A few more pictures of my trip to the Khan last weekend. I've mentioned before that this is one of the oldest areas in Cairo with incredibly old buildings. They are doing some work right now on Tentmaker Street.
I'm fascinated with the scaffolding here. Lumber that is just tied together with rope. You'll also see workmen running around wearing their flipflops. And hardhats? Forget about it. Not that anyone was doing work the day we were down there.

That's a pre-printed tent fabric there on the right. The other items are Beduoin carpets.

I took a day off the day before yesterday and watched DVDs and hand-quilted. I finally got to see the new version of Pride and Prejudice with Keira Knightly all the way through (I watched the first half on an airplane once but it was coming in really poorly and I gave up in frustration). Loved it, but Keira is waaaaay too gorgeous to be Lizzy, tho she was perfect in every other way. I still love the BBC miniseries, but it is definitely more sedate and the actresses playing the younger sisters are waaaaay too old. Nice to have both options.
Also watched another episode of my beloved Kolchak the Night Stalker and a Moonlighting. I'm not even sure I made it all the way through the latter, but it doesn't really matter - not one of the better ones.
I have now finished the third go round of freehand fans on
Terms of Endearment. I'm really happy with it.
THat scaffolding reminds me of China where they make it out of bamboo tied together. You see it going up several stories on apartment buildings and it looks so unsafe.
That tent fabric is so gorgeous as are the carpets. How can you walk by it? I think if I lived there my appartment would be crammed full of those fabrics. But what would they be used for?
What exactly is that pre-printed tent fabric? A cotton? Upholstery weight or lighter? It's Bee-autiful.
Pride and Prejudice is my favorite Austen novel. Perhaps that's becuase I have a weakness for sailors.....
the colours and small print are a real treat in the tent fabric.
I'm glad you liked the new P&P - I thought it was o.k. - I had to many "That's Kiera Knightly" moments... & Colin is the only Darcy in my mind!
Haven't rented t6he new P&P either yet. Something makes me think I'll hate it.
Cool pics.
I love Nightstalker. =) The tent fabric - this is the kind of thing they use for hangings inside the tent? Any idea what percentage of the population still travels and lives in tents?
I have been lurking in the shadows for quite awhile and enjoying the blog...I especially enjoy your "style" and am learning not to be so "persnickedy" in my style. Thank you for bringing all these wonderful places into my life....you are so fortunate! .....and yes I love the blue piece on the right...you could probably get rich reselling these goodies...thanks
I dont know how you can even breathe with all those gorgeous tent fabric places there. I absolutely love the glimpses you give us of Egypt thru your blog. :) xoxo melzie
I loved the new P & P movie, we went to opening day at the theater and then bought the dvd the first day it was out. Riah and I watch it at least once a month while I sit and stitch. I have been trying to catch up on my "Monks", that show always gives me a laugh.
Tonya you should see the bamboo scaffolding in Hong Kong!! It looks even more precarious than the Egyptian variety :)
I did like Matthew McFadyen as Mr Darcy, but found Keira Knightley just plain annoying. And Jane and Bingley I found so insipid. Blerk. But I just LOVE the BBC series, so I don't think I was ever going to love the film. How could they fit that whole story into a couple of hours? I suppose they did an ok job. LOL
Just popping in to say "hi", and that "Terms" is looking very, very good!! *VBS*
Hi Ton - so did you buy some of that preprinted blue fabric? It's gorgeous!
Your terms quilt is looking really nice, keep up the good work.
Thanks for sharing photos of your adventures. You've given me some inspiration more than once, now to put it into action! :o)
As always, thanks for sharing the view from where you are.
After the BBC production, what more P&P does one need? ;-)
I'll have to show my husband (a civil engineer) your scaffolding shot...I'm sure it wouldn't pass an OSHA inspection!
Tentmaker street never stops amazing me. I just love these pictures when you go! It is so fun to see a life/area so different than I'm used to.
Tonight is show and tell at guild! I can't wait to show my "treasures"!!!
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