I haven't decided how big to make my blocks yet. Definitely larger than this.
I had such a good couple of happy productive days that it made me realize how many haven't been. Definitely struggling with depression. I'm on meds for that and have been for years - but it may be that I need a higher dose. Speaking of health, I got a comment asking how my thyroid situation is doing. Quite honestly I'm overdue on visiting the doctor - I hated the endocrinologist I visited - I need to find another one who speaks english. Yes, I have a recommendations, I've just been a sissy about doing it.
Enough of that. I'm way behind on links. First off, let me say thanks to Lea in Japan and Tracey in Australia who both gave me a "You Make My Day Award." I'm very honored and say thank you, but I'm going to break the rules and leave it at that.
Tab at Enjoying Life's Journey free-pieced letters to make names on baby quilts. The quilts have a very modern, spare sensiblity - marvelous and so easy to do. And take a look at these pieces she made in which she embroidered her children's artwork. I think they're marvelous and remind me of some of the work Knit One Kristin has been doing for Christmas (and in progress here).
UpstateLisa is working on a wonderful free-pieced quilt for her husband. And don't think I'm mean because I didn't comment with suggestions for her hand quilting - I did email them to her. Anyone else have any ideas? Oh, and for Elvis lovers, she has something for you too...
An older pic of sweet Lily, who's been spending a lot of time locked up.
edited to add clarifications...
Again your colors for that mini-log cabin are beatiful and just you!
I lock my kitties inside the closet at times because that's where they like to nap. Then in the evening when I'm teaching we hear all this bumping and thumping and a cat pushes the sliding door open and out jumps a cat to the delight (and sometimes surprise) of my students.
Magic has a thing about sleeping in my wardrobe. I'm not allowed to shut the door. In fact, I daren't shut the door otherise we get woken in the night by her yeowling to get in!
Has the Embassy got a list of English speaking doctors? I suppose the other alternative is to ring round those listed in the Pages Jaune in your area and ask if the endocrinologist speaks English.
I hope you are feeling more cheerful soon. I'm sure a bit of sunshine helps. Cairo must have been better for sunshine than Paris.
The log cabins are looking good. I don't know how you can do them with such tiny pieces. I did two with inch strips for the hearts for Clare and two was definitely enough!
oh, i have had some really bad days lately, depression is not common for me but life has presented many challenges that seem overwhelming lately. sew more, you quilts are such happy things!
From personal experience, the thyroid thing can affect your whole out look on life. Once I got a handle on all that, I was a happier person and SO much easier to live with. My DD told me it was nice to have HER Mom back. Hope you are feeling better soon. Love the log cabin.....would go crazy with all the little pieces too plus, you would be at it forever! Keep us updated on the size you decide to do.
Tonya, Your log cabin bloks look great! Got me wondering how big this quilt will be....
I always want to try your Gwen-ish style and maybe this is the time for me to make a mini log cabin with your method. :-)
A few days of sun and some chocolate...toss in some good coffee (or red wine) and it's a cure!
Brownie has taken to hiding in drawers...I can't tell you how many times she has gotten trapped! My clue is when Mac starts whining in front of pieces of furniture!
I know exactly what you mean about being a sissy about going to the doctor. Me too. :-P
We're having our first day of sunshine in probably two weeks today. Had what they like to call a "sunbreak" a couple of days ago but that only lasts an hour at most. Here's hoping for some sunshine to come *your* way!
sounds like several issues going on with feeling down in the dumps-I am sure you will sort it out and be able to enjoy feeling good most of the time. Nice new project..I agree about taking fabric you are no longer thrilled with and cutting it up and putting it to use. nice to catch up with you!
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