Today I got an email from Andi Reynolds, the Executive Book Editor. She says:
"Here’s what would help: AQS would like to know how many people would commit to pre-ordering an exact reprint priced at $36 or so. If you would capture this information among Gwen’s fans, say in the next couple of weeks or however long it takes you to ask around, and pass it along to me, we’ll take a look at the idea."
Who will buy a reprint of Liberated Quiltmaking? Leave a comment on my blog or send me an email ( tartbr47 at hotmail.com ).
Comment OR email. Don't do both - that would confuse me. If you'd buy copies for friends, say that, but please don't exagerate. Deadline is the end of June.
Okay you guys, we are Gwen's fans. Time to spring into action. Please pass the word along to everyone else you know who loves Gwen's work. Put a note in your blog if you have one, talk to your friends, and send emails to fellow Gwen fans. If you participate in a group email list or chatroom and it would be appropriate, please post something.
Ready, set, go!
me me me me me, would love to have a copy of this book.
I don't know the book, but going by the number of positive references I've seen to her work over the last couple of months since I've been blogging, and by the picture on the front of the book I'd certainly be interested in buying it.
Can you believe I had a copy once. I loaned it out and it never came back! (That should tell the editors something!) I would love to get a replacement and one for my sister who just started quilting. Sign me up for two.
I have already got 'Collaborative Quilting' and would love to get another of Gwen's books. Sign me up please. (You've still got me on the list for a signed copy of your book, haven't you!)
me me me me me me me! I want one! Actually, put me down for two. This would make a terrific birthday present for my sister.
I've put the call out on various Yahoo Groups. I didn't want to publish your email address so I've asked them to either leave a comment here or PM me and I'll pass it on.
Quilters rule ok!
Put me down for 2 copies. I'll post a quick note on my blog. Thanks for doing this!
I'm definitely in! I keep borrowing it from the library, but I need my own copy for sure! I'll make a post on my blog too.
I'm a big fan too. I mentioned it on my blog and wrote to the address you mentioned. It would be much nicer to own a copy than borrowing from the library all the time.
Count me in for one copy !
I'd love to have this book
Add me to the list. I new to her work also, but LOVE IT!
Add me and know of two other quilters who will be thrilled! Mary
I would love a copy. Don't have a
blog, but read yours and others all the time.
Thanks Janice
I would love a copy. How exciting it may be possible.
Absolutely. I keep looking out for it on ebay but I don't want to spent $100 dollars on it. $40!! That would be a steal.
I would buy the book.
Add me to the list of people who would buy it. My local public library has it, and every time I am in there and it is on the shelf, I borrow it.
Yes, yes, yes! I've been looking for a copy for a long time!
I would like to have one copy too!!!!!!!!!!!
I'd buy a copy...
I'm interested in a copy.
I have a copy, but will post the info on my blog later today to let others know... AWESOME thing you're doing here!!!
I'd like to purchase a copy.
I would definately buy this book.
I would buy one also! Thanks for possibly giving us the opportunity.
I would buy a copy for sure!
I would love to own a copy, I just wasn't willing to pay $125 for a used book. Seriously! Count me in.
Please add me to the list as well!
Please add me to your list. I don't know how I missed this book in the first place. In fact I would buy 2, one for me and one for my quilting buddy for Christmas.
I have taken a class from Gwen Marston and several people from our West Michigam Quilt Guild would be interested in this also
Add me on
Me too :)
I would be interested
And me. :-))
I would buy a copy of it so they need to get busy and print again :)
add another to the list
i'd buy two -- one for me, and one for my sister. (or maybe even three)
I would definitely buy a copy. I'm lucky enough that there is one in the library a couple towns away so I've read it an know how great it is!
I'd like to buy one, too!!!
I'd definitely want a copy!!
I'd like a copy too.
Me too!!!
Yes, I would buy Liberated Quiltmaking if it came out again. Give me a number in the line.
Please include me. I've been looking for quite awhile and haven't had any luck finding it. At least not at a reasonable price. Thanks.
I would love one of these. It would be a resource to refer to again and again, and cheaper than a class.
I would buy one for sure.
yes I definitely want one!!
Yes, definitely - I would buy at least two.
Oh this would be G.R.E.A.T!! I would be delighted to own a copy!
I would buy the book.
Add me in too... I´d love to buy the book!
Yes please. What a good idea. Thanks for thinking of it.
I would buy 2. I'm getting tired of checking it out from the library!
I would definately buy a copy. I have looked for a reasonably priced one for years.
hmph! I spent $100 on a copy in good condition about 3 months ago! Though I love the book, that's equal to a lot of fabric.
Tulsa, OK
I have been hunting for a copy of this book for well over a year and have only found the ridiculously priced ones online. I would absolutely commit to buying this book.
Yes! I would.
