Look how cute this top is that Felice made. These weren't her very first letters (those were
boo) but awfully darn close. I know it frustrated her to make these to an exact size, but she did an awesome job of piecing the reindeer names.

She's figured out some of her own variations on letters too - take a look at those
Ds in Donder. [Is the reindeer supposed to be Donder or Donner? It's actually kind of interesting to
read about it.]
And look at Felice's cool M:


Great job, Felice. I've had those photos for three weeks and am just now posting them. d'oh. I've been distracted.
A quick non-quilting interlude and then I'll be back on topic. Tomorrow is my surgery. I have no idea how long I'm going to be in the hospital, but I know kitties will be fine. My cousin is here now and is already allowed to give Pokey belly rubs. It's been fun talking with her (Lisa, not Pokey), just too bad it's under these circumstances. I am cranky cranky today - not allowed to eat a thing except jell-o, plus I have to drink this really vile stuff.
Back to quilting. I finally decided what setting to use for my leftover Hope blocks. At first I was thinking of putting a 2" string border around each word, but that looked a little busy. (My friends got quite a laugh out of that "little." Okay, it looked very busy.) I'm liking this though:

I had cut out bunches of 4" strings thinking they'd be fun to us as components in a crumb quilt. Well, they are, just not quite how I was thinking.
Pokey is doing well. She had blood work done on Monday and she is slightly better. Woohoo. Here she is modeling some fun new fabric from the Fabric Square Shop.

I love the Spook Tacular - wheee, fun Halloween especially the design with all the little spiders. I thought it was fun to see this bright fabric next to the Shirtings 1870-1900 line - it really does all work together.
Is anyone else watching Top Chef: Las Vegas? I've been really pleased with this season. The contestants are really high caliber and, so far, professional. I like the focus on the food, rather than who hates who.