I know, it's a terrible photo, but I was too excited to wait until I had better light. I started this quilt way back in April (you can read the first post here - inc a photo of the Anna Williams quilt that inspired me). I had to think and cogitate upon it for awhile before I was ready to move forward with it.
I made all the blocks and then added piano keys and plain bits of fabric to make some of them larger or taller. I knew from fairly early on where I wanted each block and that I wanted to join them in columns rather than rows.
My first task was to get all the block the same width in a particular row. That meant adding on more than I needed and then slicing down. I joined the blocks of two columns together. I wanted a general idea of their length:
After joining the blocks of the third column, I played arrangements. Instead of my original format, did I want to make the two columns containing four blocks each the outer columns???
As it turned out, I didn't. Meanwhile, I added rows to the middle of the 3-block column, the only one that wasn't finished at that point. Once that column was all together, I joined the columns, just whacking off the extra length here and there. I made a choice not to get them all straight and even, hoping that I get a bit of wave, if that makes any sense.
I didn't make it monstrously large, LAWS is 49.5" x 52" more or less. Since it didn't get too huge I'm going to go ahead and hand quilt it.
An update on my health. Turns out (after medical procedures and blood testing) that I don't have Celiac Disease or any of the other possible horrors including bleeding ulcers. My iron and ferritin levels have improved and the only change has been to my thyroid medication, which I insisted on because of my lower-than-normal T3 levels. (My doctor said that couldn't be the problem... well, well.) I'm now on Armour (a naturally derived medication that contains T3 as well as T4) and doing better.
Gotta run, but here's a quick pic of baby Pokey before I sign off (I know some of you are only here for the kitty pics)