Stay tuned for more news.
I've been quilting bit by bit, but am not yet even half way done yet.
Everyone have a very safe, happy, healthy holiday.
This pic has the purple beaded garland that I added to the tree yesterday. And there's Howler enjoying the sunshine. He's been a real pest at night trying to get behind the blinds.
My husband would totally hate this tree. He's a traditional red, white and green kind of guy. I love it tho, sparkly shiny and glorious colors. There are ornaments that look like disco balls. My sweet friend Siobhan mailed me some ornaments that work perfectly and I love the silver martini glass and shaker - very retro, but not very photogenic.
I bought the bottom of the line Bernette sewing machine, but haven't used it yet. I so wanted to upgrade to a Bernina, but I had to keep telling myself "second machine, second machine." I've now got everything I need to start doing some sewing, but it's been much easier to just sit in the recliner playing Sudoku and loving on kitties when I haven't been out fighting crowds.
But absolutely hate everything that comes afterwords. I have no idea how many years you'd have to spend trying to completely sand one of these. I hated that step and don't think I got a single one of them sanded down right. Then I was completely intimidated at the thought of painting on them. I hate cutesy faces and I just was having a heck of a time trying to get the eyes right on paper, let alone the wood. So these guys never got finished, although they have a certain amount of charm as is. They are living with my mom and dad now.
I took my tools with me to Cairo but never picked them up. I hate the idea of trying to carve with the cats around, but I'm sure I'll make another stab at this one of these days.
Anyone else have a hand-carved Santa they'd like to share?
I'm currently reading Heat by Bill Buford, yet another book about life in a professional kitchen. I never ever wanted to be a chef or cook, but I'm fascinated by what a hard life it can be. Routine twelve hour days, no taking off work when you are sick (which is rather repulsive from a customer's prospective) and the amount of abuse that is hurled around.
It has gotten incredibly cold here. Okay, yes it is much colder elsewhere, but still, it's COLD. I am not happy. We were actually walking in snow flurries last night. Definitely time to decamp. But first I have to go out in that cold weather to get books back to the library and buy cat food.
Here's a peek at my Merry Penguins wallhanging in progress. To see the whole top, go here.
I'm doing the freehand fans all the way around the borders. I'm actually on the last side now. Then I have lots of quilting left to do in the middle. By the way, isn't this a great photo? Took it with my new camera, a Canon Digital Elph SD600. It's very easy to use, takes gorgeous photos and is small enough to carry around everywhere.
I love the retro colors in this fabric. I might take it as my inspiration when I pick out my little tree and ornaments for Florida. I love the idea of using pink and lime green (which I bet my hubby would hate) so I can indulge myself. I'm sure other colors will creep in tho - I've never been able to stick to just one color or theme or anything for Christmas, I just get all that I love.
Did not feel very good yesterday. Had some chest pains, which sounds scarier than it is. It's a side effect from my thyroid medicine, which I am now supposed to be splitting into two and taking in the morning and then 12 hrs later. I'm hoping that evening out the dosage will give me more energy in the morning too.
I have been soooo bad about providing links, so I have a whole list of them. Here are a few:
Hanne made a delightful quilt called Love XOXO using the hugs and kisses blocks combined with hearts in a beautiful mix of pinks, reds and white. I'm loving her Dear Jane Christmas blocks too.
Quilting Rush Laurie Ann is playing with letters again, this time making a doggy-themed quilt for a friend.
Dordogne Quilter Clare finished a delightful family quilt full of meaning, made with wonky houses, letters and special quilting. Clare is issuing a Free Piecing Crazy Scrap Challenge to cheer everyone up in the New Year. Looks like it will be loads of fun.
Kim at Force Majeure Farm has issued the 2nd edition of the Bent Needle online quilt and textile carnival, this time focusing on the holidays.
Needed some good news right now. Turns out I don't get to go over to Paris until my medical situation is resolved. I don't know for sure yet, but sounds like that'll take a minimum of 7 weeks. I've come up with a back-up plan tho (staying with my parents in Florida) so I'm pretty upbeat about it, even if my Dad is going to complain about the cats the entire time. It'll be nice to have some sunshine this winter and Florida will have that.
I can't believe how disgusting and lumpy the area is around my incision. It's huge. Guess it's that big inside my throat as well which is why it has been difficult to swallow. Bleck.
Guess what, I started quilting last night! First time since the surgery, so that feels good. Sci-Fi Channel is running a marathon of "Heroes" so I think I may just tune in to that and get some more work done. Unfortunately my quilting callous has come off, but I think I can get it whipped back into shape quickly.
