Saturday, April 18, 2009

Pokey and a New Book

One of these days this blog will return to a quilting blog with the occasional kitty news. That will be a relief because it will mean that Pokey's health will have returned to normal. Still not there yet.

After rambling around for an hour after she got home yesterday, Pokey settled on my lap and spent a lot of time there. And she slept with me for the whole night - that's a first. I was so afraid she'd be mad at me, but that hasn't been the case.

She's still a bit shaky and can't jump up high. But she's drinking water (only freshly poured cold water in a human glass, but at least she's drinking) and I finally figured out a way to get her to eat. She was having none of the special canned food, so she's now got special kidney problem dry food. And my other three cats Habibi, Howler and Lily do too, because when I tried to separate Pokey out at meal times it just made them all nervous and jumpy - no one was eating. I checked with the vet and he says it's okay, so whew, it's good to have her eating again.

Look at what arrived in the mail - the new Gwen Marston and Freddy Moran collaborative book. Woohoo. It's been a welcome distraction from worrying about Pokey but I haven't looked at it thoroughly enough to do it justice.  But I have noticed this one is more Liberated than the last one, which is another huge Woohoo! I'll let you know more about it after I've read it.

Ya'all take care and no worries if you don't hear from me for a few days. I am my Pokey's plus I'm teaching a class on Monday and Tuesday. Later.


Knitty said...

Best wishes for sweet Pokey.

Bebesboutique said...

So glad Pokey is home and demanding all the attention. Have fun with that new book! Can't wait for mine to arrive!

Cheryl Cato said...

So glad Pokey is home & getting better. I hope you & the kitties have a wonderful weekend.

Callie Brady said...

Very happy that Pokey is home with you and doing so well!

sewprimitive karen said...

Love you, Pokey, take it easy!

Anonymous said...

If you have problems getting Pokey to eat in the future, you might consider cooking for her. I cook for my dogs and they love it. I did it years ago and then started again when there were all those pet food scares.


Deborah said...

Hey Pokey,
So sorry I called you a boy in my last post! What was I thinking? Glad to see your photo. Keep eating the healthy (all be it yucky) food and give mommy some special cuddle time. Rusty and I will continue to check in on you every day.
Caitty and Rusty

Stephanie D said...

In a few days she'll be okey-dokey again, and milking this for all it's worth.

Freshly poured cold water in a human glass? Pokey, how did you figure that one? lol

Cher said...

happy to hear the good news about Pokey! I think spending as much time with her as you can is to be expected. hurray for getting the new book! good luck with your class teaching-I am sure it will also cheer you up.

Kristin L said...

Yay Pokey!! My perfectly healthy cat insists on running water in the sink. He doesn't always get what he wants though. ;-)

GloJoeSews said...

So glad Pokey is home. I know just how you feel. My cat, Pucci, had kidney failure but she lived happily for many years with it. The hardest part was getting used to the yucky kidney food and IV fluids. You're doing just the right thing--concentrate on Pokey and getting new routines down that are comfortable for everyone. Best of wishes to you, Pokey, and your family.

Rosalyn Manesse said...

Good luck Pokey. I'm reading the book. It's got so much in it, I'm enjoying it very much. A lot of color.

Kristin Shields said...

Pokey looks especially sweet in the photo on the quilt. I just got my copy of the book too, but haven't had time to look at it yet. We finally had Chloe's 16th birthday party today (2.5 months late) so we were busy all day. Tomorrow is my day to relax, read, knit and quilt. Should be nice!

dutchcomfort said...

Good luck Pokey!
Enjoy the book!

So now all cats are eating special kidney food! That’s why I love cats so much. They make up the rules!

Helen said...

Glad to hear that things are starting to normalize a bit. Good to have your baby close and at home, I'm sure.


pwl said...

Pokey has no reason to be mad at you! She knows you're looking after her. As for the food - it's not a bad thing if all the cats are eating the special food. If she isn't eating any soft food - sometimes heating it up a little in the microwave makes it smell a bit more and gets them to eat it. Or sometimes a little catnip before helps get the appetite going too (that is, if she likes catnip).

My kitties all send {purrs} and good wishes to Pokey.

YankeeQuilter said...

Goldie is the same way about her water...must be fresh and in her own cup on the edge of the bathtub so the dog doesn't contaminate it! What a princess. Glad to hear Pokey is doing better.

Sara said...

I am so sorry that Pokey is having problems, but I am glad that she is now home where she can get the love and attention! I hope she gets better quickly!

Beena said...

Sounds like things may be getting back to normal for you and Pokey! I'm so glad she's home! Enjoy your new book together. Thinking about you sitting there with pokey all curled up and cozy beside you has put a smile on my face!

Nancy said...

I must apologize...... in my last comment I was under the impression that Pokey wasn't doing well. I am so glad she is feeling better and is home.

Hugs to POkey and to you!!!

Marla said...

I am so glad Pokey is feeling better. It may be that the new diet and vitamins may pull her thru this and she will live a long and happy kitty life!

Victoria Findlay Wolfe said...

yeah pokey! Happy teaching, teach!

Vicky F said...

So glad to see Pokey "out and about".
that has to make Pokey's mommy rest easier, too!
Take care.
Vicky F

Anonymous said...

I'm thrilled Pokey's home. The recovery will be so much swifter being back with Mum,


sewtakeahike said...

I'm so glad Pokey is doing better! She is such a cute kitty. So this must be the new Gwen Marston book you were telling me about a while back. I'll have to take a look at it sometime!

Laura said...

Glad to hear Pokey is home!!!

jacquie said...

glad to hear pokey is doing a bit better and is home. hope the book and her return has cheered you as well. take good care.

Katie said...

So glad for the good news. Hoping for the best! :-)

Lori said...

So glad Pokey is home - what a scare she gave you! I hope the other kitties understand why Pokey needs a little extra TLC right now.

Anonymous said...

Best wishes for Pokey's recovery. I am late getting on top of this story and I'm sorry--hadn't been keeping up with the blogs the last week or so. I can only imagine how distressing this time has been for you. "Acute kidney failure"--very scary words indeed. Best to both of you.

Browndirtcottage said...

Hi...hope Pokey AND you are feeling better. I found a recent posting on the bamboo batting...I'll email you the link!!

Lynda said...

Glad to hear that Pokey is on the mend. What a relief! And you can enjoy your new book as well!

McIrish Annie said...

So glad Pokey is on the mend! I am just learning about your scary days, i've been out of the blogloop. Hope she is 100% very, very soon!

got to get me a copy of that new book, I really loved the last one!

Sharon said...

I'm so glad Pokey is eating and drinking and feeling better! Even if she does get her own "people glass"! (Dunkel prefers his water right out of the faucet) Lots of love is still the order of the day!

I hope your teaching gig is going well and that you're having a good time. You deserve a little fun after the last week or so. I'm sure wishing I could be there!

Fulvia said...

Best wishes to Pokey and to you. Hope to read some even better news soon.

Finn said...

Hi Ton, glad to hear that Pokey seems to be on the mend. She's a tough little lady, keep the faith. Sending lots of good thoughts and wishes. Hugs, Finn

Rose Marie said...

So very glad to hear that Pokey is well again

nancy said...

I am so happy to know Pokey is home and doing better every day. I will keep you all in my prayers.

KateKwiltz said...

Just reading about poor Pokey -- it's such a helpless feeling when they get that sick. So very glad she's doing better!

Archie's sending get well kitty wishes, too!

Qpatches said...

OH I all too well know how difficult tis to have an ill pet and the concerns one GLAD your kitty is doing better. Sending warm wishes for you both!