Of course, Pokey approves of them all too.
Some of these books will be familiar to my faithful readers. Wade through those and you'll get to some you might not have seen before. Maybe.
First and foremost, is the one that changed it all. Gwen Marston's original Liberated Quiltmaking
Gwen's more recent book, Liberated Quiltmaking II
For the hand quilters out there, oh boy, Gwen Marston and Joe Cunningham's fantastic but also sadly out of print classic Quilting With Style: Principles for Great Pattern Design
Speaking of hand quilting, Gwen is now doing a series of hand quilting lessons on her homepage. Check it out here. And while you are there you can buy some books directly from Gwen herself, including Ideas and Inspirations and her collaborative books with Freddy Moran.
Roberta Horton's Scrap Quilts: The Art of Making Do is another old standby favorite that you can READ since it's not a pattern book. Definitely the kinds of books I like.
Alright, you'd almost have to be living under a rock to not know about the Gee's Bend quilters, the fabulous improvisational quilters of Alabama. If you haven't gotten it already, run and grab The Quilts of Gee's Bend: Masterpieces from a Lost Place
You say you've already got that book? Well then how about Just How I Picture It in My Mind: Contemporary African American Quilts from the Montgomery Museum of Fine Arts or Accidentally on Purpose: The Aesthetic Management of Irregularities in African Textiles and African-American Quilts
I own a ton of books on Amish quilts. Far too many books only have the pretty and perfect quilts but the Amish had some rebel quilters. Try these books: Amish Abstractions: Quilts from the Collection of Faith and Stephen Brown
I also love Illinois Amish Quilts: Sharing Threads of Tradition which you can buy directly from the author, Janice Tauer Wass. I admit I'm biased because I got to see some of these beauties in person, but the book is wonderful.
Wild by Design: Two Hundred Years of Innovation and Artistry in American Quilts
Another historical book I treasure is Album Quilts of Ohio's Miami Valley
Quilts by Paul D. Pilgrim: Blending the Old & the New
Do you ever buy a book for just one fabulous quilt? Then have I got the book for you. Mississippi Quilts
So many of the state history books ignored string quilts, but not this one, which is why I love it. I was about to say that Mississippi Quilts is my favorite state book, but oooh I also love New York Beauties: Quilts from the Empire State
On to something completely different. Picture This: How Pictures Work
Another book on design that I love is Design!: A Lively Guide to Design Basics for Artists & Craftspeople
Design includes a couple of embroideries by one of my favorite artists, Renie Breskin Adams whose work is so full of humor and joy. Ooh, her website has a collection of her work, which you can click on and explore BIG.
Hmm and now I have to direct you over to another fun embroiderer, Caroline Dahl. She's been doing some awesome Day of the Dead work, and I think my favorite is Laundry Day of the Dead.
Speaking of humor and joy AND knowing you just need a project to include UnRuly Letters
Feel like having some fun that has absolutely nothing to do with quilts? then try the book Bent Objects: The Secret Life of Everyday Things
Okay, I can't think of anymore. What books would you recommend for your favorite liberated, UnRuly quilters?
Thanks for the suggestions, I want to add some of those books to my wish list. One book I often refer to is "Scrap Happy" by Sally Schneider. Her directions in the front of the book are so handy for making triangles.
thank you for the list and recommendations! i think i'll email your post directly to Santa..
Yea, direct to Santa for this list! I also love Accidentally on Purpose and all of Gwen's books. String Quilts is probably my favorite of hers.
Tonya, congratulations on the book! I'm so excited for you. It's in my Amazon cart waiting for me to decide what needs to come with it :->.
I really like your comment about books to read, not for patterns. I loved the Wild by Design and Gee's Bend books for that. One of my very favorites is 'A People and Their Quilts' by John Rice Irwin, about the quilts of Appalachia. Lots of great pictures, both of quilts and people, but the best parts are the interviews with people about what life was like 'back then.' An amazing book.
I'm going to go check out 'Quilting With Style'!
I second John Rice Irwin, Greeneville isn't too far from where I live, and add
The Quilters by Norma Allen and Patricia Cooper
as well as
West Virginia Quilts and Quiltmakers by Fawn Valentine.
My favorite Gwen Marston is Quilting with Style.
and now that I've browsed my library I'd have to add that those I started with I still love
Georgia Bonesteel's Lap Quilting
and Marti Michell's Scrap Patchwork and Quilting.
My goodness thank you so much for adding my book to your list...I am honored to be on there with such great authors! Can't wait to get YOUR book this week!
OMG Ton. So much to choose from. To start with I'd love Roberta Horton's book, but sadly can't find it any where. It's getting like LQI.
Like the look of Mary Lou's books. Thanks for the link.
Serena mentined Georgia Bonesteel's Lap Quilting. You gave me More Ideas for Lap Quilting and although the quilts aren't exactly me, there are some good colour ideas in there.
Oh but the King and Queen have got to be LQ1 and LQ2. I'm taking LQ2 to bed with me tonight LOl.
PS Good word!
I have to thank you for the suggestions for an awesome Christmas gift to myself. I just ordered 2 books this fine Sunday morning.
Wow, some of those look incredible. Good thing tomorrow is a library day!
I also like The Quilter's Book of Design. Difficult at times, but a good guide.
Again, congratulations on the book launch.
Thanks for sharing your list of favorite quilting books. Many are new and I'm eager to check them out.
If only I had found your blog a few years ago. Thanks for all the book tips. Some I have, and some I must order!
Tonya those are great recommendations.
I'm a believe in using the public library so hopefully I'll be able to find some of the titles there. Gail :)
Oh no! Lots of scrumptious books! And since I already have several of them, and know they're 'my kind of thing', I can see an Amazon moment coming on!
Thanks for the mention!
I have purchased several of these quilting resources for holiday gifts. My Mom is an avid quilter and these are great birthday and Christmas gifts...
word play shipped today from Amazon, Dec 15. Just got my email notification.
Congratulations on your new book.
I had lost your site for a while and I saw your name through another site or FB. I don't remember.
Anyways, well done!!
I just remembered, MaryLou Wideman's blog, aha!
Have been a fan of yours, and your cats, for many years. Especially your blogs when you were in
Egypt and packing for Paris. I wish I could quilt without a frame as you do. Congrats on your new book.
Tonya, Congratulations on your book! I see that it is finally available. It's listed in the weekly email newsletter that I just received from eQuilter.com. Best regards, Happy Stitches, and Happy Holidays! Jay
I went to the quilt shop in Columbus, OH and your book was sold out!!!! Hooray!!!!! Em's Mom
Just wanted to let you know the package arrived and is waiting for Christmas to be opened. My husband didn't even give me an opportunity to squish it before placing it well out of my reach. Can't wait!
I once took a workshop with Renie Adams. She was great, but I felt completely out of my element in a class filled not only with expert embroiderers but artists as well! It was fascinating to watch everyone else work.
Merry Christmas Tonya.
Boy, you are right on the money!! I have many many of these books and love them all.
Oh Tonya, I finally have my copy of your book and Word Play Quilts is absoutely outstanding!! Very well written and illustrated!
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