I need to say a very belated thank you to V of Bumble Beans for organizing this quilt, sent to give me hugs during my recovery from surgery. I don't know what the whole process was or what everyone did, but I got this wonderful two-sided quilt made by some blogger friends (all of whom are listed in my sidebar).

The other side of the quilt is all about love and kitties. Lynne of Patcherie Menagerie made the Purring 4 You block and Roz of Counterpane signed her heart in embroidery.
Cheri of Jovaliquilts made blocks which got lost in the mail (argh) and Brenda of Scraps and Strings sent some too--pictured here-- but they didn't get to V in time. (I've got them now and will do something fun with them.) Nonetheless, V included their names along with everyone else's in the quilting.
I wanted to include a picture of me using the quilt, but I looked horrible in every one. So instead you get Pokey rolling very appropriately by the kitty emoticon):

Speaking of gifts in the mail, Clare of Dordogne Quilter sent me this little charmer:
Also arriving in the mail, a package of Bell Bottoms from the Fabric Square Shop. I love the red and white fabric in particular, but look at all the bright colors and bold patterns.
I had my final visit to the doctor who did the surgery - everything was a-okay in my belly. Clean bill of health is a woohoo, but it's gonna take another couple of weeks to finally be over the fatigue. I've been having hot flashes like crazy - stupid menopause. So I'm now on a low dose of estrogen which please, please, please will help with that and maybe the fatigue too.