Tuesday, December 04, 2012

15 Minutes of Play

Hurray for Victoria Findlay Wolfe (aka V aka Bumblebeans) and her new book, 15 Minutes of Play. Today is my day on the blog hop to celebrate the book.

Do you know the common denominator in my favorite quilt books like Gwen Marston's Liberated Quiltmaking and Roberta Horton's Scrap Quilts? No patterns, lots of quilts, and lots of words. And woohoo, V's book is all of that. It's like sitting next to V and listening to her explain how she made her improvisational, scrappy quilts. Her inspiration and enthusiasm are so contagious.

In the book, there are multiple techniques for making "made-fabric" by free-piecing, using paper as a foundation, and the quick way. I love that, because not every one likes to work the same way. For instance, I love using paper foundations and don't mind ripping all the paper off while other people can't stand that. There are directions for some of the blocks in the book and multiple challenges to get you started playing.

Okay, I am admittedly biased about this book because V is a friend, we love a lot of the same quilts and quilters, and woohoo, I have a quilt in the book. Starburst, the quilt V and I collaborated on because I'd made all those string star diamonds and was anxious about the Y-seams involved in getting it all together. V is fearless and actually loves Y-seams. AND she has a tutorial on them in the book, so I'll have that the next time I have to face that task. Anyway, Starburst used to look like this:

but sure doesn't anymore. You'll have to get the book to see the final quilt. It doesn't come with a photo of Pokey though...

More than that, there are quilts by some of my favorite bloggers, like Nifty Quilts and Fiberliscious Mary Keasler amongst others, and quilts by V's grandmother that are just amazing.

You can win a copy of the book 15 Minutes of Play right here by leaving a comment on this post. (US winners receive a hard copy of the book. International winners receive a Electronic copy of the book, direct from C&T.)

Or, you can buy a copy directly from V at her shop  or from Amazon

These are all the folks who have or will participate in the blog hop:

Nov: 26: "Victoria Findlay Wolfe", http://www.15minutesplay.com/
Nov 27: "Bonnie K Hunter", http://quiltville.blogspot.com/
Nov 28: "Alissa Haight Carlton, http://www.handmadebyalissa.com/
Nov 29:  "Pat Sloan", http://patsloan.typepad.com/
Nov 30: "Kimberly," http://fatquartershop.blogspot.com/
 Dec 1st: "Karen Griska",http://selvageblog.blogspot.com/
Dec 2nd: "Angela Walters", http://www.quiltingismytherapy.com/
Dec 3rd:  Generation Q, http://generationqmagazine.com/
Dec 4th: "Tonya Ricucci", http://www.lazygalquilting.blogspot.com/
Dec 5th: "Michele Foster",http://quiltinggallery.com/blog-posts/
Dec 6th: "Scott Hansen",http://bluenickelstudios.com/
Dec 7th:"Amy Ellis", http://amyscreativeside.com/blog/
 Dec 8th: "Rachaeldaisy",http://bluemountaindaisy.blogspot.com/
Dec 9th:"Jackie Kunkel", http://cvquiltworks.blogspot.com/
Dec. 10th: http://www.ctpubblog.com/


Fiona said...

I know exactly where my copy will go on the book shelf, right next to a certain book about quilting with words. I'd love to win a copy, but will be just as happy to get it through Amazon. Thanks for sharing this.


Susan said...

Am so excited about this book! Thanks for the great review.

DianeY said...

I'd love to win a copy, but if I don't, I'll probably buoy it. Looks like so much fun!

jan said...

That starburst is so full of energy! This looks
Ike a great book! Thanks for the opportunity!

rondiquilts said...

I just love you both and what you do with fabric. I was fortunate to see Victoria's quilts at the NQA show in Columbus in June. Very impressive. I would be over the moon to win the book. Thank you for the offer.

Karen said...

What a fabulous book. I can't wait to get my hands on a copy. Hope I win one otherwise its on my Christmas list.

Lee D said...

Sounds like an intriguing book. I love have options in sewing quilts. Thanks for the chance.

Lee D said...

