My husband questioned whether the photos I took last week of Pokey on the flag quilt were staged. Nope, that's hardly ever needed. Case in point, on Sunday I pieced a little quilt.
Got the word done, how much background does it need around it?

Now with the border fabric

This is a good indication that I'm not as worried about Pokey as I was a short time ago. Last week as soon as she gave me the signal for belly I'd have dropped the camera to give her some loving.

Now I'm letting her do the Belly Love Wiggle while I take photos. Not to worry, she gots lots of loving not soon after.

As you can see I was thinking about centering Boo in the middle of the quilt...
In the end I decided I liked the boo off-center.

I bet you can't tell that I'm having a real longing already for Halloween. There's definitely a reason (okay, more than one) that I love the
JaMPatch in Stuart - they love Halloween too and already have some fun fabric rolling in. That's where I got the great spider web fabric. I was thinking about using it for the letters but went with this option instead.
I think I've decided how I'm going to quilt it, but am not sure. There's a big part of me that wants to do spider webs and spiders, but maybe that's too expected. I keep going back and forth on options. Don't think the skeleton chorus line is going to work... I did start quilting the letters in red quilting thread but it wasn't bold enough - I need to use perle.
I've got a new blog for ya'all to check out. Laura's
Cloth and Mind. She just free-pieced her very first word and it's fabulous AND she's been making wonky houses that are amazing. She's really gotten into the multi-stories and complicated roofs. Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful. Please give her some encouragement and a welcome to blogland.
That first word that Laura made? It was rattle (plus a surprise) for the
Halloween Noises quilt. That's not so much the name of the quilt as the description. I'm already thinking of it as Slither Eek Boo. Anyway, here's what we've got so far. If you don't see your name here send me an email. Any additions, corrections, adjustments?
argh big leaning Cher
bang BIG honeybee
boo maybe big and skinny Patti
boo Brenda
clank Sarah
eek wide/narrow maybe getting smaller Marge
groan short and fat Siobhan
grr tall, skinny, leaning ChrisQuilts
gurgle rounded and flat Lynda
hiss snake-like SS Tracey in CT
hiss fat, uppercase Natima
hoot rounded Valerie
howl thin and growing Dionne
moan mix of big and small Beena
mu ha ha ha Mimi
mwa ha ha ha Kim
rattle Laura
screeeech spiky Clare
slither low and wide Lynne
slither possibly leaning Rondi
snarl straight up and down ForestJane
slurp rounded and curvy Rachael
squeeeak Kathy
thump wide/narrow letters Cheri
trick or treat overlapped Katie
wooooo Sharon
I'm not much of a planner when I'm making words. I have a tendency to just chop and go. To see a completely different way to work, check out Lynne's
planning for slither. Lynne plots, plans, and does a lot of work with paper. She's on the opposite of the spectrum. Both ways work, you just have to play around until you find what works best for you.
If you aren't sure how you'd like to do your word or would like suggestions, just ask. As far as fonts goes, hmmm, looks like we could do with something angular.
We now have a SHRIEK up for grabs if anyone would like to take it. Which is not to say we can't have dupes... Cuz we can, just let me know.