Have to admit I'm getting tired of seeing the same old thing over and over in my blog. (Speaking of that "old thing" I've got several rows put together.) So here are some pics from the archives. This is Michel Colombe's marble sculpture of St George Fighting the Dragon, which is located in the Louvre.

I'm completely fascinated by the dragon.

His face looks like a dinosaur.
Little stubby wing:
The scales look like a patchwork or quilting pattern to me.
The info on the piece, which was executed in 1509-1510.

This is just for kicks. It's another piece and I didn't take a photo of the information. I just love the woman's toes. And that is a strange furry sea monster.

I seem to be spending far too much time doing chores like laundry and grocery shopping and not enough time sewing. But yesterday we had sun, real strong wonderful sun. Woohoo!
LOVE the photos and the details. You're right, the toes and the stubby wings, etc., are marvelous. And the beautiful quilty like pattern on the skin, wow.
I was there last week with the No Sew Zone due to organizing the house. It feel good to be back at it.
The dragon looks a bit cuddly. The only dangerous part is his teeth. Lol.
its winter, i feel tired of everything. blog on!
these are lovely, i feel some trapunto coming on....:-)
Lovely details; so inspiring.
Since I am fairly new to blogging, I enjoy it all. I think your blog is great. I am not tired of it. Maybe the sunshine will help your spirit soar some more. Looks like the dragon was soaring pretty well!
Tonya, I'm enjoying your art sculptures, architect buildings and statues photos.
All of are amazing and looks very interesting.
It looks like she's been wearing too many toe-pinching high heel shoes! She should look into sensible, comfortable shoes!
thanks for showing us old stuff. i don't remember seeing this one - such interesting characters! really like all the photos of local scenes...so much to see there.
What wonderful statuary! I always love these pictures. The woman's toes are great!
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