Sounds like an intriguing book. I love have options in sewing quilts. Thanks for the chance.

Heidi said...

It's on my wishlist, too. I didn't know your lonestar is in there, too.
Another reason to win or buy it :-)

Anonymous said...

It looks like a great book, and I love the idea of making my own fabric! Maybe it will force me to cut into some of the pieces I've been afraid to cut! Thanks for having this drawing!

Swedish Scrapper said...

WOw, lovely Starburst quilt-- can't wait to see it! I have to echo Diane and Heidi-- this book is so high on my wishlist that if I don't win, I'll have to buy it. If I do win, then I'm buying a copy for my mother! And Sister!

Marilyn said...

Sounds like a great book , love her quilts. Thanks
for the giveaway

janequiltsslowly said...

Love Starburst, especially the orange scrappy settin squares and triangles. If I don't win this book it's on my Christmas list.

Martine said...

The book looks so great, i am a follower of her blog and a big fan of her quilts. Winning a electronic copy of the book would be a new experience for me.
Thanks for the chance.

Sharon said...

This looks like such a fun book, and if you're grouping it with Gwen's and Roberta's books, than I have to have it! If I don't win it, it's going on my Christmas list!

Can't wait to see your star quilt!

Thanks for the chance to win!

Susan Briscoe said...

It IS a lovely book! I preordered mine from Amazon.com (sorry, didn't know V's site at the time & it isn't due out in the UK till Dec 15th) - devoured it in one sitting yesterday morning. I love improvisational piecing and it one of life's little pleasures. In theory, I got the book for my other half - he's getting into quilting - but had to get in there first...!

brownj6610 said...

Would love to see this book just to see how that string star quilt looks now.

cynthia said...

This book looks so fabulous!

Rachaeldaisy said...

It's such a wonderful book!!! I love that photo of Starburst with Pokey.

Frog Quilter said...

That star burst quilt is fabulous!!! What a teaser... Would love to win a copy.

Margaret said...

Such joyful colour! I would love to win a copy.

Margaret said...

Such joyful colour! I would love to win a copy.

Carol- Beads and Birds said...

I checked it out on Amazon and would love to win a copy. Looks pretty great!

Michele said...

Starburst is so pretty. Nice shot of Pokey too!

Rachel said...

great star quilt. Would love to win this book.

joe tulips said...

A chance to win the book? Please enter me!

Linda said...

Pretty star quilt. Would love to win this book.

Miss Jean said...

Just the kind of book my quilting library needs

Jane said...

I can't wait to add this book to my collection (whether I buy it or not...)! I love V's blog, and yours!

Helen said...

Oooooooh, I'd SO love to have this book. Thanks so much for the opportunity to maybe get it as a gift!

I just finished a "mod-mosaic" wall hanging for someone on my Christmas gift list. I'd been wanting to do this for some time, but had been afraid it would be too difficult. No worries...it was easy to do and it's beautiful!

I'll post a picture of it on my blog, "http://helen-burdette.blogspot.com/" after it's gifted!

Pamela S. said...

Count me in - I'd love to win Victoria's book! I'm anxious about y-seams too and would love to master them as well as learn more about V's techniques ~ Thanks for hosting this giveaway and BTW Pokey is a darling model!

Anita said...

I would love to win a copy of the book, it looks fantastic!

antique quilter said...

of course my favorite quilt in the book is your starburst, hopefully someday I can make something like this!

Laura said...

See, now you are famous AGAIN! I am saving more fabric for you. Maybe in January?

Sandi1100 said...

This book looks like soooo much fun!!! I also like your star and would love to see what it looks like finished. Hoping I can win a copy. Thanks for the chance to win.

Donna said...

Looks like my kind of book!

Pinkadot Quilts said...

Your starburst quilt is wonderful, very scrappy, just the way I like to see a quilt!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I have been following Victoria for awhile now and would love to win a copy of her book

owlfan said...

Looks wonderful! I'd love to win a copy.

Jitka said...

I like Victoria´s work,. You are also very good in making fabric and use small pieces.

thepiececorps said...

