stories about our adventures in Sarasota, so I won't repeat all of that. But I do have to say, the woman offering fabric shopping advice -- so that Gwen could be a real quilter -- was an absolute hoot. Luckily I was behind some fabric bolts otherwise my snort-chortling would have been audible.
After our lunch at the Amish restaurant (no, I didn't have the Noodles Over Mashed Potatoes) we wandered over to Alma Sue's quilt shop. Gwen is waiting while her fabric gets cut - that's her stack on the right. And whee, she's touching the fabric in my stack!
On the subject of fabric, yes, I definitely bought some in Sarasota. This stack is from Sew Worth It.
My kitties have become quite the loungers here in Florida. It used to be I had fabric out for photography and one of my little kitties would instantly have been on the table. Not so much anymore. Much better to just sleep in the sun apparently. Actually, Lily did visit a bit, but wasn't willing to pose. I guess she needs time off from her modeling job.
Yesterday it got really hot here for February. 82 degrees. That's hot for me anyway, not necessarily for Florida.
This is the last day my friend Susan is in town. I'm going to be sad and pathetic now.
Did anybody else watch Joss Whedon's Dollhouse? I hate to say it, but I was disappointed. Firefly and Buffy the Vampire Slayer? Those two completely grabbed me and held on from the very beginning. This one, enh. I really wish Joss would change his mind and add more humor to the show, cuz otherwise it feels like a hard slog.
I'll admit I'm a quilting blog lurker and your blog is one that I visit often!
I just picked up a copy of the March/April Quiltmaker magazine and there you were....ok so not a pic or anything, but a mention of you and how to make wonky houses!! Congrats!!
So, we all know that Gwen is NOT wired on Beaver Island and doesn't make her own web sites etc. and she doesn't blog or surf the web (does she?) so just between us girls...what was she REALLY like? And what kinds of things did you all TALK about ;)
I'm so happy for you and Bonnie to meet and spend time with Gwen and for Gwen to get to meet you two innovators. I'm sure all us quilters wish we were little mice sitting in every corner!! Maybe you will be visiting her this summer on Beaver Island? Thanks for letting us share in your adventures.
I loved that story of you all in the fabric store with Gwen...and I am really glad she had a great sense of humor about it all!
We tried watching Dollhouse and had the same impression as you did...not so hot. I did love the promos with the girl from The Chronicles and the actress from Dollhouse though...wish some of that humor was in the show! (even if it was just OTP humor like Alias...)
Agree with the dollhouse review. I think its great that the "real quilter" had her foot in her mouth and she just talked around it. I wouldn't have been so discreet as you I would have howled.
Lynn long time lurker and fan of you and Bonnie's blogs
very fun...glad to read how much Gwen LOVED your quilts-nothing beats that positive feedback -hearing it in person from someone you respect so much. Again, I am so happy you were able to spend such wonderful time with both Bonnie and Gwen.
HMMM, I have to say, just reading you hit how many fabric stores?, gets me all a twitter! Besides, city quilter, and Purl (which I dislike)Its hard to get the designer quilt fabrics... (a couple in my hood like to charge MORE than the usual, which is a turn off) I wait til I'm in MN to hit a bunch of stores... It looks like you guy shave had a great time and wonderful visit.
Why?? Why?? that was all I thought when we watched Dollhouse...so dire, somber...not very funny. Boo-hoo, I will stick it out for a few more episodes. Here's hoping!!
Beautiful fabrics. I love the bold colors especially from Alma Sue's. The purple on black is stunning!
Oh that quilt of Gwen's is very cool! I like it!
HI Tonya,
What fun to meet someone in person like Gwen whom you admire so much.
It sounds like a really fun shopping trip and the story about the woman in the quilt store telling Gwen what she might do is too funny. I love the Colloborative Quilting book. I once saw Freddy Moran on Simply Quilts years ago and I loved her sparkle immediately.
Your fabric looks great and I am fan of your brown paisley too..
We all need mentors and people who inspire us..
Thanks for sharing your experiences.
Great fabric choices Ton. You are definitely expanding the range!! I have to confess there are quite a few I couldn't imagine buying, but that's how we grow. Neat that you are back in the USA. Hugs, Finn
Love the story of shopping with Gwen. I also love that applique quilt. I have my name block done! I also will search around for some orphan blocks to send you, so I need your new address.
What fun shopping with Gwen! ...and how funny that someone was giving her advice!! LOL (so tell us did she buy fat quarters or yardage?)
I have enjoyed your adventures with Gwen, I am so happy that you were finally able to not only meet her but spend the day with her. I bet she went absolutely bonkers over your quilts!
I love the quilt Gwen and Freddy made. and the zigzag borders that don't meet up are awesome! that's the way i would do them. more from laziness than style.LOL
What a great post, so much to look at. Pokey and Lily's eyes are so incredible looking! If that is the Sarasota Amish restaurant I am thinking of, I kept going back there again and again during our vacation there. What great food.
Wow, how awesome that you and Bonnie got to spend a day with Gwen, and even go shopping with her! Isn't she the neatest person? So funny, and so real. I'll bet she was blown away by your quilts! And that poor lady in the quilt store - if she only knew who she was talking to!
How very cool that your techniques have made it into Quiltmaker! I hope they give you credit! I'll be watching for that issue!
And Dollhouse? Yes, it wasn't as much as I wanted it to be. My DS tells me that he read on imdb.com that Fox made Joss Whedon put in all those elements in the first show. So, that explains some of it. And he may be playing it safe - Buffy didn't have a lot of humor the first season either. But they need to put some in! I'm keeping my fingers crossed that someone at Fox will let Joss be Joss and Dollhouse will get better. Loved Eliza and Summer's bits together!
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