A quilt shop I used to go to had a theory that each quilt had three finishes: 1) finished top 2) finished quilting 3) finished quilt. Going by that theory I've done two finishes. Last night I finished the quilting on Space 4 Rent and today I sewed and sewed and finished the top for Terms of Endearment.

There are a couple of spots that stand out a bit much, but they'll be toned down by the quilting - undoubtedly gonna be fans. I'm thrilled that the border looks as good as it does. I managed to cut one of the border strips a 1/2" too short and another one was wonky as well. But I made it thru by the skin of my teeth. Now I just wish I had several more yards of this fabric to make something else with.
I had a little "help" today:

It's almost 6pm and I haven't made dinner yet. Gotta go and be good. Later.
It's excellent! Really, really like it. I think maybe you are the too close to it?? Because I don't see anything jumping out! I love all the colors and the movement, especially the piece right beside SweetPea. That piece is so pretty. It's perfect! *VBG* Way to go!
It is wonderful, the border fabric went perfectly with it. You are soooo talented, I am still waiting on that book!
I can't wait to see Space for Rent!
And it's so nice to have help pressing that seam flat there... (bottom picture) lol
Such beautiful blue eyes!
This top looks great! I, too, often use the narrow dark inner border to set off the center block section. It worked nicely here.
I love it, Ton! And look at the blue eyes on that cat.
yup...it's certifable as gorgeous! And has that kitty stamp of approval. Looks really great..I love the piano keys in there. Good job Ton!
It turned out perfect, Tonya. You have a way with color. Beautiful!
Ahhhhh yessss!!! That border is gorgeous! I love it with that quilt! It turned out so great!
Wait till I have time to show you what I got in the mail for my birthday (back in Feb) last night!
came out great...what color quilting thread(s) are you planning for it? love the kitty help :-)
the border fabric looks amazing, Tonya and I love those piano keys. You've been busy!
That is fantastic! and the quilt is good too LOL.
This turned out beautifully. It was fun to read how you worked at it, also. I too just stare for long periods of time, but not with such good results!
I really like it. It's a really cheerful piece.
By the way, if no one else noticed, your link to be*mused has an extra http:// in there.
Makes me want to get finished with my drabby even sooner, now. You tease, you!
Love it!
WOW!!! I slo love this quilt! That border fabric is perfect!
This turned out brilliantly! Love the colours, love the words - great quilt :-)
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