Monday, June 07, 2010

Anna Williams Possible Book Reprint

Anna Williams is an amazing, wonderful, improvisational quilter. The quilt I'm working on was inspired by her. The best link to read more about Anna is here.

Anna's "LIX Log Cabin" made in 1993:

photo courtesy of the International Quilt Study Center, University of Nebraska-Lincoln. 1997.007.1104

AQS is considering reprinting the book Anna Williams: Her Quilts and Their Influence by Katharine Watts, originally published in 1995. Actually, I probably shouldn't call it a book, since it was a catalog for a museum exhibition and only about 40 pages long. The company wants to know how much interest there would be in a reprint. I don't know what the price would be.

So we're going to do this like we did for getting Gwen Marston's Liberated Quiltmaking republished. We all mobilized and got the word out and convinced AQS we wanted one. It worked that time and maybe it can again.

In the comments section of this blog post, please indicate if you would consider buying:

an exact reprint of Anna Williams: Her Quilts and Their Influences


only an expanded, updated copy of the book, including more information and hopefully pictures. (I don't know if this is really an option, but I think they'd at least consider it if there is enough interest. Also, if you have the first book, I can see why you wouldn't need it again.)


either one

If you wouldn't buy a book, please don't leave any comment at all. If you are commenting, please don't comment just as anonymous - put in at least your first name or handle. If you can't figure out how to put a comment on this blog post you can email me (UnRulyQuilter at gmail dot com) but comments are preferred so that AQS can read them easily.

The next step is to spread the word. If you have a blog, write a post and send folks here to indicate their interest. Tell your friends, anyone who would be interested. The faster we do this, the better.

Thanks, and fingers crossed!


Sujata Shah said...

I just found out about this too! Yes, I would buy the book/books in a heartbeat!
Thanks, for posting!

Anonymous said...

Yes, I would definitely consider butying this book!

trudys_person said...

I would be interested in an expanded/updated edition of the book. Love her style!

Christina said...

Anna Williams is one of my primary quilting influences. My grandmother borrowed that booklet through interlibrary loan but it was difficult and she had to return it. Luckily I was visiting when she had it. I would buy any published item showing more of her work. Thank you Tonya, for loving the same folks I love!

Irene said...

Expanded version. I already own the first one.

Kathy said...

Yes, I would buy a copy of either the original or an expanded version.

Mary P said...

I'd definitely be interested in either!

Cherie in St Louis said...

I would definitely be interested in either....preferably an expanded version but heck, I'll take what I can get :)

julieQ said...

Yes! I would love this book!

Marge said...

I would buy any thing in print about Anna Williams! Her work needs to be shared.

Mishkat said...

I would buy either one. I have been searching for a copy of the first book and have not been able to find it at a reasonable price anywhere - and of course, an expanded version would be even better.

deborah said...

I would buy either or maybe even both! Love this style

KQ Sue said...

Yes I would buy a book or books.

Patricia said...

I would definitely buy the book(s). I too love this style of quilting and an "expanded" version would be fantastic.

Quiltdivajulie said...

I would be most interested in a book that includes photos of her AMAZING and influential work!

Jan said...

Either one! I've always regretted no getting my hands on one of the originals when I had the opportunity.

Rachel Cowley said...

I would buy any version of this book in a hearbeat.

MJinMichigan said...

I would buy the expanded version since I already own the original. I'd like to see more pictures of her quilts.

Diane said...

I would be interested in anything I could get. The expanded version would be wonderful, but if they would make an exact copy that would make me happy also.
I met Mrs Williams a few years ago and she was so nice. At that time I didn't know who she was but it didn't take me long to figure out I met a very important person.

woolywoman said...

either. for sure. are we really the ones that got gwen's book reprinted?

Kristin Shields said...

I would buy either, but an expanded version would be just perfect!

Marit said...

I would be interested in either, but an expanded version sounds great!
Thank you for organizing this!!

Clare said...

I'd go for the expanded version. Her work is awesome.

It's a bit like AQS reprinting LQI, when we know they should have done LQII!

Kathy in FL said...

I would buy either one.

Frog Quilter said...

I'd go for either one. YUM!

the ark said...

Definitely either one.

YankeeQuilter said...

Either one for me, please!

Katie :o) said...

Love it! I would consider buying either, but would prefer revised, expanded and MORE PHOTOS :o) Always love more photos :o) Love your work, too! Especially those wonky cats!

Browndirtcottage said...

I would LOVE either....but must say an expanded with MORE would be extra great!

Heidi said...

yes, I'd like to buy it
->expanded, updated copy

Needled Mom said...

I would love to buy one of the books - probably the expanded updated version.

Wendy said...

I'd buy any book available. ABsolutely!

trouble said...

I'd order either one today, but more pictures are always better so my vote is for the expanded version. Love the eye candy and inspiration!!

kwilta said...

oooh how mouthwatering, I,d love the expanded version.

Sweet Woodruff said...

Those pictures are amazing! Incredible. I want to get up and make one right now!!! I would love a book, especially if it had more pictures, but anything will do.

Anonymous said...

YES!!! WHY do we need to plead for stuff?!! Gail Norback

Joyce said...

I would definitely buy this book. Her quilts are amazing!

Diane said...

I was lucky enough to buy the first one, but YOU BET I would buy an updated, expanded version. And I'd tell all my friends and students to buy it too!

