I've been dealing with medical issues the last couple of weeks. I have a pelvic mass, probably most likely benign. But it's large and it has to come out but until all the test results are back the doctor doesn't know how she can preform the surgery (the easy robotic way with just keyhole incisions or the tradition surgical route) or when it needs to be done (in a couple of months, sooner, soonest).

I'll either be in the hospital overnight (best scenario) or several nights. My recovery time could be up to eight weeks depending on what has to be done. It's hard to plan. I'm worried about Pokey - she still has to get to the vet and I sure won't be able to crawl under the bed to get to her.
Ugh. I hate this, I hate the not knowing. I hate that my family is all so far away. My aunt (who's a quilter - yah!) is going to come help me out. I have this faint hope that I'll feel better really quickly so that we can have fun and sew but I know I'm fooling myself. I'll probably be spacey with drugs and cranky.
I probably won't know anymore or have the surgery schedule for another week. So welcome to the waiting game.
So anyway, that's what's going on with me. I haven't gotten any sewing done (that's an older photo of Pokey with Hope Strings Eternal) and barely any handquilting. I've definitely been reading too much medical info on the internet.
Later. Ya'all take care.