Yes, I would like a copy. I have looked at used ones, but WOW those are pricey! Thank you for pursuing this issue.
I don't know if I'd buy the book because I move too often to be weighed down by a lot of books. HOWEVER, it would please me to no end to see the book back in print so that my LFS or library could have one on hand to loan out to people like me!
I wonder what would happen if I manage to lose my very very precious copy? You'd better put me down for another one!
me! me! me!
1 copy please!
If it's going to be sold in the UK, I would buy a copy
I would buy one!
I have her Liberated String Quilt book and would love the first book. Love her books and patterns, you bet I'd buy one.
I would buy one. Then I could return the one I borrow from the library continually.
Count me in! I thought I left a message here yesterday but I must not have hit the publish button or something I don't see it here! I would definitely get a copy though-
Please add me to the list. If a pre-order is necessary, I would be happy to pay in advance. Can you tell I'm EAGER!
I was excited to read about your letter from Gwen. I hope that means you're "full steam ahead," on your book.
I've heard about this book too and would love to be able to buy one. Thanks for your effort!
Yes, I'll join the queue too. I have tried to borrow a copy but my local library doesn't have one and I can't even find one on inter-library loan.
count me in.
Me too! I've had my eyes peeled for a copy for a couple of years now.
I qwould love to get the book
You've got me sold...count me in!
Oh, my! I ate my dessert before my meal. No wonder I'm still hungry! LOL. I would buy LQ.
I would like a copy, too.
Me, too! I'd like to order two copies - one for me & the other as a gift for a quilt chum.
Just love Gwen Marston. Please count me in. I adore her four block quilts.
I'm in! I've been trying to buy this book for a while but I couldn't afford the million dollars it's selling for on eBay and amazon marketplace.
Count me in, please.
I love her quilts and the Collaborative Quilting is one of my faves which lies here open as an inspiration for the next projects. but I need more liberation:)
I would definitely buy a copy, so please count me in! :)
I would definately buy a copy!!!
I know at least 15 quilters from Michigan who love Gwen and would buy this book.~Joyce
Count me in too!!
I most definately would buy a copy!
Sandy R.
Sorry if I confuse anyone as I have just sent an email then this popped up - yes, please if the book can be sent to australia, I would like a copy, too. If it isn't quite me, I have a dear friend who will get a great Christmas gift and I know she will love it.
Best wishes - Lurline.
I would buy a copy too!! I already have most of Gwen's books, but this one is definitely needed! Thanks for doing this, Tonya!
Count me in.
My sister has enthused about Gwen's books ever since she first read about them on your blog a few years ago. I would LOVE a copy!
Hi: I just bought CQ and was thinking I didn't need LQ, but Amy convinced me. Count me in too!
Yes, I have 2 of Gwen's current books, I would love
this one two.
I've tried to buy LQ, but I've never found a copy that was under $100. So YES, I'd commit to buying it if it's reprinted!
Yes I would definitely buy a copy. Thanks for doing this.
Ok, I am convinced. Apparently my quilting world will be dull and boorish if I don't have this book lol. I don't want to live in black and white when I could live in color! I will buy one if it becomes available! I hope you can convince them. Good Luck!
Yes, please! Add me to the "preorder" gang. I've been wanting this book for years!!!
I would buy one, Marjorie
I would love to buy that book too!
Count me in too, I would like to buy a copy.
I have a copy, but I would buy a couple to have on hand to give as gifts to friends.
I'll order one.
sign me up for one book.
Count me in for one!
I'll buy the book,
I would love to get a copy
me too. I want to be liberated.
Based on Bonnie's recommendation alone I will commit to purchasing a copy. Upon reviewing the comments, I know this is a book not to be without.
I wouldn't be interested in signing up for a pre-order on Gwen's book but would love to see it available again from my distributor to buy to resale to my customers.
Yes count me in for one. I just love Liberated Strings.
Count me in! I love being Liberated! :)
I'd certainly love to be counted too Tonya.
I have seen this book recommended so many times...
Oh yeah!! I'd buy this book. I had the original but a friend borrowed it and never gave it back and then moved...so yep, I'll buy one and put a lock on it this time!!
Lori in VA
I'd definitely buy one.
I love a good book and if it comes so highly recommended I would definately plunk down my money for it. Sign me up. I don't know Gwen Marston but it sounds like I should find out more. The title sells me almost!
Me, me!! I, like Yankee Quilter, once had a copy and I loaned it out... arrggh. I'd love the chance to get another.
I would love to see the book. I would purchase 3 copies, one for me, my mom and my 13 year old grand daughter who is now quilting.
Shelia Chandler
South Carolina
I definitely would. I'd buy one for a friend, too.
Colleen in Oakland, CA
I would pre-order in a heartbeat!