It's also sunk in that I just won't have my Christmas decorations this year. Not a chance. I always figured I could buy some in Paris, but that's not going to happen. If I work up enough energy tomorrow I have a plan for a holiday quilt top. Even If I just get the top done, I could put it up with painters' tape (like Dawn does when she takes photos) and enjoy it that way. This is an opportunity to be creative. As I said, I'm feeling upbeat today. Life is good.
Thank you all for the continuing support and well wishes. I appreciate each and every one of you. Hope you had some sunshine in your lives today too! Thank you.
Ya'all are very sweet. Again, thank you for all the supportive comments and emails. You're fabulous.
Turns out my sweetie and I were overreacting. We'll still make it to Paris. We just need to stop worrying.
My husband is leaving this morning to go out of town for two weeks. This has been planned for ages and there was no compelling reason for him not to go. My marvelous friend M lives not too far from here and is willing to step in and take care of the cats and me if it turns out I can actually get in to surgery in the next little while. Which I hope I can.
He's taking the laptop which means I won't be spending as much time on online, but not to worry, I will keep in touch.
On the good news front, my favorite aunt and uncle are in town. We all went out last night for dinner and it was wonderful to get caught up. I considered doing some sightseeing with them today, but then decided I really didn't want to see the capitol building, so maybe I'll just meet them for dinner.
I still haven't gotten the results of my thyroid biopsy. Heavy sigh. Turns out the doctors have been consulting and now my endocrinologist needs to give me the news in person. That can't be good although it's not necessarily bad. It may just mean that the test was indeterminate and now I have to have some other kind of test like a surgical biopsy to know for sure. I can't get in to see the doctor until late this afternoon, so that gives me way too much time to worry.
This whole thing would not be such a pain in the ass if it weren't for our impending move. We're living in an expensive temporary apartment and just want to get to Paris. I imagine whatever the news is it's going to throw a monkey wrench into the works.
Sorry to whine to ya'all. Just needed to talk to somebody. Thanks for being here for me.
I've written about this quilt before, but hopefully this is a better pic. This is the quilt I liberated from my storage facility. I was rather horrified to discover that I didn't sign, date, or do any of the things you are supposed to do. Bad Tonya. Anyway, I pieced it and Bonnie Hunter of Quiltville did a marvelous job of quilting it.
For the most part I used one bit of aliens fabric for the center of the stars. (It's the same fabric that inspired Space 4 Rent, which I made after this one.) I did however use my favorite eyeball fabric for two of the stars.
And illustrating my point in yesterday's post about Lily having to get underneath the fabric:
Go check out Force Majuere Farm if you haven't already recently. Kim is working on a blog "carnival" which sounds something like a magazine. It's a collection of posts relating to one topic, in this case quilting and textile arts. She's in the process of putting together the first issue of The Bent Needle, so go help her out and get involved.
Threadlines Kathie recently posted a pic of the most incredible antique silk pineapple quilt top. Oh, I want it. And Quilting With the Past Lucy just sewed several UFOs together to come up with an amazing orphan quilt top. Read this post, and then this one. I LOVE orphan quilts - they have so much energy.
Yesterday I ended up doing lots of hand quilting. That seems to be what works for me at the moment. I realized that around this time last year I had these same horrible headaches for weeks at a times. Must be something I'm allergic to both here in Bethesda as well as Cairo. I'll be happy when it's over.
On a happier note, HAPPY HALLOWEEN everyone!!!
I've now washed just about everything except the reds and pinks, but I won't need them for the Halloween Noises project. Now I have no excuse for not starting the quilt, except for this darn headache I just can't seem to shake. It's been aggravating me for days.
My sweetie and I went to the movies together for the first time in ages. A matinee costs $8.50 each? Ack. And then of course we get the giants sitting in front of us and my husband was kicking himself for not wanting to drive an hour to get to the theater with stadium seating. No wonder we get our movies on DVD. Think I'm getting crankier and fussier as I get older.
We saw The Prestige, a movie by Christopher Nolan who also did the fabulous Memento and Batman Begins. The movie was enjoyable in a "figure out the puzzle" way, but almost every character in it is repugnant and hard to care about. I'd still recommend it tho - it was interesting.
I was saying in the last post how I love to handquilt to silly movies. Yesterday we watched The Third Man which I thoroughly enjoy. Such a classy movie and I love the black and white images. Harry Lyme's speech about 500 years of peace producing the cuckoo clock is one of my all-time favorites. BUT... can I quilt to that? Nooo... That's why I gotta have stupid, silly, fun movies - a concept my husband just doesn't understand. He doesn't want a DVD unless it is a 5 star movie.
The maids come today. We're not living in a hotel, but there are some amenities and weekly maid service is my favorite. Anyway, got lots of straightening up to do.
oh, wait, before I go. Linda, thanks for the comment. Would love to read your blog, if you ever feel like opening it up.
