Saturday, September 19, 2009

Home Safe and (Relatively) Well

After five nights in the hospital I finally got busted loose this afternoon. Whew. The surgery went well, turned out that it was an unusual fibroid. Between that and not eating much I've surely lost some weight. Best news of all is that the final test results say everything is benign. Woohoo.
So good to be home with the kitties. They're doing fine, although they'd gotten a bit skittish. Pokey made it safely to the vets and took her meds. woohoo. They're all happy now and being friendly to me and to Janet. Pokey even slept on me some this afternoon. I'm just making sure to have a big pillow across my belly every time I sit down.

Thank you all so much for the well wishes. I appreciate each of you so much. Take care.


Anonymous said...

YAY! Rest up and Get Well Soon!

Beena said...

I have been thinking about you, and hoping all went well with the surgery. I'm glad you are home again with your kitties (who I am sure missed you terribly), and hope you heal from the surgery quickly.

Take care, and looking forward to your new posts once you are back to feeling better!

Brenda said...

great news. put that pillow on your belly when you laugh or sneeze too. get well soon!

Julie in the Barn said...

It's so great to have you back safe and once again sound...well almost sound. Hugs to you and the kitties, Speedy healing thoughts coming your way.

Pat said...

SO glad to hear of the good test results. Those things are always so anxiety-producing until you get the results, aren't they? Our 27-year-old daughter is having a surgery this week of a suspicious lump and we are quite concerned and anxious about it. I hope her results are as good as yours.

Alison aka Baby B said...

I'm glad surgery and tests went well!

Missy Ann said...

Welcome home! Glad all the news was good news.

Irishgirlsews said...

Great news, take good care of yourself.

Twisted Quilts said...

I am glad you are doing well. I hope to hear that you are sewing again soon.

f said...

glad to hear that you are good, and tests results were good too. take some much deserved rest!!

Anonymous said...

Delurking here to say what good news! Take care.


Dena said...

I've been thinking about you and wondering how you were doing. I'm so glad to hear it wasn't anything serious. Sometimes the waiting takes more out of us than the actual ailment. Get lots of rest. I've heard animals are greatly enhance healing. So, stick with those cats. lol

Anonymous said...

Yay,thanks for checking in with us! Take it easy and get plenty of rest. And remember, that pillow IS your best friend!!!

Kathi D said...

I just "discovered" you today via Piecemeal Quilts' blog links, and I'm so glad!

I love this rowdy, boisterous quilt. I'm going to learn a lot from you--glad you are on the mend.

Kathi D said...

P.S. Thank you for the link to Gwen Marston's new book. I didn't know about it, and her Liberated Quilting book is my absolute favorite--love her others, too.

rlbates said...

Glad to hear it turned out to be a benign fibroid. Heal well.

Nancy said...

Glad to hear surgery went well Tonya and that you're home with your babies. Relax, recupe and rest.

Nat Palaskas said...

I am ever so glad to see you. Good to hear the good news. I will go WOOHOO with you too! Please don't go away again, I have missed you - Hugs Natima
PS: glad the kitties were well too

antique quilter said...

I have been thinking about you all week and wondering
sure glad to hear this great news.
rest and take care of yourself and of course the kitties :)

Deborah said...

Great news! I'm glad you are home and that the kitties are loving on you. Sometimes there is a punishment phase. Take care of mommy Pokey! We missed you,

Statch said...

Wonderful news! Best wishes for a quick and easy recovery.

Sarah said...

glad you're home and on the mend!

kimberlym said...

I'm glad you got good news! Take it easy and take care of yourself - feel better soon!

Callie Brady said...

Happy you are home and to hear the good news!

Kristin L said...

Happy day! I'm so glad to hear that everything turned out well.

Osage Bluff Quilter said...

Sew happy you are home and recovery well. Great news too!
Take care,

Janet said...

Sorry, I've been away and didn't know you had to be in the hospital. So glad to hear that all is well and that you are home. Here's to a quick recovery and many days ahead of quilting.

Vicky F said...

Yay, you're home! You're home! Hopefully no more worries and you'll get plenty of rest.
Vicky F

Sassenach said...

5 days! Yikes.

