Sunday, November 27, 2005

beginning to look a lot like Christmas

Hey, that's me. I want to change out the pic in my profile (get rid of evil twin) so I tried taking some self portraits the other day. Let's see if I can get this done. By the way, I strung the earrings together myself. You can't see the fancy schmancy bracelet that goes with them and that is strung so tightly I can't even get it on by myself...

Wow, you'd think I'd been offline for weeks instead of a few days, with the amount of posting my fellow bloggers have been doing. I'll try and catch up.

Thanksgiving was incredible. My husband's generous, fun boss had us and a few singles/bad cooks over to her house for turkey dinner with all the trimmings. Dinner was delicious and even better we got to bring leftovers home, which have been a treat. I was even good and declined the pie leftovers (since I knew I had one waiting for us in the freezer and what were the odds I wasn't going to have that one too?).

I'm the bad cook, at least when it comes to a big dinner. Hubby is much better at it than I am, but spends too much time at work for me to want him spending time in the kitchen. The last time I tried making a Thanksgiving dinner was 1992 or 1993 (either the first or second Thanksgiving with my sweetie). I waaaay overcooked the turkey breast, so it was terrible. But the good thing was, I knew there was no way I'd given us some kind of under-cooked poultry food-poisoning when we both spent the night running to the porcelain pedestal to yack. (That and the friend who ate dinner with us didn't get sick.) Just a very poorly timed stomach flu. Put hubby and I off of turkey for a few years tho.

I spent Friday putting Halloween in and Christmas out of boxes. Looks nice and festive in here, which is good cuz it looks disgusting outside. Something horrible with the air the last few days - makes everything hazy and gray and you know you're in trouble when you can barely make out the building next door. Eyes burning and just general unpleasantness. It's not helping much to take photos in here either.

I spent Saturday trying to finish up a prezzie frenzy - I'm usually not at that point until Dec 23rd so I feel good that I'm worried about it this early - it means someone might actually get a gift on Christmas Day. My folks had Christmas in February last year, or was it March. I've got lots still to accomplish, so gonna sign off now. Later...


Darcie said...

Hello to the real Tonya R!!!

As much as I love your "evil twin," I'm thrilled to now know who to look for when I come to Cairo! ;-) LOL

I've always made a little game out of how I picture either a voice on the phone or radio...or the e-mails and faceless blogs that I read. I did have you as a brunette, but you had a "bob cut"...wearing glasses, so that was right on. Great picture!

Love your earrings. too. Did you purchase the beads in or near Cairo?

Oh...and you wondered just how much sleep? 3 hours! Temporary insanity, yes?

Thanks for the comments!


Finn said...

Morning the new picture...*G* Missed you over our weekend, but know that your holiday and weekend schedule differs from our stateside..*G*

You're way ahead of me...the halloween stuff is still stacked on the bookcase, and all that I've dug out is christmas fabric..LOL.

Quilts And Pieces said...

Oh what a fun picture! I can't believe you did self pictures! Crazy you!

And isn't that the pits when you get sick on something - it does take forever for you to ever want to eat that again, doesn't! I still have foods I can't be around from morning sickness with my first one - 19 years ago! Ughhh.

Anonymous said...

I'll miss the old picture, but you look lovely in the new one!

I remember holidays when we lived overseas; my very prepared mother would try to have presents done and wrapped and ready to be delivered when we came back for our summer "home leave" or "R&R" (depending on the year...)

Granny said...

Tonya, nice to see the real "you". Love the earrings and would love to see the bracelet. I would love to try jewelry making.

Judy L.

Bonnie K. Hunter said...

YAY!!! That's the Ton I know and luv :c)

How romantic, your memories of turkey over cooking, and true love yakking..*hehehe* It sounds horridly funny, and I'm sure it is as you remember it. I'm glad you had a great T day with your hubby's boss and friends....

Is the knee doing any better?


Nines said...

Well, I can't get over how a picture changes how you think of some one. Not in a bad way or anything...just different. Love the cleft in your chin and the earrings. My DS has a craft show in a week and he makes earrings and bracelets. His brothers used to tease him about making sissy stuff- until he spouted off all the famous jewelers there are- and they found out how much money he makes! Love to see a picture of Cairo.

Holly said...

It's nice to be able to put a face to the name. You did a great job capturing your likeness in your evil twin :)