I'm planning on making the quilt about 72" square. That's a good size for me to use to throw another large quilt into the rotation (along with Masterpiece and Stars). There is no way I am going to hand quilt this bad boy - it will get mailed off to Bonnie for her to longarm. Not that she's even aware that's my plan.
I recently had an email exchange with Sandy and one of the topics which came up (besides her offer to send me some bright scraps - woohoo) is being a new blogger. I know it can be hard to get established and have people exchange comments with you. If you're in a similar situation, here are a few suggestions:
1) put an email addy in your profile if you are on Blogger. That way it's much easier to send email back and forth and develop a friendship.
2) If you're a non-Blogger blogger, put in your URL the first time you comment on a Blogger blog, to make it easier for someone to track you down.
3) For Blogger users: make sure that your blog isn't set up to be private. There are people I've wanted to communicate with and can't see any information about them. I know that's sometimes deliberate, but if it's not, you might want to ask someone to take a peek for you.
[For instance, Anjea, couldn't see your profile and you're no-reply, but thanks for the compliments and I'm glad you enjoyed the blog.]
4) Leave lots of comments on blogs that you love and feel a kinship with. I know it can be hard to leave a comment for people you don't know, but do it anyway. Wonderful friendships have been formed that way.
All new bloggers out there, and anyone who'd like to find more like-minded correspondents, leave a comment on this post inviting others to come visit your blog. Say a few words about your interests - free-piecing, bright colors, primitive quilts, bead embroidery, Gwen Marston fan??? I know I'm always looking for fellow sf/fantasy geeks to compare books/tv/movies with.
The next step is to go visit each other's blogs and leave comments. I promise I'll leave a comment for everyone who asks, and I hope my readers will do the same.
The sun isn't exactly shining, but it's probably as bright as it's going to get today. sigh. Off to the sewing machine for me -Pokey needs some blocks to sleep on...
P.S. speaking of geekiness, I'm begging everybody to watch Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles on tv. I would desperately love to see this show and want it to stick around. Those in the U.S. (and only there - can you hear me sobbing?) can even watch it for free on their computer. Here's a fun review of the pilot episode at the Flick Filosopher. I can't be the only quilter out there who loves the Terminator movies, can I?
My hubby was in the US last week and is bringing some Sarah Connor back with him. (Or maybe he watched it and is going to download it when he gets home?) Anyways, he said it's not bad, and hey, I loved the movies too, so there you go!
Another way is to join one of the web rings, like Quilt Studio. I think the Quilting for Fun rings are full.
If Bonnie didn't know about quilting your log cabins, she does now!
Rain rain and rain here - bleuch!
Your log cabins look amazing!
Leaving comments with a question in it sometimes helps to have bloggers come back to your blog with an answer. It worked for me. And some became wonderful bogfriends.
I read every post you write. Keep up the great work! Gwen Marston? Well, I guess you could say I'm a fan... we both live in Michigan, and I used to see her regularly when I lived on Park Avenue in Flushing next to quilter Mary Schafer. http://www.quiltershalloffame.net/index_files/Page2042.html
Have you seen Gwen's former partner, Joe Cunningham's website? You might like to check it out! http://www.joethequilter.com
Caron in Michigan
You see, T? That's what makes you so great. Giving me an opportunity to shamelessly plug my blog in a way tact wouldn't let me before. :) Sometimes crafty, rarely political, but generally thoughtful. I think, anyway. :)
who needs the sun when you have pokey's eye!
How could I resist leaving a comment after reading your latest post :) Love your block colours, would suit our bedroom perfectly!!
Your advice to new bloggers is excellent. I think it's especially important to have a reply address. People often ask me questions but leave no way of getting in touch with them. I think it's harder to get comments now that there are so many bloggers out there. When I started I could easily read all the quilting blogs I could find. No way now!
Great advice for new bloggers. I'm with Joyce--that reply address is so important, and it's frustrating when a commenter asks a question and you have no way to get back to them.
I remember, several years back, searching and searching for quilt blogs and finding almost nothing. That situation has been remedied!
I loved all 3 Terminator movies (you are not alone) but I'm not so sure I like the new TV series. A cutesy teenage female Terminator.........I don't think so!
I started quilt blog in English very recently and am still learning how I can communicate with other quilters out there.
Thanks your nice advice to join huge quilt bloger world!
I love your vivid color log cabin quilt. I also like "Terminator" series, too!
I liked the Terminator movies -- I'll have to check out the series. (Um, and have you asked your friends in the US if they can tape/burn it for you?)
Great advice to new bloggers too -- it gets frustrating when you want to reply to someone and they have no email address that you can find :0).
All wonderful tips. I hate that when I can't email back or find their blog because they don't have it listed in their profile.
good advice! I'm a new blogger too and got the advice to comment frequently on blogs I like, but sometimes I hesitate. I'm afraid that people think: who the .. is she????
I've been reading your blog for quite a while now and love your work and colourchoices!i've been to Paris 2 years ago and enjoy your pics!