Angie in New Orleans
Me! Me! Me! I'd love one. :-)
I would in a heartbeat. Count me in.
count me in! Thanks Tonya!
I'd love to have one. Keep us informed!
I'd buy one, maybe two.
count me in!
Add me to the list.
I would luv a copy,maybe 2
I would love to buy a copy of this book. It's so frustrating that it's out of print and 2nd hand copies are wayyyyy too expensive.
Count me in!
I would like to purchase a copy.
I am desperately searching for my copy of Liberated Quiltmaking. I just got it from an online source.
If I can't find it, I will definitely buy another one.
I would be interested in pre-ordering the book. I have taken the book out from my local library before.
They should get both you and Bonnie to write reviews to be printed on the back cover before it gets reprinted!!!!
Hope to see this back on the shelves soon! I'd buy it.
Love from Texas! ~bonnie
I would LOVE to be able to get a copy of this book ...
I would love to get my hands on a copy of this book. Count me in.
Fran at frantik@sympatico.ca
count me in!
Put me down for two copies. One for me and one for my mother.
The first quilt I ever made, the one I felt I HAD to make, was a whole collection of Liberated Stars. I thank Gwen for starting me off on my quilting journey!I was not able to find this at my library, so I would love to order TWO copies, one for me, and one to donate to my public library. Thanks, Tonya, for putting this request for reprinting in motion.---Nancy S
Sign me up for a copy. So glad you pursued this with AQS.
Sounds good to me!
Add me to the list!
When I heard about this I went looking for my copy - and apparently, it's gone missing. I may have lent it to someone and never gotten it back. So, YES! I'd be interested in a reprint.
yes please. I would like to buy a copy of this book.
Don't know if I'm too late - but
count me in please !!
Yes!!! include me too:}}}}
are you kidding? absolutely I would get a copy... or two... or... !
I tried to get a copy of this once, used, but the price was very prohibitive. I would definitely purchase a copy for myself, my mother-in-law, and the library I keep for my classes so my students can borrow without me losing my own copy.
I would be interested in getting the book. I dont know much about it however I have heard Gwen forever. thanks Cecelia
OK, Ton, I wasn't going to, but you can put me down for one. You see, I had this dream. I was chasing Gwen Marston through a quilt show to ask her a question, and I kept missing her. You were there (at least I assume it was you) and you kept saying, "To the right! To the left!" I don't get it, but I need a book now Who knew quilting would give one Kafka dreams?
Add me to the list - I don't have a blog.
I want a copy, it sounds like just my style!
Please , add me to the list!
oh yes, please, please, puh-lease, let's try and get gwen's fabulous book reprinted. i want one....lana in GA
I would like 1 or 2. I also work in a quilt store and could get my boss to order some. My best friend owns a BIG quilt store in another city and this book is more their style. I will be sure to pass the word on.
I would like one, please.
I trust your judgement.
I'd like one please.
I would definitely purchase a copy of this book.
Anne in FL.
I would love a copy!
Would love a copy; Please sign me up!
Tonya~ Count me on a copy of the book. I've not done much of this style, but I do enjoy seeing your work, and would like to venture out a bit.
Thank you, Angie (panda719 at ncidata dot com)
I would be interested in a copy!
You may put me down for one.
Count me in! I actually found one in my library, but when I tried to check it out, someone had reserved it... pooh. I'm still waiting my turn.
I would love a copy. Thank you!
Me, too.
Nancy, Near Philadelpia
Yes Yes Yes! I'll take 2, one for me and one for my sister!
Yes - I would definitely purchase this book.
I'm interested in a copy, cause I'm so in love with the collaborative book by Moran an Marston and I definitively need more of this input that makes me smile :)
Thanks and lots of greetings from germany
I would like to have a copy too.
Thank you,
Dorothy from Indiana
I would love to have a copy of Gwen Marston's book!
Please add my name to the list.
Oh this is great! Of course, I want a copy, too! And I will post a link to here. Thank you. Sandra from Switzerland
I would love one of those books. It looks like a good one for a beginner.
I would love a copy of this book too. I sure hope they decide to reprint it.
I've been trying to find a copy of this book forever...sadly, I simply can not afford to pay what Amazon booksellers are charging. If reprinted, please print enough copies (alot!) so everyone interested can purchase one.
I know this is an old post. but have you had any luck getting a reprint. I have this book out from our local library and i'm tempted to ask them if i can buy it from them. a reprint would be amazing.
Please add me to the list ofwould be buyers!
Hi,Did you have any luck on the reprint. I'd love to own a copy of this one
Do you still gather possible customers? Here is one from the Netherlands! Thank you, Esther
I am very impressed by volume two of the same name and have been looking for a copy of volume one. I would definitely purchase Liberated Quiltmaking I by Gwen Marston.
I would purchase a copy.
Is there any news on if they will republish this book? I'd buy a copy.
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