I've only ever participated in one Mystery Quilt class and I HATED it. This was many years ago, in the early 1990's, and I didn't completely grasp what a mystery quilt was. I thought "mystery" meant that decisions would be made as we sewed and the outcome was unknown. Once I got far enough along to realize that I had no input whatsoever into the process other than rotely following orders, I quit. The black and fuschia half square triangles are a few of the pieces I actually sewed together.

I made the decision while piecing this orphan quilt together that I would lose the bottom of those mystery blocks. I could have added strips to make other parts of the quilt longer, but I chose wonkiness instead. I know that's not the decision that everyone would make, but I'm happy with it.
I thought you might enjoy a look at the back of the quilt. You can definitely see that I don't stretch out the back at all - I just try to get it flat and then layer and baste. I haven't hit any particular tucks or creases back there (yet), but won't bother me if I do.

I knew this quilt top already had a lot of seams on the front, so I bought wide unbleached muslin for the back. It has the advantage of showing up the quilting.
Pokey perched on the ironing board. Can it be called perching when she's all sprawled out like that? I liked the alliteration, but not sure it's accurate.

My husband took today off and he's whining to use the computer. He's definitely been having too much fun with his LibraryThing account. Catch ya later.
the quilting looks awesome!
I think you will be seeing muslin used on the back of some of my quilts soon too.
love the idea that you really see the quilting that way, especially when YOU use black thread :)
not me...thats a bit too brave !
It's always interesting to see the backs of quilts. Yours are so neat. Mine are much less so.
Wonky is great and the back looks pretty great too. Wish I could be home playing but I'm back to work today...
those blocks are definitely "you" -- I love how you put your own stamp on all you do and have the courage and self confidence to just be. Happy New Year Tonya.
Wow! It looks great! I love seeing all those glorious fans on the back. I also love the wonkiness. I look forward to seeing the whole thing.
Tonya I love mystery quilts. The unknown is what makes them exciting for me. Your quilting looks great. My fans are always "off" when I do them free hand. I love how yours look like you are using a stencil. You definately have become a pro at this non marking.
Your fans look great, so even and consistent. I know wonky is good but the ones I did on my Holiday House were a little too wonky but I guess not bad for a first try.
I don't do mystery quilts either. It's rare that I don't change a pattern or design in some way and if I don't know what it looks like, I can't do that.
I like your attitude toward this quilt and quilting in general, too. I also don't care to do mystery quilts. I find I would have done them differently if it hadn't been a mystery. This is going to be a great quilt - it already is.
I'm amazed by your fans. You do them by hand, right? I tried that for the very first time ever in my life last night on my little snow covered wonky tree, and they look like a kindergartener did them. Does it just take practice??
Wonderful quilting Tonya, I always enjoy seeing the back of quilts.
Happy New Year, may this year bring joy to you, your family, and your kitties!
I know it takes years to have such beautiful stitching- or at least that is what I console myself thinking-your fans as always are fabulous Ton...I like both sides!
Your fans are great. You said that they are free hand , are they continuous lined or do you start and stop? Any pointers?
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