Steak Frites and Paris at night. mmm.

Danielle S. recently sent me photos of her Halloween quilt. She's done a great job, but what is especially marvelous is that this is only her second quilt project ever. Her first was a Ohio Star quilt from a kit. I love that she just dove in and tried the letters - they're fantastic.

And the quilt top which she intends to hand quilt. I love it.
See, you can do these letters even without much experience.
I have found a bit of Halloween here in Paris. This is a chocolate shop in Montmartre:
As is this lovely fall chocolate:

I made sure to take a picture of the chocolate mushrooms for Kristin L:

Pylones, which sells fun, brightly colored items, has a skull sugar bowl and black cat tape dispenser and stapler:

And a kitchen store:
You found such fun stuff! Thanks for the mushroom love. I think my favorite is the little box with the mushroom and green jelly beans. I wonder if that's enough reason to come to Paris?
Just love the Halloween quilt and the chocolate mushrooms!! Makes me want to get out my mushroom cookie cutter!
Great Halloween lettering and quilt! Oh goodness the beautiful chocolate. I love the little ears of corn and the walnuts.
Ohhh my word! I never saw any chocolate like that before - I don't think I could eat it! ... well ... I probably could, but I'd feel remorseful ...
Thank you for sharing Tonya, lovely pictures!
Ohhh Hoooo, did someone say chocolate? Love the gargoyles by the way.
You've found Halloween in Paris! Good for you.
I especially like that neat picture of the Eiffel Tower!
hmmmm chocolate.... those mushrooms are great -- almost look like gingerbread :-)
trick or treat?....treats galore, my god! love the litlle dog/lion....
Wow, great quilt.
And what fun goodies!!
Great quilt!!! I need to try some letters...
The sugar bowl is my personal favorite in the shop windows! That shot of the Eiffel Tower is my favorite of that landmark so far too.
Yum!!!! Happy halloween!
No one does chocolate like Europeans! Wait till you see the Christmas window displays!!
Psst, if you venture to the beginning of rue Blanche, next to the Trinité church, you'll find chocolate skulls - enjoy ! :o)
What fun pictures! The candy looks so delicious!
Have a nice Halloween! I am too busy with the quiltfestival here in Houston starting on Halloween!
Great pictures, all of them and in the past posts also! It's ok with me for you to be a tourist!
Love the Halloween treats you keep finding. Love the trick or treat quilt, she sure did a great job for a first attempt! And congrats on having Bloomin Horrors finished at last, it's gorgeous!!! Hugs, Finn
The chocolates are EXQUISITE!
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