Sunday, December 30, 2007

Happy New Year

I sewed on Joyeux Noel today. Several of the participants have already finished their quilts in the Winter Class - I'm a slow poke. There's still plenty of wintertime left to join in and make a quilt with us.

Joyce came up with fun ways to make snow covered trees. Look at her tutorials here and here.

In addition to sewing, I made a batch of Jewel Brooch Cookies - a sugar cookie with raspberry jam centers. My husband snagged a handful and now I've just finished off the last of them. A whole batch of cookies gone in a day. baaaaad girl. Might just have to blame it on the cats.

My pretty Lily cat. Don't her eyes match that green fabric?

In case I don't get a posting in tomorrow (I have to fight my husband for computer time lately)



Joyce said...

Happy New Year to you and your family, human and feline.

Lucy said...

Happy New Year Tonya :-)

Tazzie said...

Happy New Year to you Tonya, here's to a wonderful 2008. Lily is a gorgeous sweet baby. She's like a model for the kitty world.

Magpie Sue said...

Love the way Lily is so willing to hold down the fabric for you! *Someone's* gottta keep it from floating up to the ceiling after all ;- )

Happy New Year to you too!

Kristin Shields said...

Happy New Year to you too! The quilt is looking great. I've stalled on mine, but hope to get back to it next week some time. I knew having it done by this Christmas was unrealistic!

antique quilter said...

happy new year Tonya!
Love the tree quilt...the fabric is perfect, are they moda marbles?
and the prints you chose are just fun!
these trees are fun and I think I may be able to handle making them!

YankeeQuilter said...

What fun bright fabrics. Love the green eyes!!!

Maybe I'll take a run at a quick winter quilt. It fits with my plan to try new techniques this year!

comicbooklady said...

Happy New Year! I notice Lily's nose is pink, my Spike's nose is pink and it is like a barometer to his moods. The more excited or upset he is, the pinker it gets, the more relaxed (sleeping), the lighter,almost white, it gets!

Sew Create It - Jane said...

Happy New year to you too! What beautiful pictures of Lily...I keep telling you that don't I!!...Both my DH and DD1 are very allergic to cats so I'll never get to have one, but I do love to enjoy them vicariously through your pictures.


Jane (who was just waiting to get to the computer today while the DH is at work...he hogs it when he's home!)

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year to you and yours! 2008 will be a great year--I just know it.

Marge said...

Happy New Year Tonya! Joyeux Noel is going to be fun when it's finished. Lily's eyes are just gorgeous, and how significant a picture representing your loves - one of your cats with fabric.

Clare said...

Happy new year again! New year's resoluation is I need lots of brights to brighten up a bit of a dull stash!

Sandy's Quilter's Block said...

Happy New Year, Tonya! I just love your kitty, she's adorable in all your photos. Of course, your quilts are wonderful as well.
My New Year's resolution is to find more time to quilt!