A really fun site to check out if you are interested in knowing about the lives of english-speaking expats in Paris is the Paris Blog. It's a daily compilation of the best bits of other blogs so there's something for everyone. From there I've found a couple of blogs I now follow: The blog by the woman working at a 3-star restaurant is fascinating tho some of the pics of dismembered game birds has been disturbing. I also enjoy Rue Rude by an American expat that has a running tally of who's on strike in France. (boy, do I hope we get that apartment that is only a mile from the embassy so my sweetie can walk to work!)
I''m still sick, but slightly less miserable today. Yesterday my sweetie -- who has really been hit hard by this cold -- went on a Mythbusters binge on the Discovery Channel - at last they were showing a bunch we hadn't seen before. Have to say I prefer the English narrator that we got on the UK version better (we had the UK Discovery Channel in Cairo - go figure.)
On Monday my sweetie and I were able to go in and see all of our belongings that are in storage (on this side of the Atlantic). The warehouse is huge, with these crates stacked up four high and then wrapped sofas and other odd sized objects lining up around the sides of the building. It was great to see our things are okay, at least at a cursory glance. We pulled out items that we are going to need in our unfurnished apartment, as well as the warm clothes. I didn't get to go through every box - we were working fast - but I think most of my quilts will be going to Paris.
I did actually nab one of my quilts out of a box, one in particular that Finn is very fond of. It's all scrunchy right now, so once I can get good pics of it, I'll throw those in. Coming soon to a blog near you. The quilt is scrunchy because I didn't fold it- I just smooshed the quilts into pillowcases. They certainly won't get creases and lose batting from always being folded the same way.
On Tuesday our air freight shipment arrived. So now I have not only my sewing machine and other sewing necessities including some fabric, but also my Halloween Houses quilt. I gotta get some kind of 3M stickies to hang the quilts temporarily on the wall.
Several of you asked what quilt shops Bonnie and I went to this weekend. First we went to Cottonseed Glory in Annapolis. It's not very enticing from the outside, but wow, it's crammed with great fabric. Then it was off in a rush to Seminole Sampler in Catonsville. They had lots of my beloved Bali Fabrications fabric as well as some other enticing hand-dyes. Both shops have friendly staff and give you an extra inch or two when they rip the fabric - something I always appreciate. [There's nothing like getting a stingy bit of yardage home and then losing another inch when you have to cut off the edges of the fabric where the threads pulled and you have all those white bits. You know what I mean.]
Lois asked what kind of yardage I bought. Well, I got all of the wavy stripe that was left on the bolt - about two yards. And that incredible purple that was in the same picture with it? Two yards. I bought four yards of a purple hand-dye that looks a lot like a fabric I absolutely fell in love with this year and couldn't get any more of. Two yards of an excellent orange hand-dye. These are the hand-dyes that the batik fabric makers make, know what I mean? Not an individual artist hand-dyeing. Fabrics I really liked, got a yard. Also did halves and a few thirds. Because most of the fabric I buy doesn't have a strong print, I can use them in all sorts of different quilts. That's one of those lessons I've learned.
Denise, sewing without templates or exact measurements is EASIER than being precise, at least if you can just relax and enjoy yourself. Tell yourself you are playing and don't worry about how anything turns out.
I fell in love with this wavy stripe and this gorgeous purple fabric.
I think I'd have bought even more, but we got to the second store only a half hour before closing so I had to power shop. My sewing machine will arrive tomorrow (fingers crossed) and the first job is to get it cleaned and serviced. After that - I can do some sewing!!!
It was great to catch up with Bonnie, tho you have to feel sorry for her trying to sleep on the sofa bed while my cats played in the window blinds. We yacked and yacked, plus she brought some show and tell - her quilts are even more gorgeous in person than in pics, tho that doesn't even seem possible.
On a different topic, my sweetie and I received information on what MAY be our apartment in Paris. The housing board still has to approve our getting it and there are all sorts of factors outside of our control that play into that. The apartment is located downtown (woohoo) and my sweetie would be just a mile from work. We're both attached to the apartment already (even tho we shouldn't be) so I hope we're not disappointed.
In the midst of the shopping sprees with my husband, I got to duck into a huge JoAnn's store - I didn't know they made them that big. Didn't have nearly enough time to do lots of damage, but did get a small 100% cotton quilting batt to try out as well as a packet of needles so that I can finely give a definitive answer for "what size of needle do you use for perle cotton and embroidery floss". And the answer is: Embroidery needles sizes 5 and 10. Dritz makes a packet with both those sizes in there and that should do ya.