Helen said...

I would definitely be interested in buying her books. I love the quilts!!! This is a book I know I could share at work as well and can think of several folks there that would love to see this.


Magpie Sue said...

I missed out on Anna's catalog the first time around and have always wished for a copy. I would be delighted to have either an exact reprint or an expanded, updated volume.

mazie jane said...

I would be very interested in a reprint/revised and or expanded edition.

Patty said...

I'd buy either version. Thanks for
getting this going!

Kristin L said...

I try not to buy too many books (they take up too much space for the often small quarters we're given and add too much to our weight allowance), but that's just me and my weird quirks. AND a book with lots of Anna Williams quilt photos would definitely tempt me! I would consider either version.

pratima said...

I would like to buy either one. Thanks a bunch!

judith lockhart said...

I would definitely buy either one of the books of Anna Williams. I have searched for years on the internet to buy her books and even spoke with Katherine Watts years ago about it. I have the AQS magazine showing her quilts in the 90s. Thanks, Tonya! Judith Lockhart

Anonymous said...

I would be interested in buying both books! Love her work, but I've only seen bits and pieces about her so far. I would also recommend our library to buy her books if they were available.


Anonymous said...

I would definitely buy both a copy of the original book and a copy of an expanded/updated version of the book on Anna Williams. I would also recommend our public library and guild library buy them.

Anonymous said...

I would buy either type of book but preferably an expanded edition. I'd love to see this book republished since interest in Ms. Williams and her work is growing.

Linda in NC

Rosalyn Manesse said...

Wow! I would buy the book, either a reprint or a new book.

Lynda said...

Too many books already - but always room for inspiring ones! I would buy one.
Lynda in UK

Stephanie Newman said...

Yes please, reprint, reprint, reprint, ideally expanding but if all else fails as it was before. It would be so great to be able to buy this book once more.

Lana H. said...

I would cherish the chance to buy this book--in any shape or form. We hope AQS will hear our voices!

Nifty Quilts said...

I would buy either, and I can vouch for AT LEAST a dozen other sales in Seattle!

Anonymous said...

I recently sent AQS an e-mail asking them to reprint this book. I'm thrilled there is a blogger collecting info to convince AQS that this is a fantastic idea! YES, I would buy either book - more pictures of Anna's quilts, the better. Patty

Anonymous said...

At least a reprint of the book, please, but preferably a new or updated book as well. I'm sure there were items not printed the first time around due to space restraints. Sounds like now would be the perfect time to expand on her story. We are a large, captive audience!


sue matlock said...

I would purchase a book about Anna Williams. I love her style. Thanks for offering to initiate this. Sue

Diane Harris, Stash Bandit said...

Yes, I would definitely buy such a book, and either one would be fine with me. But if there's more information, let's have it.

Jess in FL said...

I'd be interested in an expanded/updated book.

evelyn said...

i would love to buy a copy of this book. if updated and expanded, even better, but i'll take whatever they do.

Char said...

I just stumble across your post. I would be very interested in purchasing any version that is published!

Helen said...

I might be too late to add my name to those interested in an Anna Williams quilt book - I just found your blog. But I am interested in either the original or an expanded. It does feel like begging but I'm not proud! -helen

DebbyG said...

I would love to see the Anna Williams book reprinted. Richland County Public Library, where I work, is hosting an exhibit of the Gee's Bend quilts next month. I would have enjoyed using the Anna Williams book for more information about improvisational quilting as we prepare for the upcoming exhibit.

sheila said...

i would purchase either one

Anonymous said...

I just found your blog in search of Anna William´s work and I would definitely buy either the reprint of the original book or an updated and expanded version. I only have the interview in Colourful Journey and love Anna´s quilts!

Bettiola said...

I would love to see this book reprinted and an expanded version would be even better! I would pay whatever it cost. I first became acquainted with Anna Williams and her quilts when a collector brought some of Anna's quilt tops to Quilting by the Lake and spoke about her. After the talk he put them out on a table and let us look at them close-up, even touch them. I was amazed! After that I tried to get a copy of the book, but they had become collectors' itmes and sold for over $100. I tried to get it through interlibrary loan so I could at least look at it. My library located one and only one copy in a library in Baton Rouge. This was right after Kristina hit New Orleans and things were tough down there. The librarian told me it might take a while. It arrived a year later! After that I contacted an editor at AQS and suggested that it be reprinted, given the surge of interest in African American quilts in connection with the Gees Bend quilt exhibits, (which I saw in both New York and Boston). Another wonderful book on African American quilts - Signs and Symbols by Maude Wahlman - had been out of print for several years and had recently been re-issued. The editor wrote back a fairly long email explaining why they wouldn't do this, one reason being that it had been printed pre-digitally and also that just because there was interest didn't mean it would sell well. I'm so delighted to hear that the editors are re-considering - I think it would sell like hotcakes!

Kyra said...

Any more news on whether this will be reprinted?


Sally said...

Would be her book in either format in a heartbeat.

ErikaK said...

Yes, I would definitely buy this book. I hope the expanded version will be available.

Unknown said...

I would love to have a copy of either book.

H. Murrell

Unknown said...

I am desperate for a copy of the book - updated or original. I would definitely buy one. - is it too late to comment now, or has the book already been printed - or not? I am in South Africa and LOVE Anna Williams' quilts!