TIA! can't wait to see all the lovelinees in this book Barbie in NC

Barbara Arcement said...

I would love to win this book. I have been following 15 Minute Play for a while now and I love using up my scraps to make quilts.

Pick me...pick me....


Kathy in FL said...

I think I need to make a string quilt like your starburst. Do I add that to the top or the bottom of my "bucket list"? Thanks for the chance to win Victoria's book.

tropicslady said...

Wow, your Starburst quilt is amazing! Can't wait to see it finished in the book!

Vicki B said...

Victoria's book looks fantastic. Would love to win one!

Nancy said...

Sounds like a wonderful book , love her quilts. Thanks
for the giveaway

Debra said...

I remember discovering Bumble Beans on your blog. I just recently bought your Word Play book and look forward to putting Victoria's book right next to it ;-)

Jenny Squawk said...

Throw me in the hat. I've seen enough lovely through this past week to now be interested.

patricia said...

It's like jacks and hopscotch all over again!

Gale, Ky quilter said...

Love this book especially if it will help me with my "y" seams. Impossible for me to do. Thank you!

Laurie said...

This book is definitely on my "must-have" list! If I don't win a copy, I will, of course, buy one!

Terry said...

This looks like a great book! Can't wait to play with my fabrics in a new way! Thanks for the chance to win.

Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

This sounds like a 'must have' book!

B Greene said...

Thanks for the sneak peek inside this book - it is at the top of my list!

Jeanne said...

Thanks for the inspiration. I'd love to win a copy of this book!

Katherine McNeese said...

pokey looks great on this quilt!

Brenda said...

I'd love to have a copy of this book! 15 minutes a day does make a difference!
hulseybg at gmail dot com

Mina said...

I 'd love to win a copy of the book. I love the Starburst quilt.

Kathy said...

15 minutes play is my therapy. I've been winging it. Would love a copy to hold in my hands, paw through and just enjoy. LOVE your lone star quilt.

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

Your Starburst quilt is amazing!

Vicki said...

Beautiful quilt!

Anonymous said...

Looks like the book is filled with inspiration! Thanks for the chance to win a copy.

Regina said...

I also love foundation piecing, sounds like the book for me.Thanks for the chance.

Brenda said...

I agree it's a great book. I finally got my copy last week and I love how your string star turned out. It's fun to page through and see quilts by quiltmakers I read or know through their blogs, and it was fun to be part of those quilts too. woo hoo for all of us!

Louise said...

What fun it would be to take on a quilt inspired by this book!

cinzia said...

I've been reading so much about this book that i dreamt I was 'making fabric' from scraps! I don't think I can wait to see if I win. I'm just gonna have to buy one!

regan said...

I love Victoria's style and can't wait to see this book!

Sandi Linn Andersen said...

Victoria's book is on my Christmas list but it would be lovely to win a copy! I'm really interested to see what your star quilt looks like!

teachpany said...

I met Victoria at Quilters Take Manhattan. She's wonderful. I can't wait to see your quilt in the book.

Karen said...

I'm so excited to see this book - I'm so happy for V. Thanks for sharing.

Janice said...

I'm looking forward to getting this book whether I win or buy it. Love playing with no rules. Want to see how she makes fabric.

Janice in TN
jespilgrim at aol dot com

Kathryn said...

I'd love to play. Thanks for the giveaway.

Anonymous said...

Eager to see this book!
Thanks for sharing!


Julianne said...

Oh! I want this book so bad!!

msalleycat said...

I actually don't need to win this book, because I already have it! I was anxiously awaiting its release, and man, it does NOT disappoint. My favorite quilt books let you get into the head of the quilter, and that's exactly what this book does. Plus tons of eye candy! It makes me so happy that other people appreciate books like this too.

Unknown said...

I would so much want to win a copy of this book :) I'm a book fanatic so if I don't win, I'm sure it will still end up in my library...lol.

Jean said...

Would love to win this book. A lot of good ideas for use scrap quilters. I also have your Word Play Quilt book. Just need more time to practice making the letters.


