I did finish two quilts the other day, but I'll wait and post pics until after they're washed. I'm in that mopey state I get into after finishing a heartfelt project, be it quilt, movie, book... I get so immersed in that world I find it a bit hard to back out and get enthusiastic about something else. I just want to keep doing what I was doing, even if it is done.
I need to get a top finished so that I have something to quilt on since my current project is almost done. Discovered that my Orphan Train quilt isn't as far along as I thought (eh, too much work, put it back in the box) and my Hugs for Sweetie just isn't grabbing my attention (not to mention I have to try and find the fabric for it). Think I'm going to work on my collaboration project with Bonnie.
I had so much fun working on quilt tops with her in Florida that I asked Bonnie to do one long distance with me. I picked Amish colors since I knew she had leftovers from her Amish String Quilt and I have a selection of solids too. My rules were no whites, lime greens, traffic cone orange or bright yellow. She sent the muddier, grayish fabrics I wasn't likely to have. The orange here looks much brighter than it is in person.
I just rewatched the British mini-series Ultraviolet -- not to be confused with the bad movie of the same name (okay I presume it's bad - I've never actually watched it) -- in which vampires are being fought by British law enforcement. Well, sort of law enforcement - they seem to be very much above the law. It's all handled very realistically - no Buffy kung-fu action. It's such a great concept, handled well, just makes me nuts they didn't make more of them. One of the stars is Idris Elba, the fabulous actor who portrayed Stringer Bell in the first few years of The Wire. He's always very intense and watchable.
Speaking of Buffy, the original movie was on tv today. Sounded very odd dubbed into French - I don't remember Buffy ever sounding that tarty.
What else is going on... little cats seem to have a truce, but aren't cuddly and sweet together still. Lily scratched the heck out of me this morning, using my bare back as a launching pad to get to the top of the dresser. Pokey has become a menace. It's so darling when she sticks her face into glasses to drink the water, but now we've caught her sticking her paw in and knocking the glass over when there isn't enough water for her to be able to drink it. Trying to convince her that she is indeed a cat and should drink out of the bowl just doesn't work. Time to buy kids' sippy cups...
Those colors look yummy! And there is nothing wrong with staying in and hanging out at home. Of course, I say this as I am staying in and not going out into cornfields -- but still.
Are the sippy cups for you or the cat?
The colors are great! Do you know what you will be doing with them?
Glad to see you made it to Paris! We've been traveling, so I'm behind in checking blogs.
Well, you can't go out and party every day, even if it is Paris.
The solid colors look cool and restrained. But I bet you'll do something lively with them.
can't wait to see what you do with those solids. Can Pokey be any cuter?? I don't think so.
The "paw in the glass" trick is done at my house by my boy Bailey. But he tends to like the wine!! Is there an AA chapter for cats??
Oh man! I'm still trying to figure out how to get Bonnie to make me some solid crumb blocks. Why can you guys make such fun crumb blocks? Mine just don't seem right - I need to go watch her sometime! I can't wait to see what your going to make!
Buffy the Vampire Slayer in French... That makes me smile just thinking about it!
Isn't it great unpacking stuff that you haven't seen for a long time. Anything that you forgot you had? Can't wait to see what you and Bonnie get up to.
Bit hot isn't it!
I love how colorful you are (in person too?)! I'm raring to get out of my autumn brown mode (I've been in it for 10 years) and dive into some bright colors! Look what you've turned me into! No cats going over the veranda?
Are the sippy cups for you or the cats? Love the plain fabrics - never seem to use them so I forget how striking they are - what are you going to do with them?
Moving is such a pain! I am still looking for a couple of projects and have almost given up on finding the white to finish the red, white and blue quilt for DH. You know if I substitute another white he will notice - this from a man who can't tell red from pink! good luck with your fabric search!
Those colors are great! Can't wait to see what you and bonnie com up with.
About the kitties, check out
They sell some products that are kind of like aroma therapy stuff but with phermones for cats. When I introduced a new cat I used this to help with the stress and it really did work. It helped with the little *all the house is a litter box* issues we had once too. I know it seems a little "new age" but I had a lot of success with these products. Good Luck!
Cats love fabric and quilting. Very discerning creatures!! :-)
Oh My! I'm having serious Pokey Withdrawls!! She really just IS too cute, you know. I hads a long discussion with EmmyLou (my grey stripped tabby) the other day about needing to take pokey lessons. She wouldn't give me belly no matter how hard I tried!
I have the same problem with my Lily, now I have resorted to the sippee cup sports bottle to keep little paws full of kitty litter out of my water.
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