Saw an orthopedist about my problem knee. He says I can hold off on having the big surgery (woohoo) but discovered that I am losing cartilage in my "good" knee (boo). So one knee better than expected and one worse. I need to lose weight and exercise. No surprise there, but I expect I need to get serious about it. First thing: stop buying snacks for my sweetie no matter how much he begs. If they're in the house, I eat them too.
I read Julia Child's "My Life in Paris" and thoroughly enjoyed hearing about Paris in the 50s and a woman discovering her passion in life.
Sweetie and I have been trying out the series "Numb3rs" which is another crime-solving show, but this time using math instead of forensics. It's okay. Enjoying it but not loving it. Also watched the first episode of "Foyle's War" which is a police inspector solving crime in WWII England. Good, but not great. Enjoyed it enough we'll be getting the next episode.
I've got some sites for ya'all to check out.
PrairieQuilts Nina has pulled together a bunch of orphan blocks and tied them together with some free-pieced letters for her Bones quilt top. Unsurprisingly I'm very fond of the skeleton, but I just love how's she's used all the blocks.
SewCatherine is working on a great quilt top in which she spells out her favorite southern foods. I love everything about this quilt. It actually works great for one of the inspirations I've been mulling over but haven't yet blogged about. Maybe she's been sending me brain waves.
Force Majeure Farm Kim is churning out the quilt tops - check out her light-hearted cow quilt Moo Moue.
New blogger Carol at Quilt as Desired has used the letters to make a Remembrance Quilt with poppies. She's also using the freehand fans to work on a great quilt featuring her cat Spike.
I have not worked on the book or my quilt in progress for ages. Today tho I'm sitting myself down in front of the tv to watch my birthday present Gilmore Girls Season Six and quilt on Cranky. I'm on the third ring of freehand fans!
This is a lousy photo and unfortunately the quilt is in storage so I can't take any more. [We're getting into the storage on the 16th so I may just have a chance to get a peek and see how it's doing!] This is a large wall quilt. It takes the place of my Masterpiece Quilt during October and all the way up to Thanksgiving.
The idea for this quilt was to put all the monsters etc associated with Halloween into a quilt and to have either a quote or description attached to each. Everything was improvisationally pieced out of my very own brain - no patterns. I had no idea how it was all going to go together, I just started making blocks.
At the top of the quilt is a row of spiders that I made by making modified asterisks and then adding the body into the middle.
In the next row is a jack-o-lantern with the words "great pumpkin" -an homage to Linus of Peanuts fame. In the middle are the words "Happy Howloween" and a cat, surrounded by spikey border bits. And on the right, a witch and cat with the words "I'll get you my pretty" ala Wizard of Oz.Welcome to the Case de Ricardo in lovely downtown Burbank. Your hosts are Ricky and Lucy. Breakfast is served between 8 and 10 am. First one up makes the coffee. No noise after 10pm. Enjoy your stay.If I'd thought about it I could have made this quilt:
Welcome to Cairo, my friends. Make sure you visit all the sights of our fair city including the Pyramids of Giza, the colossal Sphinx, the river Nile, and the mummy of Ramses II. No vacation is complete unless you spend much money at the Khan al Khallili. Thank you for choosing The Lazy Gal Hotel.I tried to write that using the patter that you hear in Cairo, like "my friends." If I were actually making it I would start doing letters for the most important words and that way if I ran out of room I could leave out the adjectives like "colossal" and not change the meaning.
Under any circumstances, Pokey is my sweet baby, but just look how irresistably cute she looks all curled up like that ready for a belly rubbing. Can't boot this sweetie pie off my lap, especially right now when the cats need all the reassurance they can get. Their world has definitely turned upside down with this move.
Yes I generally quilt with my legs resting on the coffee table. Or knees bent and feet on the edge of it. I just prefer to do it that way, but don't have to. I can quilt like a civilized person when I'm at someone else's home.
It's certainly no surprise that I have cat hair all over my quilt. I really love the texture the stitches are adding to Cranky Witch:
There was a while there when I was just going around the border (where you can't see the stitches) and I thought - why did I choose to keep this central fabric so large? What was the point - it's so boring. But I'm back in love with it again.You can go learn about the inspiration for the colors here. Especially those of you living in farm country will understand.
Aiyee, all of a sudden I can't pull up any blogs. I better try and post this one now. Ya'll take care. A Bientot.
There are suprises in the Halloween house:
This tile has a groovy frame that really makes it eye-catching.
Love the palm trees running along the top and the red good luck hands that have the eye in the middle (hard to see, but there).
I wanted you to see the detail of the girl riding the camel. I love how it looks like there is a chunk missing from the camel and she's standing up inside.