Recently I came across a blog entry in which a new quilter asked what she should do about a seam that had flipped while she was sewing it down. Should she rip the seam out and do it over again? I wasn't kidding when I commented that this kind of thing happens to me all the time. Here's an example from the Crumby Retreat quilt:

Go back and fix it? Hardly. I just can't see that it matters. So what if the seams are screwy. This quilt was made by a human. I am not a machine. To me, quilts made according to the Quilt Police rules have a horrible tendency to be sterile. They might be lovely to look at, but where's the heart, where's the soul? I think that's why I seem to be gravitating more to string and utility quilts from many years ago - they're anything but sterile.
How do you like my quilting on Fruit Punch so far?

Look closer. In just this one photo, I can see where a seam flipped in four different places.

Does it matter? Does it change your opinion of the quilt or the quilter? Stop stressing about making your quilts perfect and just enjoy yourself.
And of course whenever a quilt comes out for photography, one of my little ones just has to come pose. [Dawn, don't be fooled. Lily might look sweet and ladylike but she's the mischevious troublemaker, I assure you. Also my darling sweetie who sleeps in my arms, so there's no way I'm letting her go!]

I just finished Smallville Season 5. Holy Cow, it took me by surprise. Pa Kent? Really? Now I just want to devour the next season, but it's not available yet. Aaagh.
I've unfortunately discovered a new treat. Planters dark chocolate covered almonds. They are incredibly yummy and wouldn't be that bad for me if I could just limit myself to the serving size.
Good god I never give flipped seams a second thought. If I had to go back and correct them I would have stopped quilting 24 years ago. I cannot tell in the photograph that there are any flipped seams. That quilt is looking yummy and Lily is adorable. I have one cat, Oliver Fox, who will sleep in my arms occasionally. I feel so honored whenever that happens.
Are flipped seams a problem???? I never knew. I should publish a view of the back of one of my chicken blocks. They are a mass of flipped seams, threads and other disasters. My thinking is they will all be covered in backing anyway so why stress?
In my ranting about seams I forgot to say that the quilting looks great and the kitties look comfy.
I love how the quilting on the X & O's is coming. It has a real energy to it. I don't have many seams that flip, and only correct them if its someplace that will matter (like right at a corner) -- otherwise its just steamed to flat :-)
Tonya, your quilting is just lovely! It's no wonder your kitties love to spend time on the quilts, who wouldn't!
I'm not overly fussed by flipped seams, the only thing I might do is give them a snip about 1/4" away from the flip so I can press the majority of the seam the right way, but only if it's something I think I'll notice because of a light coloured fabric. Otherwise, flip away!
long ago I realized that if I was to aim for perfection, I wouldn't make any quilts so I hear you about the seams - but I also know that for some, the impulse to make it perfect is hard to overcome - we can only hope that each of us finds some sense of joy in the process - I do like this bright quilt you are finishing - the quilting is wonderful
Of course, you know I rip. lol
This post was just what I needed tonight. That, and maybe one of Bonnie's neckrubs. Must.loosen.up.
Glad to hear you're heading to Europe soon. I've been thinking of you.
And you might be surprised (or not) that I rarely do anything to the flipped seams either. Only time I worry about them is if the fabrics are very heavy for some reason and I just can't get it to lay down.
Darn - she is sooo sweet looking, and I can just see Chloe keeping her in line!!!!
Mmmm, those choc covered almonds sound wonderful!
Tell her the 'quilt police' are NOT allowed in her house...and who cares about flipped seams anyway? Only time I even notice is if the block is going on to someone else. Then I want it FLAT FLAT FLAT.
The quilting is lovely!!- I can't even see the flipped seam.
I have to say that I try not to have any flipped seams--I try to be careful about how I press everything. But it happens. Usually I fix it, but sometimes I don't.
Your quilting looks super. What is it with these cats that have to come and immediately SIT on whatever it is that you're doing? (I see this at my house too...) Don't be fooled by the cat's cute and cuddly nature. It's a ruthless power play. :-)
I don't stress over flipped seams either unless the block refuses to lie right.
I'm in awe of your quilting skills. You are so talented.
Your cats love your quilting too and really seem to love to have their picture taken.
I don't reflip mine uless I know I am making the quilt for a very special reason. Funny thing I am working on a quilt right now, the seams seem to just want to flip all the time, and I was thinking about the quilt police and how in some ways they have spoiled the art of quilting. Why so many rules and regulations to spoil such a fun activity. Some people just can't live with out rules and no no's. I decided to not sweat over it and just move on. Enjoy the day.
Love your Fruit Punch, the colors are delish! LOL about the flipped seams! Thanks! Although I start with seams pressed in alternating dirctions, by the time I am done I will have just as many flipped ones too. I might clip them if they get too thick. Isn't that what the quilting is for, to hold all that stuff down? =)
I don't normally worry about them unless I have to have it a certain way to sew something to that piece. Most times I don't realize it until I've pressed and it's already laying flat so why bother. I press from the front so I don't see them until too late anyway!
Quilting is coming along fabulously!
They happen enough that I have a name for them: Twisted Sisters. My students call them that too. I tell them to change them if they are bothered by them, but that I leave them alone.
I only fix a seam that's making the whole thing not sit properly...and it has to be bad!
Love your hand quilting and I am fascinated with the laundry basket of strips. That's some stash for a girl who is only in temporary accommodation! tracey
I love your fruit punch quilt -- the colors are bright, cheery -- and I recognize a few of the fabrics from my own stash! As for the flipped seams, um, they're a problem? Steam and an iron are wonderful and unless it made the block horribly, horribly wonky -- why bother ripping it out? I'd hate for the quilt police to see most of my work from the back side.
Flipped seams a speciality! Who is going to see them so who is going to know? Love Fruit Punch and love your quilting.
Here's the weird thing about me: I hate to have flipped seams in my work. I can't see them in yours (or anybody elses for that matter), but I can't stand the thought of them being there if I can correct them.
Lily looks lovely, but for once, my eyes are more drawn to the quilt. Spectacular! That first pic makes me want to reach out and touch it. Fantastic!!!
I have them too :-)) even a lot . and I leave them as they are flipped. Great post Tonya. straight from my heart ! Lovely quilt , beautiful stitches.. I know you quilt without a hoop.. I tried but I can't .. Doesn't matter. It is more important that we feel comfortable :-)
Brave woman showing the backside of your quilt! I alway thought the real reason for the batting, backing and quilting was to hide the seams....
Fruit punch and kitty look wonderful. You sound more like yourself too!
a flipped seam on the backside is the least of my problems! LOL! My little Holly loves the laundry basket-empty or full of clean laundry, it does not matter. That's where she naps.
I recently finished Smallville season 5 too. Good stuff! I love love love Louis, but still find Lana BORING!
I'm with you - I have heaps of them and never worry. Maybe that makes me a bit lazy - or maybe there are better things to do with my time. Loving the texture created with your quilting on this gorgeously vibrant quilt :-)
Thank you for your post... I have always the same "problem", but now I will not yet be worried about it !
The colors of your quilt are wonderful !
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