I guess it was inevitable that I'd end up with a kitty in the laundry basket I use for my fabric strips. This would be Lily the imp. What's actually surprising is that I've never had any of the cats sit in baskets full of clothes and linens. My childhood cat loved warm, clean laundry.

When I first started cutting these strips I put them in plastic bags to keep like with like. I hate sorting through the mess when I want a different width of a particular fabric. Anyway, I decided to be more Bonnie and just throw them all in there willy-nilly and even let them get folded and twisty (eek).
I did a wee bit of sewing the other day. Found I just wasn't in the right frame of mind to piece. I'm totally enamored with hand quilting right now, so I guess I'll just keep at that.
In my last post I included a picture of an Egyptian date palm. Well here is a Florida palm tree with a completely different kind of fruit. I have no idea what it is.

My knowledge of palm trees generally runs to "ooh, pretty." I only knew those were dates in Egypt because our first week in country we visited the pyramids at Saqqara which were surrounded by palm trees and we were surrounded by locals trying to sell handfuls of dates.
I have two laundry bags in my studio for scraps. When the door is open you will usually find a cat in each of them. There are a lot of claw holes but I think it is so comforting to look in there and see a lovely feline face smiling up at me. Unfortunately my cats love to get into the laundry baskets. They are discerning though - they never go for the dirty laundry - only the clean.
I have similar issues as you know with hand quilting. It is addictive and sometimes even when I want to piece I will pick up the hand quilting instead. I figure it is our time we should spend it in the most enjoyable way at the moment.
Hope you are staying well.
I have one cat in particular who loves clean laundry... so much so that I have a quilt I cover the alundry basket with so the cat can't burrow into it :-)
Hope you find the tangled strips work well. I know I find things a lot less planned and more random when I just use what I reach for...
I've always wanted to taste fresh dates but never have. I love dried ones so I assume I'd like fresh ones even better.
My comment on palm trees is usually "I must be a long way from home". Lol.
Palm trees are my absolute favorite. There is something so relaxing and tropical about them. And I think poor little Lilly needs to come live with Chloe and I. She is soooo cute!
My two buys know the sound of the dryer door opening and come running! I have to fight them to keep them out of jumping in the dryer when I'm throwing in wet clothes! I don't stop them when the warm clothes come out. I just keep taking stuff out and shaking off the fur as I fold until it's empty and they jump out!
Hey Tonya - those are definitly coconut palms - lots of those around in the sunny south.
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