I got the idea from a combination of sources. Gwen M did a series of folk art applique articles in the magazine "Ladies Circle Patchwork & Quilting" way back in the 1990's. She did several vases with flowers that I adored. Additionally, Roberta Horton's "Scrap Quilts" has some flowers and vases quilts that also speak to me. So this was my version. I used the running stitch applique method for the first, but probably not last, time ever. It adds a great detail - like you've quilted 1/16" from the edge. I did quilt around each of the shapes with regular white quilting thread, to make the shapes pop out a bit and add some detail.
I love this one Ton,
is it raw edge type applique? I think if I could do something primitive like that it might get me over the hate of the A word...No, not hate, really, it's just tedious as hell to do needle turn and get it to not look like crap, and I avoid it...but I like to look at other peoples! (does that still qualify as hate?)
I gave up on QNM long ago...I don't miss it either. Sometimes I'll flip through at the magazine rack at walmart to see if there is anything I'm missing, usually nope! :c)
My motto for today (and when I need it) is "simplify and go with what inspires you"
Love your Liberty Blooms! It's so great seeing your work as you post it here.
Can hardly wait for October and Halloween *G*G*G*G*
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