The Carrefour European Patchwork Exhibition will be 13-16 September. I was excited to see that Jenny Bowker is bringing Egyptian Tentmaker Appliques to the show. Jenny's write up about Tentmaker Street and the appliques is incredible. And while I was searching for more info, I found this post written by one of the tentmakers himself.
So if you've been intrigued by my posts about tentmaker applique, this is your chance to see them without travelling all the way to Egypt. Of course you'll have to travel to France (oh, the hardship).
There will also be Turkmen patchworks from Afghanistan which sound intriguing. New (to me) ethnic textiles - gotta see that.
I've decided it's time to update the blog, including a new pic. So that's why this is here. A friend commented ages ago that the self-portrait I was using didn't look like me because I wasn't smiling. Hopefully this is better.
THanks for the links. I am blown away by their colors and designs. I can only dream of ever seeing them for real.
Your new photo is great! Sounds like you have some fun stuff coming up!
I went to a workshop on the Tentmakers Applique by barbara chainey. She sells pattern books of the designs on her website. i don't know the website off by heart but you could try Googling her.
love and hugs gina
Thank you for the tentmaker's link. Had you sat in his tent and been entertained with mint tea and conversation?
Oh look at the pretty fabric! And quilt shows to see in France! Oh how much fun. And the tentmaker applique at the show - but you've seen it even more up close and personal!
Wow - I sure enjoyed Jenny's write-up of Tentmaker street. Something about that applique and those tentmakers really intriques me!
I like your new photo! I must say that I am loving the collection of fabrics you are using in your next quilt!
Good picture of you, Tonya!
You have such an eye for color combos. I love those fabrics you just purchased. Looking forward to seeing what becomes of them.
Your new photo looks beautiful. The blue green fabrics are a nice change. Could they have been influenced by your stay in Florida? Lily looks beautiful also. I always think quilting benefits by the addition of a pussycat or two.
Hi, Tonya, you and Lily look so beautiful in your portraits with the azure backgrounds. Hope you can leave for Paris soon.
Jenny's blog is fascinating isn't it. She does some amazing work herself too. I like the new pic :-)
Great new photo! The shows in France sound like fun.
Now I know who to look for at Gare Montparnasse in September! Can't wait.
Now I have to repicture you all over again!! That smile makes a huge difference and so pleased you are now feeling like smiling. Those quilt shows sound great, Tracey
A countdown to Sweetie-Time! Goodie for you! And him and the cats, of course!
I like your new profile pic.
And the new quilt fabrics are gorgeous. Here's the perennial question from Lois: "How much did you buy of each?" This is still something I struggle with. Do you know how big the quilt will be and you bought planned amounts? Or did you buy X amount of each fabric and the quilt will be as big as that allows?
Love the added fabrics. Lily seems to agree! I wish I could see the tentmaker appliques in person, they look stunning!
that's my tonya!! Much better smiling...and did you see how the fabrics match Lily's eyes? And how the shirt/earrings you are wearing and the green of the plants behind you also match the fabrics Lily is laying on?! Great colors :cD Can't wait to see you for spring break!
I had meant to tell you that the posting that looks as if it was actually written by the tentmaker was not! It was written by Dijanne Cevaal and was done after she visited my friend Dendon.
There actually is ANOTHER quit show in France, I discovered some time ago. and I am going to this one. It's called, "Pour L'amour du Fil".Translated: "For the Love of Thread". It is in Nante, France in April (third week, I think). I will be going Next year. Can't swing going this year with work and other commitments. And does anybody know where I can purchase French books published in France? There is a particular Quilting book that I have been looking for. I think I am going to be stuck waiting until I get to France to purchase it.
O.T. Quilting Gal
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