Anonymous said...

Very excited about this book!

Anonymous said...

I love V's enthusiasm, and I'm sure I'd love the book! That star quilt is awesome!

Chris said...

Pick Me!! I love your blog, love Victoria's blog and I would love to win this book.
You are both so inspiring to me. I must admit, though, that I've been missing you in blogland.

Ellen said...

Great star quilt! Your book is on my wish list.

Anonymous said...

This looks like a fun book. I love that string star quilt.

connie said...

This is right up my alley! I would love it. Thank you!!!

Texas JennyWren said...

I enjoy V's bumblebeans website and seeing all her creativity. I would LOVE to win a copy of this book and see the final photo of your quilt in the book. Thanks for the chance.

Penny Schine Gold said...

Would love it--and appreciate your description of the contents.

trudys_person said...

Hi Tonya! Nice to see a photo of Pokey. Thank you and Victoria for the giveaway! I can't wait to get my hands on her book!

Rachel Parris said...

Nice review. I really want this book!

Jolanda said...

I can't buy this book in Holland, i want to win it.

Michelle L said...

Love the star. How the heck did you do the Y seams. I want 15 minutes to find out!

Carol Sc said...

I've been a follower (lurker?) on both your blogs --- I want to make these quilts! It will be a difficult choice, where to start. Thanks for the opportunity to win a copy --- otherwise, I will buy it! --- but, don't let that stop you from drawing my name!

Ruth said...

It looks like too much fun. I would love to have it.

Michelle L said...

If I had the book, my stash and a weekend, think of what I could unleash. Pick me.

TLC said...

OK. Now I want the book to see the finished scrappy star!

Pip said...

Looks like a great book, I've just finished a string quilt from scraps and I love the freedom that making things from scraps gives me, could use some more ideas though.

AP said...

Looks like a great book!

Marge said...

I thought that this might get you to do a blog post about your work and decorating. Chuckle.

Julie S said...

Yep, I peeked at this book at my LQS and it is a must have for every quilter's library. If I don't win one, I will have to buy one!

Julie said...

I would love to win an electronic copy of this book, I've been following the 15 minute blog for ages and love the free play. If I'm not lucky to win I may just have to buy the real thing :-)

Amy said...

'd love to win this book!

audrey said...

I adore quilt books that have less patterns and more talk. Thanks so much for having such a good giveaway! Would love to win.:)

Tamie said...

I'd love to have a copy of this book in my library. Thanks for participating in the hop.

barbara woods said...

i would love to win thanks

Nancy said...

I'm eager to see Starburst in its final state in the book! Thanks for participating in the giveaway.
Nancy from joy for grace

Helen said...

I LOVE that star. Hope I win the book! Maybe it will inspire me to do more than 15 minutes of play.

Lozzen said...

Oooh. I so want this book.

Lisa said...

That star is fabulous! I would love to win this book!

Marcia W. said...

Great book! So I'm entering the draw. The improvisational quilts and concept are unique, and would be helpful to learn.

Barb in MI said...

Thanks for an opportunity to receive one of Victoria's books. I'm one of the many quilters addicted to scrap quilting, so of course I love her work.

Barb in Mi said...

What an inspiring book! Thanks for a chance - and welcome back to blogging!

lag123 said...

This book is on my wishlist. Thanks for the giveaway!

lag110 at mchsi dot com

Anonymous said...

Beautiful Starburst! Thanks for the giveaway

Lyn Wolf Jackson said...

Sounds interesting. Hope I get to see it.

Brittany said...

Can't wait to see how Starburts turned out!

Jodi - usairdoll said...

Sounds like a neat book full of lots of great information.

Thank you and Victoria for a great giveaway and a chance to win.


the girlfriend gap said...

I love the star! This book looks really wonderful! I would be thrilled to win this. Thank you for a chance. janita

Debbie said...

Very nice review, Tonya! It's been great seeing the photos of quilts in Victoria's book in all the blogs. Thanks for counting me in. I have a U.S. mailing address.

Wendy said...

Thanks so much for this opportunity. This book would really get me going.

wintunancy said...

