I'm doing much better these days. Have more energy and I think I've gotten past my bout with the blues. Several people have asked when I'm getting to Paris. Don't know. I still have to be approved by a medical board(s) and get a new Visa and a few other hurdles. It's going to be awhile. I'm thinking April, that way I'm not stressed. Cats and I are enjoying the sunshine and it gives my sweetie a chance to dig into work at a new office without any distractions.
I've been doing loads of quilting on Hot Crazy Love. I'm trying the Request version of Quilters Dream 100% cotton batting for the first time and enjoying it. Don't know if it was just this quilt or the batting, but the more I worked on these blocks the more I felt compelled to quilt them heavier. It just plain looks better.
I have almost all of the blocks done as well as the sashing and corner posts. I'm worried I won't have enough quilting in the borders, but I expect I could do double or triple fans (meaning I'd have either two or three fans about a quarter inch apart, and then a gap of about an inch and then another grouping of the quarter inchies - if that makes no sense check out Gwen Marston and Joe Cunningham's Quilting With Style).
The adorable baby Pokey:
Gotta run - ya'll take care.
Good to see your new post. The additional quilting on your current project makes it even better. Bloglines says you have 25 new posts - guess that's the 'new' system.
Thanks for the update -- good to see that you're feeling better.
You have the most gorgeous cats!
Welcome to "new" blogger, Tonya. Glad to hear you're feelng better.
Hot Crazy Love is looking absolutely gorgeous...may have to try something like that soon. I just bought Gwen Marston/Freddy Moran's new book, Collaborative Quilting, and it's inspiring me, too. Need to do something outside the box for myself.
Pokey is such a wonderful cat...thanks for sharing that great pic.
Your quilt and your cat both look lovely. Good to hear you are doing better :-)
I am glad to hear you fell better!
I have put a quilt in my blog you inspired to make. Keep on the good work!
It is good to hear from you. Love the quilt and cat.
We watched Larry David when we had digital cable. Hubby and I would yell at Larry David all the time. He is so funny and stupid at the same time.
They forced me to switch as well. I don't even know where my gmail account would be so I haven't checked it. Do we have to? Glad you are feeling better.
I just tried to use gmail and they told me you have to be asked to try it out. It is only available to a small number of people for a trial period.
I'm glad to hear your feeling better. Your Hot carzy Love quilt is awesome.
Welcome to Beta! Glad to hear you are feeling better. You sound a lot more chipper! Hot Crazy Love is looking gorgeous, as is Pokey.
So glad to hear you are doing better! We have season 2 and 3 of Curb Your Enthusiasm if you decide you like it...I never quite clicked with the series but DH loves it.
Hi Tonya - the quilting is coming right along but I have to tell you I LOVE Pokey's big blue eyes.
The quilt is looking great--heavy quilting makes for more visual complexity and that's always a plus IMHO! Glad to hear you are feeling well. Enjoy "Curb Your Enthusiasm"--as you get into it there are lots of running gags and themes. "Train wreck" is a good description.
glad you are taking care of yourself - this first year after the surgery is a beast but once you get your meds regulated, your idea of normal will begin to return - be kind to yourself -Juliann
What a pretty cat on what promises to be an awesome quilt - love the heavier quilting - glad you're feeling brighter - Paris will soon be here and you'll be heading there just at the right time after all the yucky winter weather :o)
Good to hear from you! I always wonder how your doing. Wow are Pokey's eyes big in that picture! Your LOVE quilt is looking really great!
Tonya, So glad to hear that you're feeling better. I have been thinking of you. April is just around the corner, so it won't be long. The quilt is looking awesome! I wish I had the patience to hand quilt like that!
Can't wait to see more pictures!
Hot Crazy Love is gorgeous! Wasn't Helen Mirren fantastic in Elizabeth I?! I love her. Haven't seen the Queen one yet.
Hot Crazy Love is awesome!! Slowly but surely getting caught up with everyone's posts! Hope you are doing well. Amazing how the fabrics are so much brighter in Florida! My grandmother just let me know that my favorite Florida quilt shop just closed, though. :(
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