I've gotten very frustrated with gluing on velcro to close up the gift bags. I've had a couple of the velcro pieces rip off when I open the bag. Phoey. I'm sewing them all down now. Think I'm going to stick to snaps and buttons for closing these things.
Habibi is my big sweet loving kitty, but he does make it difficult for me to work on a project. (by the way, those horrible zebra-striped pillowcases are on the back of the sofa because they are easy to throw in the washer and get the cat hair off.) Anyway, here's Bibi, wanting loving and getting distracted by the thread:
Next was Shop Around the Corner with a young Jimmy Stewart. That's for my husband. I just think it's an okay movie, but he loves it.
The finale was Die Hard. Sorry, I know that's not really christmasy, but I love that movie. "Now I have a machine gun. Ho ho ho." I was just looking at the IMDB trivia for the movie. It says Bruce Willis was the fifth choice for the main character. It originally went to Arnold Schwartzenneger, Sylvester Stallone, Burt Reynolds, and Richard Gere before the studio "settled" on Willis. The movie would have been either very different (and not in a good way) or outright horrible with some of those other choices. Richard Gere? Bleah.
Love "Dear Santa." It was one of the first blogs I read and I loved it then but thought it was impossible for for me to even think of doing. Now, hey I could do that! Thanks for helping me get so far in my thinking and my quilting. Habibi is a certified quilting cat. The very best pics. Did DH take them?
I think Bruce became my favorite from those Die Hard movies..loved all of them! thanks for posting the Christmas house quilt again-it is so much fun to see that quilting detail.
loved the student blocks-very creative! I think I am going to join in and make a few gift bags...though we seem to have an abundance of paper to "use up"...still I also have an abundance of Christmas fabric as well.
Those wonky houses are just the best. I also love the border fabric.
Random Katie trivia tidbit #37- I was named after Katharine Hepburn. The African Queen was on the night Mom went into labour, and she wanted me to be a strong independant woman like Kate (minus the skinny dipping at Bryn Mawr). The downside is that every year of my life I'm forced to watch The African Queen the night before my birthday. "Mr Allnut, Mr. Allnut"- I hate that movie. I love the rest of hers, though, ESPECIALLY ones with Spencer!
I'm nutso for The Shop Around the Corner too. I'm sure we'll watch it a half dozen times before the big day. My kitty Tigger used to sit next to me as I'd straddle the floor furnace (in 5 degree Colorado) and pull pins from my pincushion just so she could drop them in the furnace and hear the clink as they hit bottom. Cats! What are you gonna do with 'em? LOL
I tell everyone that Die Hard is my all time favorite Christmas movie. They look at me like I'm nuts but we rewatch before Christmas every year. It takes place on Christmas Eve so I figure it is sort of a Christmas movie.
Oh I love shop around the corner! I forgot all about that movie! I stocked up on a bunch of xmas classics this weekend at walmart!
Desk Set has been one of our favorites too, since our courting days. We didn't see Shop Around the Corner until just a few years ago; love it too :- )
I find I'm getting bored with the traditional Christmas designs and red & green color scheme. There may be a wonky Christmas quilt in my future sooner rather than later!
Your cat is so normal! I really liked that series of pics.
I love Katherine Hepburn and the films she made with Spencer Tracy, though I do have a very soft spot for Philadelphia Story.
Beautiful Habibi.
Yippie Kay Ayyy -- my favorite line from that movie. And yep, it IS a Christmas movie. :0)
I can't believe I have not even heard of Desk Set let alone seen it. I am definately gonna watch for this one. What a pretty kitty! Ours have been somewhat of a pain with the Christmas stuff coming out. I will be glad when they get used to it.
My favorite Christmas movie along the lines of Die Hard is The Ref, with Dennis Leary and Kevin Spacey. It takes place on Christmas Eve.
"Shall we untie the others?" "No, we should unwrap them in the morning--it'll be more festive."
"Aunt Caroline? Grandma's eating through her gag..."
Hi there! It's my first visit today and it's been a lovely one! I love how your kitty helps! My 100 pound dog does the same! And the movies...perfect!!
I think that Habibi wants to make her own quilt.
I was just thinking of watching Die Hard to get in the Christmas spirit...is that wrong?!?
oh your orange cat looks just like my beloved bubba - who most sadly isn't with me any longer. but he was my constant companion and lovebug for 16 years....had he not developed diabetes (I had to give him injections for 2 years) he might have even still be today...jeez, I still miss him. he loved helping me quilt - his special gifts were pulling the thread through and making sure quilts was laid out correctly!
I love red, green and purple.... holidays or not!
I love the quilt. I'm going to start planning less and "Tanya-sizing" things!
We watched "Love Actually" this weekend - it's been promoted to the top 1/3 of my list of favorite Christmas movies. White Christmas remains #1 though!
Wonderful, wonderful pics!!
Love that big, gorgeous cat!
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