Oh my, this looks like a must have.

Tami C said...

I would love a chance to win this book. I am a big scrappy fan and have been following Bonnie Hunter ever since I started quilting.

ratty said...

EXCELLENT! This definitely looks like a book I'd buy... :)

Unknown said...

Thank you for a giveaway!

Jenny said...

No patterns just quilts? Sign me up! I love Vs playful quilts

Anonymous said...

This book looks so exciting! My fingers and toes are crossed to win a copy! Thank you for a chance to win! I love the freedom of improv piecing, especially it's outcome with mono chromatic colors! It is so exciting to see the patchwork that is created when different prints and solids meld together to become a new entity...

Barbara O. said...

What an interesting book! My collection of "crumbs" and "strings" (wording by Bonnie K. Hunter) is growing, and this book is exactly what can help me to make use of my stock!

Elizabeth said...

I love the controlled freedom in your work and Victoria's. Thank you for sharing. I would love to win a copy of her new book.

Susan R said...

I think V is one of the nicest and most giving people on this planet. I would love to have a copy of her book.

Cher said...

this is a fun book and fits in with all my favorites-like Gwen's and yours..thanks for hosting a giveaway of the book along with a wonderful post about it..

Lori said...

Oh this book looks to be fabulous. Thanks for a chance to win.

OhioLori said...

Would LOOOOOOVE to win a copy of this book!! Thanks so much for the chance! :)

babiesdoc said...

I love your starburst and your Kitty

Anne / Springleaf Studios said...

The Starburst quilt is great. Nice to see a new example from the book. Love he concept for this book. I've already got ideas brewing for next year by playing with my fabrics for a few minutes a day.

HOA Mgr Lady said...

Congrats on the new book. We've missed you!

Sheppard said...

I really need the help that this quilt book will give me to loosen up when I want something really fun and out there - add deth to color choices. Fun for the eyes~

MamaT said...

I would LOVE to have a copy of Victoria's book. I met her a few years ago in Houston.

Mary C said...

Looks like a great book to add to my collection. I love the starburst and am curious to see the book version.

Emily C said...

Looks awesome, thanks for being in the tour.

Heather J said...

Looks like a visual feast and would be a great book to add to my e-bookshelf.

Debbie said...

I would love a copy of this book. It is on my Christmas list.

Unknown said...

Dear Santa, I hope I get to add this book under my tree. It's great.

margaret said...

Definitely sounds like my kind of book. I'd love to win it, but if not that's OK, I'll buy one!

Aliceart said...

Hoping, hoping this is coming my way! I'm a big fan of Victoria's work. I'd love to read her book. Thank you.

Patty said...

Thanks for the great giveaway. I would love to have this book!

Beth said...

Well now you have me curious. I can't wait to see what that star quilt turned into.

giddy99 said...

Oh, I really want to see that finished Starburst quilt! It looks awesome!

Amy said...

I am inspired by her creativeness. Thanks for the chance to win!

Karen@littlebirdiequilting said...

I love a book that gives a lot of background story and not just patterns. Thankyou for this opportunity to win a copy.

Gene Black said...

Victoria provides some great inspiration. I would love to have this book. Here is hoping I win it!

daveandlo said...

Cool quilt - can't wait to see it finished in the book. Lois

Sharon said...

OOOO! LOVE your starburst! Will definitely have to get the book to check out the finished quilt! Thanks for the chance to win.

patty a. said...

Victoria is such an inspiration!

LizA. said...

Can't wait to see what starburst looks like now.

Diane said...

It looks like a fascinating book. You are such a tease... "You'll have to get the book to see the final quilt." Seeing that Starburst quilt alone is worth the price of the book.

KateKwiltz said...

Oh my lord, that quilt is GORGEOUS! Diane's right -- it's worth getting the book just to see it finished!

Judy in Michigan said...

I would very much LOVE to win this book and I'm so glad to see a post from you!! You and V are the best!!

9patchnurse said...

