Île de la Cité. I stitched together three photos to get this panorama shot. Theoretically it will enlarge when you click it.

This morning I got out my crumby top that I made with Bonnie way back in January 2007. The quilt she made at the same time is stunning and there's no way I can compete with her border. So I'm just adding a patterned fabric. But first I had to try and straighten up the center. I don't get crazy about it - I don't have to have a perfect square or rectangle, but I do like to add the borders on straight on each side. Well this poor top has definitely stretched out with me holding it up by the corners to show it off. Trying to get straight edges has been... interesting.
I'm trying to get several projects finished up with backing fabrics. Some will be long-armed, and others will go with me so I have stuff to work on in Florida when I get there in January.
I've got a question for ya'all. I need to get a backing pieced for my Jumbo Margarita quilt. It's got white fabric in it. Am I going to get myself into trouble using heavily patterned/dark fabric on the back? I'm worried about it showing through to the top.
You've been very helpful answer the question To Mac or Not to Mac. I'm going for it. Or at the very least I'm going to make an appointment at the Apple Retail Store to really give it a test drive. I didn't realize just how much was available at their store, such as the personal shopper and one-on-one training. Very cool.
What a brilliant photo, how did you manage to piece three together like that? We had a wonderful holiday in Paris for our Silver Wedding Anniversary 4 years ago, can't wait for another visit. I love my Mac. It took a bit of getting used to after a PC but I wouldn't change it for the world now. Have fun.
I doubt a patterned background with dark fabric would show through on that quilt.......you will have batting in there, right??? That will help the dark not to show through, too. And.....there isn't as much white as I expected to see when you mentioned it.
I agree that the batting should prevent the pattern from showing through and it it does it will just look like a very pastel pattern on the white.
I love the picture of the Ile de la Cite. My favorite building on it is Sainte Chapelle.
The crumby top reminds me of one in Gwen's new book. I can't remember what she called it. I am beginning to like working with the small blocks. I like the K in the upper left. I also love the red and purple. You make me want to hop the first plane to Paris! I remember the Jumbo Margarita top. It is one of my very favorites. Why not a pieced back>
Such a great photo of Ile de la Cite -- beautifully put together, I couldn't tell!
My new computer is a Mac laptop, and next week my daughter is getting the one that just came out, so if you have specific questions about either of those, let me know. It's my first laptop and I absolutely LOVE IT!!
I hope you'll use a happy, patterned back for that fabulous Margarita Quilt - I used colors/patterns all the time and have never had a problem with them "showing through" - go for it!!
FABULOUS photo of Paris ~ beautiful!
Still loving my Mac laptop - you'll enjoy your visit to the Apple store :-)
I love the Margarita quilt, I shouldn't think that a dark backing would be problem, not with batting. I always enjoy your photos, are you going to share the how to?
no problem on the dark fabric. good luck with a mac!
Hubby says to look for a military/diplomatic discount when you make the plunge ('cuz we know you will). ID card might get you a little something at the Apple Store, but after your test drive you might want to look for a PX (MacDill AFB in Tampa or US South Com in Miami?) and see if they've got what you want.
Regarding patterned background showing through, I've had it do so. You can always lay the quilt sandwich out and smoosh it all together in places, hold it up to a window and see what you see. It's cumbersome, but a lot easier to undo than a quilted quilt that you aren't happy with. Good luck, no matter what I am sure it will be lovely.
Beautiful photos! I always like the cotton Warm & Natural batting for helping to hide dark backings.
The only problem you'll have with a dark pattern on the back is if you hang the quilt at the window! Otherwise, I'm sure it won't show through.
What a great picture and you did a wonderful job "sewing" it together - can't see the seams at all! I'm going to miss your photos of Paris when you leave.
I agree with everyone else. With a batting in there, you won't see the printed/dark backing. I've never had a problem and I do that a lot.
Thanks for the fabulous photos.
Another loyal and (mostly) happy Mac user here. Mine is a few years old and i've had a few problems, but they mainly have to do with old system/ new software incompatibility, stuff that shouldn't come up with a new Mac.
As always--fantastic Paris photos! What a gift you've had--living there and being able to enjoy the city at your leisure.
Beautiful! What a lovely place to take a walk.
What a great picture. Our camera says you can do that, but we haven't tried it yet. I'm totally techno challenged
Just an additional caution - it depends on what kind of batting. Polyester will let the dark backing show through. Be sure to use either cotton or wool to prevent it from showing through.
Wow...those are just beautiful photos.
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