Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Coming Soon

Woohoo! Rumspringa is on the cover of The Quilt Life magazine this month!

yay! That's what Rumspringa was doing up in Knoxville at the AQS show - it was hanging in the magazine's booth. I haven't seen it, but they even wrote a pattern for the quilt. As a bonus, there's a photo of little Pokey too. And wait, there's more, just look in the table of contents:
Creature feature by Irene Berry
Frightfully funny, macabre in a playful way—Tonya Ricucci’s Halloween quilts
It was made to be. They were doing an issue on words and it happened to be in the October issue (even if it does come out in August). 

I'm waiting by the mailbox. Not just for my copy of the magazine and for more incoming ugly bits of fabric, but also for Gwen Marston's new book, 37 Sketches. A quilt in the book:
Gwen's description:
It will be available for purchase the end of August, or early September. 37 Sketches is both an artfully designed and beautifully made book. It shows my new work built on the idea of exploring the elements of design by constructing small studies, which I quickly began to think of as sketches. I began to see these sketches in much the same way as a painter does in using sketches to explore technique and to work out color and composition ideas. These pieces are abstract compositions, worked primarily in solids. Constructing these 37 sketches provided me with a valuable and expedient way to explore new technique, color, and composition. I explain my process for making these small studies using my liberated, improvisational methods, of which many of you are very familiar, and discuss how the experience of making this series of sketches was like taking a crash course in design.
Whee. You can buy 37 Sketches directly from Gwen. She also has a new entry in her ongoing series about hand quilting. I had no idea there was a difference between quilting on and off grain.

And yes, I'm definitely getting more uglies etc in the mail. Some more ugly than others. I'll post pics soon as well as a quick tutorial on how I'm putting Legos together.

Speaking of my busy mailbox, I want to give a quick shout-out to Cherrywood Fabrics. I recently used a gift certificate and didn't spend the whole amount. I suggested they could use up the $6 by sending me bitty bits cause I liked small pieces. They sweetly threw a scrap bag into the box:

whee! I love their fabrics but I'm so sad they're no longer making Raspberry or Turquoise (good thing I bought 6 yards of the latter when I found that out). I do like the recent addition of Lime and the Mustard that I just got is gorgeous.

Yes, I know there is more to blog about - there always is - but I need to make soup (Sweet Potato and Kale - I'm experimenting) and sew and take photos and do laundry and love on kitties...

Older version of Legos on the design wall and no, Pokey doesn't actually drink Guinness. (I've been breaking my husband's cardinal rule of nothing but beer in the beer glasses.) It's easier for Pokey to get her head in this glass to drink her my ice water. Ciao ya'all.


  1. Congratulations on being a cover girl! Can't wait for that new Gwen book myself; received my postcard from her last week.

  2. Congrats! Im going to Joanns right now to pick up my copy!

  3. congrats on being a Cover Girl! whoohhoo to you. I love using words in quilts now, all because of you. Gwens book does look fabulous, I will be ordering it from her asap. I've signed up for her 2 day class next year, it sold out in about 10 days! Well, congrats again! job well done!

  4. I am sooooooooo excited for you! I can't wait to get my hands on a copy! Way to go!

    Also thanks for the update on Gwen's book. I will have to order it and get the Mary Schaefer book too. I have borrowed it from the library several times. One of my favorites. So now I am going to take the plunge and treat myself and get 2 books!

  5. Congratulations on making the cover, what an achievement. I am thinking about ordering Gwens new book since I love whatever she does. Thanks for getting the word out.

  6. I hope the fame is followed by good fortune!

  7. Wow! You are all over the place. So much fun!

  8. What a FANTASTIC post ... SO SO SO happy for you and Rumspriga (and still bummed that I didn't get to go to Knoxville). Can't wait to get my copy of the magazine!!!

    Off to visit Gwen and order my copy of her new book. Thanks (!!) for the link.

    p.s. Gotta love that final photo!

  9. I'm looking forward to seeing the magazine!

    And as for Pokey, I draw the line at my coffee with my cats! LOL

  10. I want your recipe for Sweet Potato Kale soup. Sounds very healthy and it just may help me make a cover-worty quilt like yours! All the best, Tonya.

  11. Three cheers for a magazine that recognizes what's really going on in the quilting world. Your cover looks great!

  12. Ah, I am so happy for you!!! What a beautiful quilt! That is so funny...my dog is addicted to my coffee, and that is not so good for her!

  13. Tonya, That's such exciting news! What an honor!

    I'm loving your new lego quilt and seeing all the uglies showing up at your house.

  14. Congrats! You're really famous! I think your safe with water in the beer glasses-it's milk that's a problem (or so my hubby tells me).

  15. Wowee! So exciting and so well deserved. I just signed up for a retreat with Gwen next year. Yes, it's more than a year out, I'm that committed. I will definitely be ordering her new book. So much to look forward to this fall!

  16. Ooops, I should clarify that the retreat with Gwen is here in Sisters, not Beaver Island. I would love to make it out there someday, but having her come here is so convenient for me!

  17. Yahoo, that's great news! I'll snap it up as soon as it comes into the shop.

    That Pokey is too much! I love that she has a cameo in the magazine too!

  18. Rumspringa on the cover! So excited for you--what a thrill that must be!

    Looks like a lot more play with small bits is in your future. But then, it always is!

  19. Wonderful cover, Tonya! :) Hugs!

  20. whoowhoooo!!! So happy for you! I'll have to get this issue!


  21. Congratulations Tonya I think you are one of my favorite cover girls!

    I look forward to getting the mag and seeing your spooktacular Halloween creations!

    Happy Sewing and continued success Ton!

  22. So wonderful! Can't wait to see it! Does Pokey give autographs?

  23. Your quilt looks great on the cover! I'll be on the lookout for the magazine. Congratulations!

  24. I am so excited for you! I gotta get a copy of the magazine!! Is it out there now? Hopefully I can find it this weekend.

  25. congrats on your cover quilt! it's gorgeous. and Cherrywood? i love their fabrics and indulge in their scrap packs from time to time.

  26. Congratulations, Cover Girl!! That's really cool.

  27. I'm waiting for my copy in the mail. woohoo!

  28. The magazine sounds great! (The cat in the ice water less so....)
    I'll have to see if I can track down a copy of that issue.