Glad you're home and on the mend.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful that you are home! Those hospital beds are not the greatest. I'm sure you were apprehensive, but now you can rest easy. Just take it easy and soon you'll be back to regular activities. Take care, Annette

Sharon said...

That is the best news! I've been worrying about you and had my fingers crossed that you'd get just that result! Woohoo! Benign is Best (well, next to not having it at all, I mean).

Glad you're home now and recouping and the kitties are happy too. Be a good patient and get better soonest! I'm sending healing thoughts your way. Hugs!

Anonymous said...

Good to hear that all is well! It's always good to get home.

Kristin Shields said...

Glad to hear all is well. I suspected something like that, but you never know. Take care Tonya!

Hanne said...

I am happy to see you are doing well and that everything is ok. Take care!

Tanya said...

So glad that you are home and everything is good! I'm sure all that kitty love will speed up your recovery! Take it easy and enjoy the purring.

Anonymous said...

Tonya's back...Tonya's back...Tonya's back....

Great news is always worth repeating!

Happy hugs on your return from RB, CA


Sew Create It - Jane said...

Great to hear the news that everything is a ok. Rest up and heal up soon!

Anonymous said...

so glad your news is good news! rest up with some quilting or handwork. it is good for the soul.
a friend in MA

Michele said...

Yay! Such great news. I hope you heal very quickly and are back to your productive self in no time!

Victoria Findlay Wolfe said...

Glad your home! yippee! they let you out! rest easy, make good friends with that couch. rest up. ;-)

jude said...

yeah, i was mending and patching last night with you in my heart.

Joyce said...

Im so glad to hear that things are getting back to normal in your life and that the test results were good.

Millie said...

So glad to hear you are home and on the mend. Very good news that the tumor was benign. Get well soon!

Hugs & purrs,
Lynne & Millie

Unknown said...

Great news, Tanya! Glad to hear that you are back home and on the road to recovery. I'm sure the kitties are glad to have you back as well.

Take Care,

Laura in AZ

Clare said...

So glad you are home safe and well. Have been thinking of you a lot.

Also glad to read that the kitties seem to have taken your short absence in their stride.


CarlaHR said...

Glad that all went well and that the test results came back negative. From personal experience I know that you are going to want to get going, but I recommend that you take the full time you need to recover. That big pillow across your belly will help with the handquilting. Take care and enjoy good health!!!

Jennifer D said...

I am so happy your back and benign!

I have been thinking of you a lot.

sewprimitive karen said...

That is good news!

Anonymous said...

YEAH!! The power of all the prayers!!! REST!! Gail Norback

Ursula said...

I'm glad everything went well and that you're feeling good.

Anina said...

I'm glad everything went well and the news was good. You'll be back to your sprightly self in no time.

Quiltdivajulie said...

SO glad to hear the test results are benign - that's AWESOME!!!!!

Linda in NC said...

Yipee! So glad to hear the good news. Remember: rest is your friend!

MelissaS said...

Whoo hoo! Good news all around! Tuck yourself in and watch some Dexter while you recup!

Kim said...

5 nights! you must be exhausted!
snuggle down in your own bed and catch up on your sleep.
I'm so happy to have some good news about you Tonya, I was worried.
Welcome well.

Happy Sewing...when you can.....

Anonymous said...

Great news, Tonya. Now I can't wait to see that HOPE quilt finished up, when you feel up to it. I think it's absolutely stunning.

Andrea in Minnesota

Anonymous said...

Congrats. Glad to know you're well, on your way to recovery and that you're healthy. Just take your time recovering and send me that HOPE quilt. It's so pretty

Quilts And Pieces said...

Oh Tonya - wonderful news. Take care. I"d come take care of you if I could. Your always in my thoughts!

julieQ said...

I am so glad too, that you are OK, and out of hospital and with your Pokey!!

Tazzie said...

Ohhh, that is entirely wonderful news. Now you just need to rest and recover - no stressing required.

Bethany said...

I am so glad that you are doing better and are home. (That always seems to help!) And that all appears to be well.

lilli said...

I'm so HAPPY to hear the good news!
baci baci baci

Stephanie D said...

