Stay tuned for more news.
I've been quilting bit by bit, but am not yet even half way done yet.
Everyone have a very safe, happy, healthy holiday.
This pic has the purple beaded garland that I added to the tree yesterday. And there's Howler enjoying the sunshine. He's been a real pest at night trying to get behind the blinds.
My husband would totally hate this tree. He's a traditional red, white and green kind of guy. I love it tho, sparkly shiny and glorious colors. There are ornaments that look like disco balls. My sweet friend Siobhan mailed me some ornaments that work perfectly and I love the silver martini glass and shaker - very retro, but not very photogenic.
I bought the bottom of the line Bernette sewing machine, but haven't used it yet. I so wanted to upgrade to a Bernina, but I had to keep telling myself "second machine, second machine." I've now got everything I need to start doing some sewing, but it's been much easier to just sit in the recliner playing Sudoku and loving on kitties when I haven't been out fighting crowds.
But absolutely hate everything that comes afterwords. I have no idea how many years you'd have to spend trying to completely sand one of these. I hated that step and don't think I got a single one of them sanded down right. Then I was completely intimidated at the thought of painting on them. I hate cutesy faces and I just was having a heck of a time trying to get the eyes right on paper, let alone the wood. So these guys never got finished, although they have a certain amount of charm as is. They are living with my mom and dad now.
I took my tools with me to Cairo but never picked them up. I hate the idea of trying to carve with the cats around, but I'm sure I'll make another stab at this one of these days.
Anyone else have a hand-carved Santa they'd like to share?
I'm currently reading Heat by Bill Buford, yet another book about life in a professional kitchen. I never ever wanted to be a chef or cook, but I'm fascinated by what a hard life it can be. Routine twelve hour days, no taking off work when you are sick (which is rather repulsive from a customer's prospective) and the amount of abuse that is hurled around.
It has gotten incredibly cold here. Okay, yes it is much colder elsewhere, but still, it's COLD. I am not happy. We were actually walking in snow flurries last night. Definitely time to decamp. But first I have to go out in that cold weather to get books back to the library and buy cat food.
Here's a peek at my Merry Penguins wallhanging in progress. To see the whole top, go here.
I'm doing the freehand fans all the way around the borders. I'm actually on the last side now. Then I have lots of quilting left to do in the middle. By the way, isn't this a great photo? Took it with my new camera, a Canon Digital Elph SD600. It's very easy to use, takes gorgeous photos and is small enough to carry around everywhere.
I love the retro colors in this fabric. I might take it as my inspiration when I pick out my little tree and ornaments for Florida. I love the idea of using pink and lime green (which I bet my hubby would hate) so I can indulge myself. I'm sure other colors will creep in tho - I've never been able to stick to just one color or theme or anything for Christmas, I just get all that I love.
Did not feel very good yesterday. Had some chest pains, which sounds scarier than it is. It's a side effect from my thyroid medicine, which I am now supposed to be splitting into two and taking in the morning and then 12 hrs later. I'm hoping that evening out the dosage will give me more energy in the morning too.
I have been soooo bad about providing links, so I have a whole list of them. Here are a few:
Hanne made a delightful quilt called Love XOXO using the hugs and kisses blocks combined with hearts in a beautiful mix of pinks, reds and white. I'm loving her Dear Jane Christmas blocks too.
Quilting Rush Laurie Ann is playing with letters again, this time making a doggy-themed quilt for a friend.
Dordogne Quilter Clare finished a delightful family quilt full of meaning, made with wonky houses, letters and special quilting. Clare is issuing a Free Piecing Crazy Scrap Challenge to cheer everyone up in the New Year. Looks like it will be loads of fun.
Kim at Force Majeure Farm has issued the 2nd edition of the Bent Needle online quilt and textile carnival, this time focusing on the holidays.