Awesome, awesome book! Right after the holidays are done, I am going to hit the scraps and do lots of playing. I remember reading the blog posts about your and V's starburst quilt. I love how you two merged to make it. Lovely!

Farm Quilter said...

Love your Starburst!!! I want to make one like it from my scraps!!! Thanks for the opportunity to win the book!!!

Stina Blomgren said...

Scraps and time to play with scraps...sounds wonderful...best idea ever...:0) thanks for the chance to win!!!

Nancy Page said...

Thank you for a chance to win this great book that is making me so very curious. Sounds most interesting and challenging.

Have a super great sewing and stitching day!

Deb said...

Thanks for a chance at winning - this book looks so inspiring!

GG said...

What a neat giveaway! The Book looks very interesting & different. I'd like to win a copy. That would be a treat!

Katie said...

I've been reading about the book everywhere! It sounds like a must-have. :-)

Mary Ann said...

This book looks great

Sis-O said...

Star quilt is dazzling! This book is a Must Have..

María Elena said...

Wow, fabulous idea, great fun.

pinsandneedles said...

This book looks like just what I need to overcome my fear of improvisational quilting! thanks!

Sallie said...

This book looks FUN! Thanks for the chance to win!

Purl Buttons said...

What a great giveaway! I sure hope I win!

Dorothy Matheson said...

I sure would like to win a copy of the book.

virgdale said...

what fun!!!

Nita said...

Looks like a great book!

Julie said...

Looking forward to checking this book out! C & T books are always great.

Anonymous said...

I got sucked in by the descriptions (and pics) of your cats. Anyhow, thanks for the giveaway. Looking forward to seeing how your Starburst came out. Wow, that's a lot of seams! (US resident)

leanne said...

thanks for the chance to win this book - love your starburst - its just fabulous :)

Lisa E said...

Great giveaway. Thanks!

O'Quilts said...

Wow..this is some popular book!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful star...I can't wait to see the book and how it turned out. Although, in my person opinion, a cat improves most quilt photos! (I have six cats, can you tell?) pbstrand@msn.com

noga quilts said...

This really looks like a great book, and your review is wonderful!

Pattij said...

Sounds like a great book! I love her quilts. Evin5 at aol dot com

Stitches said...

I would love to win a copy of this book, it looks very interesting..

James P said...

Looks like fun - thanks for the chance to win.

jrt14 said...

Thank you for a chance to win this book. I like your starburst quilt.

Ronnie said...

I've been reading about this book - love V's book and your Starburst. Can't wait to try out some projects.

Kathy H said...

Looks like some great quilts to use scraps.

Judy said...

This looks like an awesome book. I adore scrap quilts!

Nancy Sue said...

Thank you for your review of the book. I think this book might help me be a less "uptight" quilter :)

Bri said...

Neat looking book!

Deb said...

She is very creative, and I can't wait to see the book. Hope I win.

Unknown said...

Tonya I would love this book. I really like making string blocks.
Nancy James

Carol Sews said...

I'd love to win the book and see what you have done with the quilt.

Kimme said...

I absolutely love the concept of 15 minutes of play. It's not unreasonable and you get things done. Thanks for the giveaway.

Mary said...

This book looks awesome! Your starburst is beautiful even if that isn't the finished quilt. Thanks for a chance to win.

Karyn said...

Love your star! Can't wait to see what it finished as!

Sue in Scottsdale, AZ said...

This looks like a book I must have. I love scraps. Please pick me!!!!

Beth said...

Would love to add this book to my collection!

Birds on my mind said...

This book sounds great. No offense to others but I hope I am lucky.

Susan said...

Looks like a fabulous book- very liberating! Thanks for the chance to win!

Erika said...

What a fabulous book. I can't wait to get my hands on a copy.

Cheryl in Friendsville said...

What a fantastic book.

Kathleen C said...

I'd love to win Victoria's book. You mentioned "lots of words" and that's just how I feel, and that's why I fell in love with Gwen's original Liberated Quiltmaking. No patterns and lots of words-those are the books for me.Thanks for a good review, Tonya.

mary e said...

great blog hop, great quilters and a great great book!