Great news! Now to recover. Don't try to do too much too soon--that's why you have help. Lots of rest, vitamin C, and kitty love!

mimi said...

Tonya, So glad you're home! Good news on the path, tests too. Been praying for your quick recovery. Glad your kitties are ok too! Mimi

Browndirtcottage said...

I am soo glad the test results were's to a quick and speedy recovery.....hey...did you get a tummy tuck while they were at it!!!

Anonymous said...

Glad you are on this side of it and are now reunited w/ Pokey and fabric. Work it girl for all the days you can get out of it. Glad you got good news on your tumor that it's benign.

Magpie Sue said...

Glad to read the good news :- )
Remember to try not to do too much too soon!

Kathryn said...

Glad you are back home and with a good result. Best wishes. Kathie L. from Allentown

AnnieO said...

What great news! Good to hear it went well and you got to come home where you'll really be able to recover. Hospitals are so noisy and boring!

Finn said...

Glad the news was good and that you are back home with your kitties. Don't be in a rush to do anything, it can all wait. Hugs, Finn

jacquie said...

so glad to hear that you have good news. hope you are back to normal soon. used that wonky house tute again...thanks! you never cease to inspire!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful news! So happy to hear you are ok.

Marianne, Norway

Anonymous said...

So good to hear that all is well. Home and on the mend--blessed words indeed. Take care of yourself and try to enjoy the downtime.

sablesphinx said...

We were thinking positive for you! Hope the recovery is speedy and uneventful. Your quilts are looking fantastic. Too bad you aren't back here in Egypt to share them in person!

Rose Marie said...

So glad to hear that everything went well and you are on the road to recovery. A lot of us were holding our breath ...

Chris Daly said...

Great news! So glad you are home safe and sound and the kitties are happy too. Wishing you a speedy recovery and lots of stitching soon.

Shelina said...

I'm sure it is great to be back home, especially with good news. I hope you recover quickly!

Katie said...

Good news! Congratulations. :-)

Lynda said...

So happy that all went well, and it is benign! Now you can rest and pamper yourself - and maybe a little light sewing!

Tru said...

Great news!! Take it easy so you get get mended up and back to providing inspiration for the rest of us!

daveandlo said...

Glad to hear you are back home safe and sound and benign! Lois

Kim said...

Hey Tonya, thinking of you.
I hope you are healing well, taking good care of yourself, and spending some time at least reading about quilting if you aren't up to doing any yet:0).
I am looking forward to some more inspirational stuff from you soon!
Big Hugs

Anonymous said...

Have been away and with no computer - gads never doing that again! So, so happy that you are well and every thing was benign. Now get better and start to quilt! I'm glad the cats are happy to see you too.

PurplePickle said...

Hey Ton,
So glad u r doing well. I love seeing your quilts. I hope your recovery is swift.
Take care.
Mary C.

Gypsy Quilter said...

I'm so very glad to hear the good news. Almost as much as you. Take care and take time to mend.

Kim said...

How are you?
Up and moving?
Hope so...let us know!

Thinking of you.

Cherie in St Louis said...

Oh, just the best of news of all...benign! The kitties will love having you "captive" while you recover. You'll have such wonderful bonding time. Here's to a quick and uneventful recovery.

Natalie Carlton said...

Glad you are doing better. I love this picture of your quilt and cat.
see you at the Jam Patch soon.. Natalie

Callie Brady said...

Hope you are fine and getting lots of rest. It would be great if you were on vacation and having lots of fun. Be well.

Quiltblocktour said...

Glad to hear you are doing better!! It looks like the cats are glad to have you back home. The quilt top is absolutely gorgeous. Definitely very inspiring.

Get completely well soon!

Quilt Block Tour

Teresa Rawson said...

Hi Tonya,

I hope you are healing well...I've missed hearing about your creative world and your fabulous kitties over the last few weeks. I hope you are feeling like your old, fabulous self again real soon!!

Gigi's Thimble said...

Very cool quilt. I've never seen anything like it. It was kind of a fun surprise to realize there were letters in it. It's very neat. And, I love the reindeer quilt below. We have that panel at the quilt shop I work at and the names around it are a great and creative idea!

Glad everything was benign! Good health to you!