Tuesday, April 19, 2011

I'm Still Here

Once again I have neglected my blog and am now so far behind I barely know where to begin posting. aagh. I want to write a thoughtful post about the project I am currently working on, but if I do that, I'll never get this written. So here's a hint of what I'm working on:

No, everything up on my design board does not go together. These are Mary C's Hallowistmas blocks

I love the jolly Christmas house set among the black and white tombstones and spooky mansions in particular. I also received a set of Hallowistmas Bordertown Houses from Julie. I fully intended to have fun making these houses but have to admit I haven't been able to get into the swing of it. ugh. So I'm going to push the deadline on that one for all of us. It will be easier to make these the closer we get to the holidays.

Speaking of which, wheeee more Bah Humbugness. I do believe I have all of the blocks now. These fabulous ones came in from Cherie, Marge and Amy.

I haven't laid out all the blocks for the quilt yet - I need to move furniture around in order to get the floor space first.

I squealed when I opened the package from Marge. Wheeeee more robot fabric. I'm absolutely thrilled.

Habibi loves the fabric too.

Alright, quick dip of the toes back into the blogosphere accomplished. Hopefully it won't be so long before the next post. Ya'all take care.


  1. I was wondering where you were. Love your strings at the top, can't wait to see what you are going to do with them.

  2. I love your current project.. My kind of scraps.. Looking forward to how it evolves!
    Hope you are enjoying the season!

  3. Those wonky houses are just darling. I love the red one on the blacks too. You have certainly been busy.

  4. Great new project. Can't beat those solids. Although that pink plaid with the LOVE really glows!

  5. Hi,
    Thanks so much for publishing my blocks. I am so glad u like them.
    Mary C.

  6. getting behind...it's totally understandable! And, posting after a "long" time, well, it's better than never again! =)

    REALLY enjoyed your photos!


  7. Hi! Hope the need to clear the floor means your knees are ready to bend a lot down to squat position :)

    Love the Hallowistmas houses.

  8. Good to hear from you, often or not!

    What a happy design wall ...

  9. I've been wondering too! Glad to hear you are just busy. Life gets away from us sometimes. I have also been stuck when it comes to the Hallowistmas blocks. I will probably have more energy for that in the fall. It's nice to see some examples though. Once my brain gets working I may just have to make a few before I know what's happening!

  10. I have got to stop reading your blog. Every time I do, it makes me want to go fabric shopping or scrapbook paper shopping -- and I'm swamped with grading to do, so I don't have time to be crafting!
    Those are fabulous fabrics!

  11. When are you pushing the Hallowistmas town blocks date to? Wrist injury put me back and I'm hoping to get back on top of things soon.

  12. No problem, as long as you and the cats are all ok!

    I was wondering about the deadline too. First I had no ideas and lots of time, now I have ideas and no time!

    Which holidays are we waiting for to get closer? :) Believe it or not, the first of the Halloween fabrics came in to the shop a couple of weeks ago. Now that IS scary.

  13. I had wondered what you were up to. Decided I would just be patient. I pictured you sewing humbug blocks together. Guess I thought wrong. Instead there are all kinds of delightful stripes.

  14. those wonky stripes just kill me dead. it's always better to be making quilts than blogging, i say. :o)

  15. Oh good news......I'm way behind on everything!
    I do have a few really fun ideas for Merry Halloween time :0).

    I hope you are feeling better and your knees are healing well.

    Happy sewing

  16. Love those hallowistmas houses and the bah humbug - just what my hubby says each Christmas.

    Those stripes on your wall make me think of bar codes - wouldn't shopping be more fun if those bar codes were in colour?

  17. I also wondered what was going on in your neck of the blogosphere. Glad all is basically well. I wanted to make buildings for Hallowistmas Border Town but didn't hear from you so haven't pursued it. Hopefully when you're more in the mood (I confess I really haven't been either) I'll be able to participate too.

    Have a great weekend!

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