On the subject of favorite television shows/movies, I wondered if you had noticed that Netflix is now offering unlimited viewing of rentals over the internet. You download and then watch, so there's no buffering problem.
In a similar vein, Amazon is also offering rentals via computer, with an expiration date once you've downloaded the movie.
If you've got a newer tv, you may even be able to hook up your computer to your television and watch the shows on the bigger screen. Or...you can buy a bigger screen for your computer! :-)
Also, I've got a beta membership in Hulu.com (free) which has a more limited menu of shows to watch --however, they have a number of popular shows that are no longer on tv, with complete seasons in stock.
I need to buy a more comfortable couch.....maybe one with a built in fridge, storage for sewing supplies, and a back massager....
Oh no, I am a big Terminator fan. I don't get that channel, but if I can watch it on line. Cool!! Did you ever try the 4400?
You MADE my week! We had to go somewhere Sunday night...and guess who forgot to tape (?) Terminator?!! I never thought to check online...didn't know Fox was doing that! Thanx.
I'm curious how you are going to set assymetric(sp?) blocks together. Can't wait to see.
I'm sure you aren't the only one - and by the comments I know you aren't. I love the Terminator movies, but this is the first i've heard of this! I don't watch TV any more or read the paper, so I miss hearing this stuff. Thanks for the info!
I know the other way I made a number of blog friends was to set my own blog settings so comments were emailed to me... this has meant I can just hit "reply" (assuming the person has their email set in their profile) and "talk" -- it meant I followed up much easier and more diligently on the comments I did receive... :-)
Eep, my bad! :D I only really started my blogger account to keep up with a friend who lived overseas for awhile, and then I just put friends' blogs into Bloglines. I'll update my profile.
The blog I use (read: post to) is on LiveJournal - my user name is my name (same on Blogger), and it's friends only. I get an email if someone wants to add me, so if you have an LJ look me up! :D
*scoots off to make necessary adjustments to profile*
I don't know if that fixed it or not. If not, feel free to send me mail! blogger name 214 at gmail dot com. :D
I love the pattern of the wood on your floor - never seen anything like that! Pokey looks put out that his soft sleeping place was taken out from under him. :D
The colors of your blocks are my favorite: cool colors. I think I even see some purple in there. I took a class from Gwen Marston and what I remember the most about her is when she said, "And if its a little too big, just cut it off". My kind of quilter!
I just started to blog last weekend. My blog site is:
Please stop by for a visit. I promise I will get some pictures in there as soon as I figure out how. Really, all I need to do is take some pictures, then I will have some to post.
I am a Terminator fan, too. But don't tell my husband!
I love the log cabin you are doing. It's going to be beautiful. Those are my daughters colors, she loves purple.
I am not sure but I think people can get to my blog, I will have to see if it is on private.
Thanks, have a good day sewing.
Wow, your log cabin is really coming along!
Hunney and I love the Terminator movies. Is The Sarah Connor Cronicles and movie or a series?
Thank you, Ton, for the tips on being a new blogger. AND thanks for mentioning me in your blog and for all those that have come to my spot! I hope (no, promise) to spend more time reading blogs and figuring out how to add lists/lables/links or whatever to make it more interesting. :o)
My family is having a Terminator marathon this weekend. My son loves the movies and the series so far.
Your blocks are looking so great and the size will be good to snuggle under.
Hi Tonya: Love that cat's expression - and the lovely herringbone pattern in the hardwood floor in itself would inspire quilts! My interests are: traditional quiltmaking and hand piecing, applique and quilting, teaching and other needlecrafts such as hand embroidery, counted cross stitch, penny rugs, and knitting. Please visit my blog everyone and comments are always appreciated too.
Janet in coastal Nova Scotia where it is snowing again!
The tips for new bloggers are great. I took me some time to figure out how to reply to comments on my blog but now it works!
I love reading your blog as I am a Gwen Marston (among others!) fan and I am french. I like reading your comments on french culture and way of life. Take care.
FWIW, I probably won't watch the Terminator series (but maybe I will; you never know!). My DD is looking forward to it. I can't wrap my head around watching a show or movie on my computer screen. I'm also slow to move into new things... unless I'm forced to! Now I'm off to check out bloglines ;- )
I love your log cabin quilt and your cat too! Thanks for the ideas for new bloggers. I've been blogging about a month and love to see everyone's work. I hope you'll check out my blog!
Great tips for new bloggers. I've only been blogging about a month but have 'met' people all around the world. In Feb I will actually meet some in person at a quilting workshop in Launceston - very exciting. Love all the pics of your cats. Keep them coming.
M's doing her part watching the new series..so our household is doing it's part in supporting your desire!
fun, fun! log cabin blocks...always great to see you diving into the scraps and playing.
Hello quilters. I'm a new blogger, but I've been quilting forever! I can't wait to become part of this online community.
I'm a fan of the Terminator films. I think the second one is my favourite. Haven't heard of the series though :)
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