I think this means that it's time for another Liberated Amish Get-Together. It was sooo wonderful the first time to see the amazing quilts that folks made. Really impressive. Maybe starting in February? But this time we'll use the UnRuly Blog so I don't have to make up another one. Sound fun? Maybe I'll actually make one this time!
You don't have to buy the book to participate, but I recommend it wholeheartedly nonetheless. You can see a bunch of the quilts on this website for the Browns Amish Quilt collection.
I figure I'll be more flexible this time about the guidelines so that folks can interpret it how they want, so that they push themselves - you all know where your own boundaries are. Can be any size that you want. I think it would be fun to make an Amish quilt as interpreted by a Gee's Bender. (Gee's Bendie? hee hee hee). But the goal is to still see the inspiration in there. For instance if they were ever hung in an exhibition together you'd want it to make sense...
Picture of Lily from awhile back, cuz I needed something to go in this post. I do still love this UFO - need to work on it some more. When I'm reunited with all the bits and pieces that is.
Oh, and I also can't believe I neglected to mention that I am thoroughly engrossed in the second season of Downton Abbey. I do so love that show!!!
p.s. You can click on the link for the book on sale here:
It's really just too easy to buy crap on Amazon! I've always wanted that book. Thanks for the heads up! Started watching Revenge today. I like!
I agree with Michele, it is too easy to order from Amazon. Mine is on the way. I want to do the Liberated Amish get together this time. Thanks for the tip on the book.
Oh yeah......let's do it again.
I made two last time, one is hand quilted and one is in the closet not quilted....but I have plenty of ideas floating around for a new one :0). Maybe I'll get that one out of the closet too :0)
thanks Tonya,
Happy Sewing
Add me to the list ... we'll see what happens!
I actually have a liberated amish that I started a LONG time ago, maybe I will be inspired to get it out and finish it...
I can't find my copy of this book so I ordered another...maybe I can finish one this time! or finish the UFO from last time....
Thanks for the heads up on the book. I just bought it. Dang! That one click ordering is way too easy!
PS-I am loving Downton Abbey as well. For a while I was able to see it on a European website, but it's been blocked. And I have no tv! So I must wait a day later and watch it on Amazon.
The February Amizh quiltie thingie sounds good. Maybe some of these other projects can resolve themselves so I can have a little fun.
I'm a fan of Downton Abbey as well. I watched all of Season 1 on Netflix last weekend and caught up with Season 2 on the pbs.org website this week. Looking forward to the next episode :)
Oh yea, I'd forgotten to buy this. Thanks for making it so easy. Just ordered it!
So glad you are going this challenge again. I wish I could join in, but I've got a lot on my plate. I look foward to seeing what everyone comes up with!
Watch this downton abbey spoof I think you will like it, there is a second part too.
We are watching Downton Abbey too. :) Thanks for the heads-up about the book being so dirt cheap! I might have to order one! I love your UFO/kitty pic too. I hope you finish that one some day.. and btw, those are the greenest eyes I've ever seen on a cat. :o) Great photo.
I swooped in and bought the last copy!! Amazon will wonder whats going on!! I've thought about buying this book a few times so thanks for mentioning it. An Amish get together would be great fun, lets do it!!
Oh, I'm in again ! I'm loving all my quilts I made during your studies !
And I've already bought the book, it was on sale at a German publisher too. So now I can start to ponder which quilt might be the inspiration :-))
its a great book! very inspiring.
ok so what other books are your favorites for inspiration?
Me! When! I'll do the one I'm thinking of if you do yours and, yes Maggie for the Dr's next companion LOL!
Hi There,
I have this book already and it really is great. Good Suggestion. Thanks :)
Love your blog too :)
Ther are a few good books here also, here's the link
Cool. I'll be watching for more information. :-)
Amazon sells the hardcover copy for $5.65! Pity i have to pay $15 for shipping to Europe..:(
Count me in for the challenge. I just ordered the book. Thanks for the info on a great deal.
I'm still quilting my last one! LOL! I love the one I made, I just can't get time to finish quilting it! Love the kitties green eyes glowing!
Count me in! I started last time, but then got busy with other stuff and forgot about it. I would love to give it another go. Thanks for the tip on the book... I just ordered it.
got the book, i'd love to play!! so many ideas!
An Amish Gee Bendie quilt - now that sounds like a lot of fun!
Liberated Amish ? that is an oxymoron isnt it? if you are Amish you are not liberated...hhhmmm
I've had your Word Play Quilts book sitting in my Amazon shopping cart, waiting for another few dollars to qualify for free shipping. Thanks for the suggestion; I should get both soon!
Gorgeous work! I'm loving Downton Abbey, too! Hope a 3rd season is developed.
Just watched a segment with you on www.thequiltshow.com which is having a free weekend on their site. Will be checking back. I am an artist who has lots of fabrics and quilt experience and I needed the words to put in, thanks for sharing with all of us.
I made two last time, one is hand quilted and one is in the closet not quilted....but I have plenty of ideas floating around for a new one :0). Maybe I'll get that one out of the closet too :0)
Hi, Tonya. Thanks for the book suggestion and I watch Downton Abbey on my computer while I stitch on my machine. By the way, I loved the first combination of crazy blocks in your previous post--I would want to live in a quilt made of those blocks! I think you should go for it!
best, nadia
I hope every thing is going OK. I sure miss your posts and your kitty pics.
Candace in CA
Missing your posts and inspiration. Hope all is well (but suspect not). Thinking about you.
Its been awhile! starting to worry.
I am posting on this post...just wanted you to know that I am sending big hugs about Pokey.
Tonya so so sorry to hear the news about Pokey. know that she is in no more pain and that she is in your heart forever as you are in hers.May God comfort you in this trying time.
Dawn a friend in MA
Love the book Amish Abstractions. I ended up buying because of your post and can say without question that it's one of my favorite books! The last quilt swap I did was an Amish mini that I hand quilted. Just loved the stories in the book as well. If you haven't purchased it yet from Amazon, do it...
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