And look at this incredible Santa face jug my friend Siobhan gave me. Face jugs are a Georgia/So Carolina area folk art and the ones I've seen are usually glazed instead of painted like this.

Isn't he the greatest? What's extra special about him is that he was the only one available and Sio gave him to me anyway, instead of keeping him even tho she really liked him too. She's also the greatest.
I've been continuing work on gift bags. I know, I know, one of these days I'll get bored and quit, but right now I'm still having fun. I started re-re-rewatching the BBC miniseries of "Pride and Prejudice," one of my favorites. If I had it available, Jane Austen is definitely an author I'd love to hear narrated on a Books on CD (like lucky Bonnie gets). While I love Austen's books, they're a bit too tedious for me to read thru if I can't do something else. I was thrilled tho to see an Austen manuscript at the British Library tho (much more interesting than that old Magna Carta or the Shakespeare).
Wow...I can see why the pouty girl would be a favorite gift recieved..she is awesome...so much stitchery..amazing! I love the look of polka dots, but not polka dots..*G*
The jug is really neat...much more interesting than some..how lucky to have recieved it.
Does Rachel have a blog?
Oh my goodness, love the pouty girl!!!!!
Tonya -
You need to go see "Pride and Prejudice" when it comes to the theater there. It just came out in the US a week or so ago. It was very well done. I really enjoyed it.
Thanks for sharing the xmas goodies. I really like the pouty girl. She is too cute!
How cute - the pouty girl makes me smile. That Rachel is clever! Love the lights around the outside.
Unfortunately I've been unable to twist Rachael's arm from way over here so she still doesn't have a blog. I'll continue to post some of her work (if she lets me) so that I can look creative just by proximity.
I reaaaaally want to see the new "Pride and Prejudice" movie - may have to way til it comes out DVD tho.
The pouty girl is so wonderful! How can some people be so creative! I just love all the ideas you give me! Although I'll never do some of these artsy things probably!
And the just is too funny. I've never seen anything like that. He is a bit scarey at first! But awesome!
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