My friend Siobhan tried to say that she was the most procrastinatingest of them all. Ha! I got her beat by a mile. Here I am finally finally finally posting the last assortment of the lovely blocks ya'all have sent me. I think I have them all straight, who sent me what, but please let me know if I've made an error.
First up is this delicious scream by Mary C. Look at that awesome A - it's dipping a toe into the water.

Patti F sent me these fun boos. She tried to claim that one of these had an error, but I'm sure not spotting it. Wonderful!

Annie O (of
Annie's Quilt Orts) made the fabulous
soar - she wrote about making it
here. There are NOT too many seams - you did a great job. What a fun font - art deco inspired?
Brown Dirt Cottage Belinda sent the fun stripey
hugs - she's got great serifs on these letters.
Dye Candy's Chris Daly used some of her gorgeous
hand-dyed fabric to make this beautiful
live. I LOVE this
i. Chris kindly sent me some of her fabric - the apricot, orange, pink and lime green colors in particular are gorgeous, but eek, I forgot to take a photo of it before I cut it apart to sew. Oops. I mixed them with other fabric and made a really cute quilt though!
Juliann is living large with this lively live. Mary C (who made the scream up above) showed that she cared - love the A, it's so jaunty.
I was thrilled to get leftovers. Annie sent me an O and Nancy a hearted O and a Y. I don't know why she didn't like her Y and redid it...

Mary also sent me a couple of fun liberated blocks - these will go into the orphan block stash!

On a completely different note, I got some beautiful Bonnie Blues from the Fabric Square Shop. I know, they aren't my usual brights, but they'll be great in the right project.

Can't leave you without a kitty pic. Here's a sleeping Pokey. She continues to do well.

She's fine, the other kitties are fine, my husband made it safely back to Paris. All is good.
Yesterday I had a fun time sewing at the
JaMPatch. We all worked on our own projects and the folks I was with made reindeer names. Very cute and of course I forgot to take pics... I worked on my latest scrappy hope quilt. More about that in another post.
Today I was good and finished up a quilt top. Slither, Eek, Boo is complete and it is big. I have lots of photos to share another day.
I am sooo behind on this blog. I'll catch up now that my sweetie isn't here distracting me.
Forgot to mention in my last post that Gwen's new book is being published by AQS and will be out in Spring 2010. Wish it were sooner, but am just plain old happy it's coming out.