Sunday, March 26, 2006

Don't Hate Me

Okay, I'll tell you where our next post is. You have to promise not to hate me.

But first, here's the most recent block of Space 4 Rent. There's a giant squid-like alien looming over the house. Maybe he's protecting the house. Or not. Is the little alien in the doorway happy to see him or afraid? Hmmm could be anything.

I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed by the idea of moving. The giant squid monster hovering in the background. Could be a good move, might not be. But it's gonna be a change and I hate change. I mean really hate change. I hate moving and starting over. I hate living so far away from friends and family and I hate flying in planes. And yet here I am doing all those things. And not just once, but pretty much over and over again. Sigh.

I do this voluntarily and am always happy whenever I get to wherever I'm going and get settled. I like being settled and having routines. It's the transition period that bites. So I'm going to sound crankier than I should about what should be making me ecstatically happy.

Our next post is Paris. At least theoretically. It's been assigned,we're supposed to go there, but so much can change between then and now, so I'm not holding my breath. Don't want to be too happy about it so that if the plan changes I won't be crushed. But there you have it. We're supposed to be in Paris, probably by the end of the year.

I don't know any of the details yet. Don't have them and won't for ages. That's part of what makes me irritable. This move is going to be hard. We came here without cats and now we have four to transport and temporarily house while we're back in the D.C. area for several weeks. And amazingly enough, most places say maximum of two pets. And that might be the case with Parisienne (however that is spelled) landlords as well.

I know there will be good, excellent, fantastic, wonderful, happy things about Paris. I know that. Just hard to see at the moment. I'll be fine once we're settled. And hey, if you're a quilter and you live in Paris, please email me.

I've dragged my fabric back out for "Terms of Endearment" - unfortunately I've mixed piles up and I have to figure out exactly which ones I was using and which of my new ones will work. I've decided to toss a few blocks out, which I'm not sure I ever even posted. I don't want such deep dark reds and oranges. I finally got most of the fabric and baggied strips and the sewing machine all ready to go and then I decided to come sit and chat with ya'all instead. Ooh, lazy gal strikes again.


Darcie said...

Hearing of your future move was all very exciting, Tonya. But now I can see that there is so much more involved than just a new address and new surroundings. Bitter sweet. I'm glad that you can share your woes with us.

I do know two things for certain:
1). We will keep in touch with you no matter where you are.
2). You will enrich the lives of those around you...your new friends and neighbors.

Anonymous said...

ahhh... i didn't realize (i haven't been reading your blog for long) that you must be in the state dept! my aunt and uncle used to move every two years except now my uncle goes to danger zones alone and my aunt stays in DC - except this year he's done and coming back to DC until he retires.
i wanted to tell you how much I love your quilts and tutorials - I'm making my SO a quilt that is a Scrabble board for his birthday and I think I will use your letters.

Quilts And Pieces said...

I am always totally amazed at the adorable things you quilt in your quilt. They are sooo cute! I love your squiddy thing.

Hey I can link you up with someone who quilts and lives outside of Paris. She actually is an American who lives there now.

Finn said... we got the good, the bad and possibly, the ugly. Completely understandable how you feel. Be just as cranky as you want and need to be, we'll still be here and still be your friends..*VBS*

All the stuff to deal so good. Kitty numbers were not something I had thought about til I read your post.
There has to be a way it will work out. goint to put lots of positive energy in that direction on your behalf, looking for a positive outcome. Maybe there is some sort of cat society type thingy. Like the dog breeders and dog clubs? Maybe someone there might have information on places that let you have more than 2. gotta be a way. All the rest is just symantics.

Connecting with quilters should be easier than where you are now.

I love the newest quilted space for rent...great imagination on that giant squid!!! Love how perfectly all your stitches fall into place..*VBS* Love that you just deal with "each" area to be quilted as you go. Was looking at the tutorial yesterday, and am still awestruck by the quilting in your other house quilts. Especially the christmas one..*G*

The Calico Cat said...

Where will you be in DC? (I chose my apt. becasue it is one of the few (in a safe area) that allowed 2 cats.... Quite a few if they let you have any it is 1...)

Holly said...

I'm just jealous! That must be why the French lessons, eh? My sweetie got out of the military after 6 years. I often wonder where our tours of duty would have taken us if he had made a career out of it. What a wonderful life you have, Tonya! Love the googlie-eyed monster quilting.

Nines said...

I hate change, also. I like being home and I don't want to upheave everything. Just knowing change is coming up puts me in a tailspin- and the change usually only involves a trip to the Dr!!! It's just difficult living your life there until you move. Limbo. Life is complicated and it just keeps coming at you, huh? Well, I can imagine that Paris will be lovely, once you settle in. Sarah will be green with envy. your "baby" stitches are so very perfect in your space block. Love it!

tami said...

You are seeing the world the way I would love to see it... living in one place long enough to learn the culture and do more than just the "touristy" things. Good luck with the move and I hope you can find a place that you can take ALL of your kitties.
Isn't the Internet wonderful? You can move and still talk to the same people online that you do today.

Clare said...

Hi Tonya,

You will love Paris, I promise, and I am sure it will be ok about the cats.

We are only 2 hours away by TGV - a weekend break perhaps?

Bon courage.


Anonymous said...

Paris??????? Lucky!

I'm certain everything will work out with the cats and the move, but I understand feeling unsettled while waiting for details. My fingerts will be crossed that it all works out, easily, for you!

Granny said...

I hate the "in limbo" stage too and "by the end of the year" sounds like forever to be hanging . . waiting. Good luck with it all and especially with your cats!

Judy L.

Cher said...

it is hard to accept change-so vent away and we will be happy to listen. Meanwhile-fantastic quilting on the latest Space4Rent block- your curves are perfect, as are the circles..I love the squiddly creature. I hunted down quilt shops and such when we were in Paris in 2000. I hope you do get the post there-so much to enjoy and do.

Lily Mulholland said...

Call me psychic (my mum says I'm psycho), but I just knew you were going to say Paris!!!!!!

Fabulous - I hope it comes off for you. Um, I think cats aren't a problem!! The French love their cats :)

Kay said...

I was in Paris for a month last year, and will be there again in June. I know a couple of shops if you want to buy REALLY expensive quilt fabric. You'll love it--it's a constant Artist Date.

Anonymous said...

Tonya, G-and I have traveled the world and retired in 2000, I know the transition sucks but think of the fun you will have when you get there. Plan those day trips and go and do them life is to short and we only get these chances once. By the way we retired from the Air Force but we have now started our second careers...Hugs Tina