I finished reading Martha Grimes' mystery The Man with a Load of Mischief last night. I loved it. I don't know why, but I'd lumped Grimes in with Agatha Christie (dull; poorly developed characters) without ever giving her a try. Mischief is a cozy English detective novel with Old Peculiar, fat rascals, fairy cakes and all those other marvelous details that Anglophiles adore. It's got a dry sense of humor, very witty. "But the chief superintendent just sat there, having removed the toothpick and looking as if the elves had come in the night to stitch together his leathery lips along with the shoes..." 4.5 stars out of 5.
Horrible weather here today. Icy rain - yick. It's pretty amazing to see all the snowy pics out there in blogland though. brrrrr.
I like it better with the borders on.
sorry :)
just think it needs it!
and with your beautiful quilting it will be awesome!
can you find more of this fabric?
I would like a skinny border only maybe the red if you have enuf or two sides red and two candy cane. It looks great!
I like it with the border. I almost always use borders though so I may be biased.
I am a big fan of Martha Grimes books and have read most of them. She's a very good writer. Her characters are so interesting and oddball.
I like it without the border. If you are going to use the stripe, I think I'd be tempted to use the stripe going in the other direction (across the width of the border instead of the length of the border).
I'd like to see what it might look like with a sawtooth 1/2-square triangle border (2"-3" border per side pairing scrappy stripes with scrappy solids or some variation with the 4 sides being "different" from each other)?? Might not work in real life but the image in my head is pretty cool!
If I were doing the borders, I'd have to put a narrow strip of purple or deep gold to stop the eye. Of course, I tend to think in Amish colors. Would you like me to look in my stash for something in marbled red for you?
I like it without a border and binding with the red.
I would use the border, but I would have the stripes cut the opposite way. Instead of the long lines, it's kind of interesting with the shorter ones.
comment - not about the quilt - don't feel adequate in that department - just books;-)
I have the advantage of clicking on the san diego library site and having it sent directly to my nearest branch. I'm willing to give Martha Grimes a try on your recommendation. That's if I ever finish Ken Follett's not exactly a sequel to Pillars of the Earth, World Without End. It's right on tap with Pillars, one of my all time favorites, which I do hope you've read.
I do like that we have Library thing and Danny Gregory (a whole 'nother story) in common.
Loved seeing Stinsons and Buehlers. It was a too short, but very sweet visit.
I think a red binding would finish it off nicely. I really like the way it came out. Very fun.
Hope the weather improves. I was checking it often over the holidays, and it looks like had we gone to Paris we would have spent much of it indoors, out of the rain. As it was I spent my vacation indoors anyway, not due to weather but just out of laziness.
And I think it does'n't need a border. I love it the way it is :-)
At first I thought it needed a border but the more I look at it, I like it a lot without. I would bind it in red or green.
I'm at work and someone here was singing the praises of Martha Grimes only about five minutes ago. I'll have to put her on my list too.
Hmmm - I'm not a border-y type person, but I love the stripe/red border combo. Maybe do a skinny stripe - 1" and then just a 2" red??? It wouldn't increase the size too much. A flat piping could work too. (cut 1.5"; fold in half, insert it between the top and the border - sew it on!) OR at last resort - diagonal striped binding!!! Always a favorite!
Now why can't I have this many ideas when it's MY quilt???
PS - love it - however you finish it!
I kinda like the idea of just binding it in red. If I were to put borders on I would be inclined to use the stripe vertically rather than horizontally as you have it in your picture.
Aren't you glad quilting isn't rocket science or brain surgery?
;- )
No border for me. =) Maybe cut a red/green or green/something stripe on the bias for the binding?
I think no border, just bind in red. Do you quilt, then bind? I only ask because a lady in our guild puts the binding on, then quilts...I was taught to quilt first, then bind.
It is cold here too!! no rain, though..
I'd go with no border and bind it in the red. I just love how this looks.
I want to do a house/tree quilt this year but I haven't quite figured out what I want...I'm leaning toward using autumn colors and just starting to make some blocks and see what happens.
I think I'd leave the borders OFF and use the stripey on the bias to do the binding with.
Either way, your work is just smashing!
Funny what Mary said about autumn colours. I was thinking about making a tree quilt yesterday in autumn fabric.
I don't know about the border. I think I would have gone for a green binding - perhaps one of your amazing chartreuse fabrics. Yes, definitely after looking at the photos again.
Grey, miz and foul here too!
I think I like it without the border. The stripe fabric would make a great binding.
I like the plain red fabric for the border. To me, it needs it so the eye has a chance to rest. I think you could also use the stripey fabric like you have it only make it real skinny, maybe only an inch all around. Nice quilt, can't wait to see it finished.
Another vote for no border (and I put borders on everything!)
Thanks for the book recommendation. I can't believe you "disst" my Agatha though. Her books were the first ones I read when they let me go upstairs to the adult library! I even visited her birthplace and did the Agatha Mystery tour...
Didn't wait for the quilt picture to load (I'm in the country with dialup connection) when I saw you'd enjoyed Richard Jury & co. You simply MUST read some of the others! They are first rate - very different type books than Agatha Christie books. You get to feeling like Melrose and Aunt Agatha and Vivian and Trueblood and the rest are your own cronies. I'd recommend you start with the first . . . Anodyne Necklace, I think, and then go through them, because the characters and their relationships develop with time and it will be more enjoyable to see it happen rather than to skip around.
Definitely keep reading!!!!
Hmm, I'd just have skinny borders if it were me.It's so bright and fresh and cheery,perfect Christmas colours.
I'd swap a bit of icy rain for the 42C heat here, we're Melting!!! (I can never say that without thinking of Who Framed Roger Rabbit....)
I vote for the stripes going the other way. Think it would frame your quilt very nicely.
Hello! I'm another Tracy in CT and think no border as well. You might try either a red or green binding, but combine it with the cross-wise stripe as a 1/4" piping.
Once again, you have created an absolutely beautiful piece!!! Your style is so unique and fun...im inspired to try this design myself, thanks for sharing!
As for border thoughts...a nice wide red border would be pretty, but if you want to keep it small, i think this quilt works wonderfully without a border...as most of the others have said...perhaps a red or green binding should do the trick :) Cant wait to see it finished!
Happy New Year!
I love it without the borders, but anyway you do it will be great.
Hmmn...I think I'm going to voice my opinion for no borders. The stripe isn't "reading" well to me and the red could work -- but, yeah, need to see it. Frankly -- for something small I think it works sans borders. Happy new year Tonya -- may it bring you much joy, love, laughter and sunshine!
OK, I just glanced thru the comments quickly and guess I'm in the minority. I like it without borders. I think the binding will be just enough around.
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