I've started yet another quilt. I needed to have something portable to sew at a friend's, but of course I got all interested and I'm still working on it even though I have other projects that need to be finished.

By the way, this is an intense look of concentration on my face - I like to think I don't really look like Cletus the slack-jawed yokel.

I got so much done when I was over at Jackie's. Hmm, why is it so much harder to get things done at home? A belly that need to be loved on... By the way, that's Pokey's portrait up on the wall in the kitchen - you can see it above my shoulder.

Pokey is doing fine by the way. Happy little girl.
As compared to Brenda's cat Kitty on The Closer. Kitty also had kidney problems and it was a very familiar site when Brenda pulled out the bag of fluids. Of course Pokey isn't nearly as well behaved as Kitty. AND isn't that sick yet, thankfully. I tell you, I was bawling at the end of the most recent episode.
I've got some fun news to share with you. Last week I mailed off my Alphabet Sampler quilt for photography - it's going to appear in Gwen Marston's new Liberated Quiltmaking book. Woohoo, I'm so excited.
I called Gwen to tell her I'd shipped the quilt. She was busy doing yard work out in the "heat wave" - ooh, 80 degrees! I sure wish it didn't get hotter than that here, but I wouldn't want her cold winters. She's looking forward to her trip next month to Sisters, Oregon. I'm so envious of all of you who are getting to go.
I asked Gwen what is going to appear in the new book. There will be a review of some of the processes in Liberated Quiltmaking as well as some improved instructions - Gwen has learned a lot since the first book was published. There will be Liberated Stars, Log Cabins, Triangles (such as Sawtooth and Wild Geese), Square Within a Square, Medallions, Samplers, and Baskets. She's also including Mexican Hat Dance - that's the block that appears on in the quilt on the cover of Ideas and Inspirations. There's another quilt made from that same block on the wall of her house in a photo in Collaborative Quilting.
There's also a student gallery of 15 quilters who took Liberated Quilting in their own direction. Woohoo, that's me in there!
I need to wrap this post up. I have one last full day with my sweetie before he has to get back on the plane tomorrow. sigh. Ya'all take care.